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Lesson Plan in Plato’s Philosophy

I. Objectives:
At the end of class session, students are able to:

a. see the invaluable contribution of Plato’s Philosophy in his Allegory of the Cave.
b. reflect on the nature of man’s existence in the truth of being human.
c. understand the process of education in Platonic perspective.

II. Subject Matter:

“Plato’s Philosophy: The Allegory of the Cave”

Maboloc, Christopher Ryan B. The Pursuit of Being Human. (Davao City: SMKC
Printshoppe, 2012).

III. Lesson Proper:

 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance

A. Activity
The teacher introduces himself to the class. He starts to discuss about Plato’s Philosophy
in his Allegory of the Cave and the course objectives. (The teacher will provide copy of
the philosophical reading entitled The Allegory of the Cave.)

B. Analysis
a. Upon hearing the discussion, the teacher instructs his students to group into 2:
group one will be called The World of Matter and group two will be called The World
of Form. Then, he will provide terms and phrases that describes or define the two
worlds. The students will pick up the terms which describe or define their group.
(Group Presentation)
b. The group will work together to come up and write their reflections and realization
on the following questions below. (Group Presentation)

Write an essay in five sentences of the following questions:

1. What is knowledge for Plato?
2. What does the cave symbolize?
3. What does the freedom of the prisoner represent?
4. What is the meaning of the light of being?

C. Abstraction
The teacher deepens the discussion and clears some misconceptions.

D. Application
Write a reflection paper on how The Allegory of the Cave influences your being and your
pursuit to the truth.

E. Assignment
Write a reflection paper about Plato’s Philosophy in relation to the process of education
of human’s existence. Write it on your journal notebook.



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