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Self-regulation involves more than metacognition: A social cognitive


Article  in  Educational Psychologist · June 2010

DOI: 10.1207/s15326985ep3004_8


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Barry J. Zimmerman
CUNY Graduate Center


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Self-regulation involves more than metacognition: A social cognitive perspective

Barry J. Zimmerman

Online Publication Date: 01 September 1995

To cite this Article Zimmerman, Barry J.(1995)'Self-regulation involves more than metacognition: A social cognitive
perspective',Educational Psychologist,30:4,217 — 221
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Self-Regulation Involves More 'Than Metacognition:

A Social Cognitive Perspective
Barry J . Zimrneman
Graduate School and University Center
City University of New York

The issues that Winne found troubling about student failures to self-regulate effectively were
considered from a social cognitive perspective. From this viewpoint, self-regulation involves
more than metacognitiveknowledge and skill, it involves an underlying sense of self-efficacy
and personal agency and the motivational and behavioral processes to put these self beliefs into
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effect. Views of self-regulatedlearningthat do not includethis core self-referential system have

difficulty explaining human failures to self-regulate, especially when such efforts are known
metacognitively to be helpful. To explain students' self-regulation failures as well as their
successes in naturalistic settings, educational psychologists need to expand their views of
self-regulation beyond metacognntive trait, ability, or stage formulations and begin treating it
as a complex interactive process involving social, motivational, and behavioral components.
Such a perspective reveals not only the complexity of self-regulationbut also the human side
of it-the role of our self-doubts,false beliefs, unfortunateself-monitoring,and strategy choice

Winne's provocative essay (1995) raised interesting ques- added] self-regulatedcognitive engagement" (p. 173). Winne
tions about what effective self-regulated learning (SRL) is also viewed motivation as a form of knowledge for reaching
and how it can be developed so that it is sustained and learning goals that are inherently valued. He portrayed stu-
transferred. He concluded that SRL blends deliberative and dents idealistically as highdy rational in their goal setting,
nondeliberative forms of cognitive engagement, that knowl- cognitive monitoring, and use of learning strategies. Unfor-
edge is a powerful and pervasive determinant of SRL method, tunately, it is one thing to possess metacognitive knowledge
and that there are inherent obstacles hampering students' and skill but another thing to be able to self-regulate its use
learning to self-regulate. These obstacles include a learner's in the face of fatigue, stressors, or competing attractions. The
(a) failing to apply sufficient effort to academic self-regula- aspect of SRL that plays a central role-namely, the capabil-
tion, (b) engaging in self-monitoring when it conflicts with ity to mobilize, direct, and sustain one's instructional ef-
acquisition, (c) expecting quick learning epistemically, (d) forts-has received relatively little attention in metacognitive
making inaccurate predictions of learning based on massed accounts of academic self-directedness. Although empirical
practice, and (e) failing to coordinate study tactics as one solutions to the specific issues that Winne raised may not be
practices behaviorally. It should be noted that obstacle a deals at hand yet, the psychological processes underlying these
with insufficient motivation to self-regulate, obstacles c and classes of functioning are being actively studied from other
d involve inaccurate expectations and self-beliefs about theoretical perspectives on self-regulation, and some interest-
learning, and obstacles b and e concern ineffective ing findings have been relporled (Schunk & Zimmerman,
metacognitive self-monitoring and adjustment of learning 1994). Many of these alternative models embed rational
methods. metac~ognitiveprocesses within a larger self-system that also
Winne's concern that these aspects of SRL may have been includes subjective, behavioral, and social-environmental
overlooked or are theoretically problematic may be traceable factors (McCombs, 1989; Schunk, 1991;Zimmerman, 1989).
to a metacognitive view of self-regulation. He characterized In contrast to metacogn~itivemodels, which emphasize
SRL "as a cognitively inherent aspect of learning" (p. 186) knowledge states and deductive reasoning, personal agency
"This fusion of information that is processed and information formulations assume that self-beliefs and judgments often are
processing events, performed serially over time, is [italics formed intuitively and applied behaviorally in specific con-
texts. Contextually related self-processes, such as perceived
Requests for reprints should be sent to Bany J. Zimmermam, Graduate competence and self-efficacy, have been shown to be well
School of City University of New York, PhD Program in Educational suited to explaining motivational issues such as effort, persis-
Psychology, 33 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036-8099. tence, and iask choice (Bandura, in press-b; Fajares &Miller,
1994; Schunk, 1989; Zimmerman, 1995), even when these Although these were not laboratory studies involving sepa-
beliefs are metacognitively inaccurate (Collins, 1982).From rate measures of acquisition and transfer, they did provide
a social cognitive perspective (Schunk, 1989; Zimmerman, descriptive field evidence that a measure of perceived effi-
1989), SRL involves more than metacognitive knowledge cacy to write was predictive of not only writing achievement
and skill, it involves a sense of personal agency to regulate but also of sustained motivation for significant periods of
other sources of personal influence, such as emotional pro- time. It is possible that subjects in Eisenberger et al.'s (1982)
cesses, as well as behavioral and social-environmental learned industriousness study acquired a greater sense of
sources of influence. The advantage of a more encompassing self-efficacy, which would be an interesting question to pur-
perspective is that many of the issues Winne raised can be sue in future research. The transfer of motivation does not
interpreted in light of a broader range of research, such as pose a special explanatory problem for theories that can
investigations of self-beliefs, behavioral as well as handle self-perceptions as central constructs because changes
metacognitiveforms of self-monitoring,and the role of social in perceived competence between learning and transfer tasks
context on human reasoning and functioning. can be compared and correlated with subsequent motivation
An initial problem that Winne mentioned concerns the on these tasks. The perceived correspondence between the
willingness of learners to exert the effort necessary to engage tasks can be determined for each subject and used to predict
self-regulatory processes. He recommends the need to con- the degree of transfer. Finally, there are conceptual advan-
sider learned industriousnessas a suitable construct to explain tages for using motivationalconstructs that have been studied
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self-regulatory transfer. In support of this construct, he dis- widely in prior SRL research, such as self-efficacy, because
cussed Eisenberger, Masterman, and McDermitt's (1982) their construct validity and linkage to performance outcomes
study indicating transfer from solving high difficulty and high is well established.
variety problems to writing higher quality and longer essays. A secondproblem that Winne discussed concerns potential
Unfortunately,the results of the study are difficult to interpret conflicts between metacognitive self-monitoring and cogni-
because no direct measures of learned industriousness were tive acquisition processes. In Kanfer and Ackerman's (1989)
reported, such as perceived effort on the tasks. Is writing a study of monitoring during landing an airplane in a simulator,
longer essay a pure measure of effort or does it involve other students who were given specific challenging goals (90th
factors? percentile or above) after five learning trials were assumed to
Winne's subsequent interpretation of the Rabinowitz, have cognitively monitored the task differently from those
Freeman, and Cohen (1993) study as also indicative of who were told to "do their best" (p. 13). The results indicated
learned industriousness is not convincing either, despite the that the subjects given specific challenging goals did perform
inclusion of a measure of perceived effort. In this investiga- better, and this was interpreted as indicating that monitoring
tion, no differences were found in self-reported effort when should be delayed until encoding of declarative knowledge
categorizing easy and difficult stimuli during an initial learn- shifts to procedural knowledge. Several points need to be
ing phase or during transfer with stimuli of intermediate made concerning this interpretation. First, the actual experi-
difficulty. This was surprising because there was direct evi- mental manipulation was goal setting rather than self-moni-
dence learners perceived the difficulty of the tasks accurately. toring, and metacognitive self-monitoring was not directly
Although there was a significant difference in recall of easy measured but instead was inferred. Second, metacognitive
versus difficult stimuli on the learning task, a similar differ- self-monitoring is difficult to separate experimentally from
ence was not present on the transfer task. These complex the cognitive processes of concentration and attention. Third,
results reveal that experimental manipulations of task diffi- metacognitiveself- monitoring differs substantially from be-
culty, even when accurately perceived by learners, do not havioral self-monitoring in form and timing. In behavioral
necessarily affect effort expenditure, and effort expenditure studies of self-monitoring, a learner often can use natural
did not predict recall. Thus, this study provides little indica- records of performance accomplishments,such as pages read
tion that learned industriousness is a motive to self-regulate or questions answered after reading, without requiring active
learning. Fortunately, there are other more interpretablebod- metacognitive monitoring during acquisition. In other cases,
ies of research bearing on the issue of self-perceptions and students can record their behavioral performances electroni-
motivation to self-regulate learning. cally (by audio- or videotape) and need not analyze them until
For example, there is evidence that perceptions of compe- afterward. Under these common behavioral self-monitoring
tence and self- efficacy are predictive of academic motivation circumstances,learners do not need to balance concentrating
and achievement in naturalistic contexts (Lent, Brown, & on learning with monitoring but rather can separate these two
Hackett, 1994; Meece, Wigfield, & Eccles, 1990; Zimmer- functions sequentially. Thus, the implications of the Kanfer
man, Bandura, & Martinez-Pons, 1992) as well as student use and Ackerman study regarding metacognitive and cognitive
of a wide variety of SRL practices (Schunk, 1989; Zimrner- conflict during SRL are not clear or inevitable.
man, 1995).Withregard to writing, Zirnmerman andBandura In addition, there is reason to question Kanfer and
(1994) showed that self-regulatoryefficacy predicted self-ef- Ackerman's conclusion that metacognitive monitoring dur-
ficacy to achieve, setting academic goals and self-evaluative ing the declarative knowledge stage (first five learning trials)
standards as well as final grades during a collegiate course. is necessarily detrimental. Schunk and Swartz (1991, 1993)

have shown that students' self-monitoring during the initial dents with an incremental expectation reported increased
practice trials can be helpful if it is directed toward strategic self-efficacy and higher achievement. This study revealed
processes instead of learning outcomes. Zimmerman and that general expectations about learning can significantly
Bonner (in press) have suggested that self-monitoring affect personal interpretations of feedback and progress.
changes as one develops self-regulatory competence. They More importantly, the role of students' ability beliefs were
hypothesized that optimal self-monitoring shifits from strate- related1 directly to learning via a widely studied process
gic processes during a preliminary phase in the development measure-perceptions of self-efficacy.
of self-regulatorycompetence (termed selrf-control)to perfor- A fourth issue Winne raised concerned the role of inaccu-
mance outcomes during a final self-regulatory phase. This rate predictions of learning based on massed practice. He
self-control phase of development seems close in its sequen- discussed a study of feelings of knowing (FOK) from a
tial emergence during learning (but not its form) to what program of research by Nellson and colleagues. Nelson and
Winne described as the acquisition of declarative knowledge. Dunlosky (1991) found that learners who developed their
Thus, there is some agreement that premature focusing on FOK; from massed learning and immediate testing experi-
behavioral outcomes can retard routinization of a strategy. ences were more inaccurat~etlaan learners who based their
However, there are now several studies indicating that self- FOK an distributed learning artd delayed testing. Both over-
monitoring of strategic processes can facilitate initial acqui- and uniderestimation of learning were reported. These find-
sition (Zimmerman & Kitsantas, in press). It is suggested that ings of inaccurate FOK are interesting not only because of
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self-monitoring can be helpful during all phas~esof learning their negative metacognitive: implications but also because of
but that its focus needs to shift depending on the students' their motivational implications. Salomon (1984) found that
phase of self-regulatory development on the task. children accurately estimatebd tlheir self-efficacy when learn-
A third problem that Winne raised concerns the role of a ing frolm print media but overestimated their efficacy when
learner's epistemic orientation toward academic self-regula- learning from television. Of course, recreational uses of tele-
tion. He discussed Schommer's (1990) study of various epi- visio~nseldom involve demandling tests of content mastery,
stemic orientations among college students enrolled in and thus the children's prior experience with the medium
psychology and physics classes. The results indicated that would be misleading. The youngsters' overestimations of the
students with a quick, epistemic orientation significantly efficacy of televised instructiort led them to exert less mental
overestimatedtheir future scores on a test and in fact did more effort and to achieve less than children who learned from
poorly than other students. Furthermore, a path analysis re- printed sources. Clearly, self-efficacy beliefs depend on the
vealed that students' quick learning orientation correlated validity of prior learning and testing experiences. However,
negatively with test preparation and performance. These re- overestimationof the probability of learning success can also
sults were interesting because they showed that students' motivate learners to persist in the face of obstacles. Bandura
epistemic expectations or beliefs about learning capability (in press-b) discussed numerous instances when excessive
directly affected academic motivation and achievement. self-efficacy has been shown to have considerable functional
Schommer's epistemological taxonomy of beliefs about value. Many famous writers had to endure years of rejection
the control of knowledge acquisition was drawn from Dweck before their works were accepted by publlishers (White,
and Leggett's (1988) distinction between fixed entity and 1982). Without a strong sense self-efficacy, they would have
incremental beliefs about intelligence and from Schoenfeld's becom~ediscouraged after a few rejection letters and given up,
(1983) identification of a subset of students who believed in thereby depriving society of their enlightening works. The
quick all-or-nothing problem solving. Quick learning and same dogged persistence 3s essential for many other profes-
fixed-entity notions both convey an expectation for rapid sionals, including athletes, artists, scientists, and entrepre-
learning outcomes (either acquisition or failure), whereas an neurs. Objective probabiliti~esregarding one's chances of
incremental notion implies gradually apparent outcomes. success often cannot be determined in naturallistic settings,
Schommer's findings revealed poorer motivation and and o\ierestimation of competence in these circumstances
achievement by students with a quick learning orientation, may be: essential to long-term success. Thus, optimistic self-
however, they did not focus on specific self-regulatory pro- beliefs can motivate efforts that, over the course of time, can
cesses stemming from this epistemic orientation. There is lead to success.
experimental research showing induced ability beliefs can A final issue that Winne raised concerns the difficulty
affect these processes. involved in a novice learner's development of a strategic plan
Wood and Bandura (1989) comp,aredthe effects {offixed for shifting tactics when stud:ying in naturalistic settings.
entity and incremental ability beliefs with students in a busi- Often lhis critical issue has been overlooked in research and
ness school. These graduate students were given either an discussions of study strategies. Winne, like several other
incremental-learning expectation or a fixed-entity expecta- theorists (e.g., Weinstein & Irlalyer, 1986), ma~dea distinction
tion when learning management skills on a complex simula- between learning strategies and tactics, with strategies refer-
tion task. Students with a fixed entity expectation responded ring to plans for shifting task.-specific tactics during learning
to their performance feedback with a diminishing sense of episodes. More often, theorists classify all systematic learn-
self-efficacy and lower ultimate achievement, whereas stu- ing methods as strategies regardless of their level of task

specificity. Whatever the prefemed label, study strategies or growing despondency (Bandura, in press-a). To understand
tactics typically are presented as universally applicable, with- these individual differences in response to personal feedback,
out much consideration for contextual limitations that govern it is essential to know how it affects their sense of self-effi-
each one's effectiveness. In fact, study strategies and tactics cacy because these self-beliefs, in turn, regulate a variety of
work well with only certain tasks under specific conditions, self-regulatory processes that influence performance, cogni-
and learners confronting unfamiliar tasks must figure out tion, motivation, choice, and affect (e.g., anxiety and despon-
which strategy or tactic is most useful with that particular dency).
task. To accomplish this, novice learners need more than Winne's thoughtful article raised important issues regard-
metacognitive skill in monitoring strategy outcomes and ing the role of motivation, self-beliefs, self-monitoring, and
making alternative choices, they need specific information strategic adaption during SRL. His questions and insights
about the contextual conditions (i.e., conditional knowledge) revealed not only the complexity of self-regulation but also
and a strong sense of self-regulatory efficacy to sustain mo- the human side of it-the role of our self-doubts, false beliefs,
tivation in the face of extended periods of ambiguous or unfortunate self-monitoring, and strategy choice dilemmas.
unfavorable feedback. Most importantly, his discussionrevealed that self-regulation
Winne adopted Carver and Scheier's (1990) closed-feed- is not a generalized human trait, ability, or cognitive stage of
back loop model of self-regulationto explain self-monitoring development, but rather a complex interactive process in-
findings of a study by Morgan (1985). This complex control volving not only metacognitivecomponents but also motiva-
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theory model, which utilizes a metacognitive hierarchy of tional and behavioral components.Like other forms of human
reference values, applies a learning strategy iteratively until functioning, SRL is affected profoundly by variations in
self-monitoring indicates a specific reference value is social-contextual variables, such as task features and setting
reached. Self-regulatory control is then shifted to a new conditions. Clearly there are many times and places when
reference value. Morgan found that self-monitoring of time Winne's mythical student Pat will not choose to self-reguIate
use during studying increased college students' study time studying despite its known advantages. To understand these
but did not improve their course examination results. In limitations in self-regulated functioning, educational psy-
contrast, self-monitoring the attainment of course objectives chologists must direct their attention beyond metacognitive
did improve students' final examination scores. Winne of- knowledge and skill to other issues, especially students'
fered a complex interpretation of Morgan's results using underlying sense of self-efficacy and personal agency.
Carver and Scheier's model, however, a much simpler ac-
count of self-monitoring is also possible (Zimmerman,
Greenberg, & Weinstein, 1994). Behaviorists (Sultzer & ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Mayer, 1972) have argued that in order for feedback to be
effective, it should focus directly on the specific outcome Research for this article was supported in part by grants from
response. Study time was not the ultimate outcome sought in the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the National
the Morgan study but mther was an interim process. When Institutes of Health (R01- HL51521-01).
the students in the Morgan study self-monitored behavioral I thank Albert Bandura, Paul R. Pintrich, and Dale H.
attainment of ultimate course objectives directly, they im- Schunk for their helpful suggestions and comments on an
proved their course grades significantly. earlier draft of this article.
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recently because of fundamental limitations in explaining
proactive as well as reactive control of learning (e.g., Locke, REFERENCES
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