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Short Story 321 In what did the Boss take pride? What did he like?

7 Ans: The Boss took pride in his office

room which was well furnished with all the latest amenities of life. The Boss liked his office room to be
admired particularly by old Woodofield because it gave him a sense of success, a sort of superiority over
the latter. He liked his friend to feel humiliated from the standpoint of material gain. 8. Give a description
of the office of the Boss. Ans: The office of the Boss was furnished with expensive items to make it look
cosy. There was a cosy green-lether arm-chair in the chember of the Boss. The floor was covered with a
bright red new carpet with a pattern of large white rings. There was also new furniture - the massive
bookcase, the table with legs like twisted treacle. The Boss also showed to Woodifield to the electric
heating that he bought lately How did Mr. Woodifield feel in the office chamber of the 9. Boss? What
remark did he make? Ans: Old Woodofield felt quite comfortable sitting in the office chamber of the
Boss. Sitting comfortably in the cosy green- lether arm-chair the Boss commented that it was snug in
there. 10. How did Mr. Woodifield know about the graves in Belgium? Ans: The daughters of old
Woodifield went to Belgium to pay a visit to the graves of their brother who died in the field during the
World War I. Woodifield knew about the graves from his daughters. 11. "The girls' were delighted with
the way the place is kept." Who were the girls? How was the place kept? Ans: The girls were the
daughters of old Wooodifield who visited Belgium to have a look of the grave of their brother.

English Encyclopedia (Hons. / PG) 322 The place where the graves were situated was well kept. It was
maintained just like a garden of flowers. Flowers had been grown on all the graves. The paths of the
place were broad and nice. All the graves were situated in the same line 12. What is the meaning of Q.T.?
Ans: The expression 'Q.T.' signifies 'in strict confidence'. It indicates that a matter is disclosed to one in
utmost confidence, and must not be revealed to any one else. The man from whom the Boss procured
the bottle of whisky told him that it came from the cellars at Windsor Castle. It was a top secret. 13.
What did Woodifield's daughters do at the Belgium restaurant? Ans: Woodifield's daughters went to the
Belgium restourant to have some food. But the hotel keeper charged them as much as ten francs for a
pot of jam. They even consumed only one spoonful that the hotel keeper forced them to pay the full
price. To teach them a lesson Gertude, one of the daughters of Woodifield, brought the whole pot with
him. 14. "Ten franks! Robbery." What robbery is referred to here? Ans: One hotel keeper in Belgium
charged a very high price of ten francs for only a pot of jam from Woodifield's daughter when they went
to visit the graves in Belgium. This charging of high price is referred to as robbery because the price was
excessive for a pot of jam 15. Who was Macy? What was the message of the telegram? Who sent it?
What was the effect of the message of the telegram? Ans: Macy was the grey-haired office manager of
the Boss in Katherine Mansfield's short story The Fly.

323 Short Story The message was that the son of the Boss was killed in the front. The war department
sent it to the Boss. he telegram had brought the whole place crushing about his head. He felt that his life
was in ruins and left the office with a broken heart. 16. What did the Boss see with his mind's eye when
Mr. Woodifield left him? Ans: Woodifield's unintentional report about his son's grave dealt a
trememdous blow to the Boss. It was a great shock to him. It brought afresh into his mind a matter
which he had forgotten. It made him visualize that the earth, as it were, had opened exactly as on that
spot wherein lay the grave of his boy. He could see the corpse of his son there. He could also see that
Woodifield's daughters were staring down at his boy. 17.) "There was something I wanted to tell you,
said old Woodifield." - What did old Woodifield want to tell? Ans: Old Woodifield wanted to tell the Boss
about his daughters' visit to Belgium in course of which they have accidentally seen the grave of th Boss's
son lying close by that of of their brother's. He also informed that the burial place is well-kept with
flowers growing on all the graves 18. What was the speciality of the wine that the boss offered
Woodifield? Ans: The speciality of the wine that the Boss offered Woodifield was that it was brought
from the cellars of the Windsor Castle. Windsor Castle was one of the principal residence of the Ewnglish
Royal family 19. What did Macy hand over to the Boss? What was its effect on him? Ans: Macy, the old
office messenger, handed over to the Boss a

English Encyclopedia (Hons. / PG) 324 telegram bearing the news of his son's death. The message of the
telegram dealt a stunning blow to the father. The whole place seemed to crash about his head. All his
hopes were dashed and he was turned into a miserable man. That day he left the ofice a broken man,
with his life in ruins. 20. In how many ways did the Boss call the fly? Ans: The Boss called the fly in three
ways - i) the little beggar, ii) the plucky little devil, and ii) the little artful bastard. 21. "But he did not draw
old Woodifield's attention to..."- Who is 'he'? To what did he not draw Mr. Woodifield's attention and
why? Ans: He' is the Boss. He did not draw the attention to the photograph of his son who was died in
the field with the son of old Woodifield. The Boss was too shocked to remember the sad story of his son.
He drew attention of Woodifield to his office room with the new furniture. But he did not draw attention
of him to the photograph hung on the wall. 22.) "But just then the Boss had an idea." What was the
idea? Ans: A peculier idea cme into the Boss's mind when the fly after the strenuous labour cleaned
itself and was ready for life again. The idea was that the Boss should test the enduring capacity of the fly.
He dipped his pen into the inkpot and let drop fall on the fly's new-cleaned body and saw how the fly a
struggled to escape. 23. Why could the Boss not weep? Ans: The sorrow of the Boss for the death of his
son was too deep that it made him quite speechless. He tried to weep but he could not. He knew that if
he could cry, he would get some

Short Story 325 relief from his grief. But perhaps the ageing process was responsible for his inability to
shed tears. 24. How many times did the fly try to survive? Ans: The fly tried to survive for three times
against the whimsicality of the Boss. 25. What does the fly symbolize? Ans: The fly symbolizes the Boss's
own son. The fly in the ink-pot is metaphorised as the Boss's son in the battlefield in a grim struggle for
existence. As the fly came to be engaged in this sudden struggle, the Boss's son also went and enlisted in
the army and was mutilated. 26.) "The fly was dead."- When was the fly dead? Ans: The fly was dead
when the Boss dropped ink on it for the third time. When the Boss caused the first drop of ink on its
new-cleaned body only to test its power of endurance, the fly struggled hard to escape and get rid of the
sudden danger. Even it escaped for the second time. But when the Boss gave the third drop, it failed to
endure the struggle as it was beyond its capacity. It died. 27. What did the Boss do with the dead fly?
How did he feel when the fly died? Ans: After the death of the fly the Boss lifted it with the paper- knife
and threw it into the waste paper box. When the fly died, a sense of sadnedd and a wretched
helplessness crept in his mind. He sunk into deep thought of sadness. 28. How did the Boss look? Ans:
The Boss seemed to be happy and free from worry as his rolling in the office chair indicated. He was
stout and rosy. Though five years older than Woodifield, he was still active

English Encyclopedia (Hons. /PG) 326 and still able to manage his business. 29. What was the Boss proud
of? Ans: The Boss was proud of his office chamber which was very well furnished and gave all the
comforts of modern life and and satisfaction to a wealthy man. It was his habit to show his office
chamber, especially the wealths to others to be admired by them. 30. Gertrude brought the pot away
with her to teach'em a lesson." Who was Gertrude? Whom did she teach a lesion and how? Ans:
Gertrude was one of the daughters of old Woodifield who had gone to pay a visit to the graves in
Belgium. Gertrude took hardly a spoonful of jam but the hotel keeper in Belgium charged her ten francs
for the entire pot. So, in order to teach them a lesson, Gertrude took away the entire pot of jam 31. "The
horrible danger was over." What was the horrible danger? How was it over? Ans: The horrible danger
occurred to the life of the fly when it had fallen into the Boss's broad inkpot. The Boss took up a pen,
picked the fly out of the ink pot and shook it on to a piece of blotting parer. The fly cleaned it up and was
ready to fly. It thought that the danger was over. 32. Are there autobiogrqaphical touches in The Fly?
Ans: Yes, there are autobiographical touches in the story The Fly The memory of Katherine Mansfield's
dead brother comes out through the memory of the Boss's brooding over his son's death. The Boss may
be portrayed as his father who dwells on the memory of his son's death. But nowhere in the story the
autobiographical elements are thrown directly.

Short Story 327 33.)"A painful moment of suspense followed." - What was the painful moment of
suspense? Ans: The Boss caused a drop of ink on the fly's new-cleaned body for the second time and
waited for the result of the struggle of the fly.This moment was the moment of suspense. Ihe suspense
arose out of the question whether the fly would do or not. It was painful because the Boss was not sure
of the outcome of his dropping of ink on the fly 34. How did the Boss feel at the end of story The Fly Ans:
After the death of the fly the Boss felt wretched. He felt most miserable for the killing of the harmless fly.
He was positively frightened because he was haunted by the guilty conscience. Possibly the death of the
fly made him think of his son who too had breathed his last when some such cruel test was placed
before him. "For the life of him he could not remember" 35. Who could not remember? What could not
he remember? Ans: The Boss, a major character in Katherine Mansfield's short story The Fly, could not
remember it. The Boss failed to remember that he had arranged to weep for the sake of his dead son
and to get some relief by shedding tears. (ataf faa)


Short Story 321 In what did the Boss take pride? What did he like? 7 Ans: The Boss took pride in his office
room which was well furnished with all the latest amenities of life. The Boss liked his office room to be
admired particularly by old Woodofield because it gave him a sense of success, a sort of superiority over
the latter. He liked his friend to feel humiliated from the standpoint of material gain. 8. Give a description
of the office of the Boss. Ans: The office of the Boss was furnished with expensive items to make it look
cosy. There was a cosy green-lether arm-chair in the chember of the Boss. The floor was covered with a
bright red new carpet with a pattern of large white rings. There was also new furniture - the massive
bookcase, the table with legs like twisted treacle. The Boss also showed to Woodifield to the electric
heating that he bought lately How did Mr. Woodifield feel in the office chamber of the 9. Boss? What
remark did he make? Ans: Old Woodofield felt quite comfortable sitting in the office chamber of the
Boss. Sitting comfortably in the cosy green- lether arm-chair the Boss commented that it was snug in
there. 10. How did Mr. Woodifield know about the graves in Belgium? Ans: The daughters of old
Woodifield went to Belgium to pay a visit to the graves of their brother who died in the field during the
World War I. Woodifield knew about the graves from his daughters. 11. "The girls' were delighted with
the way the place is kept." Who were the girls? How was the place kept? Ans: The girls were the
daughters of old Wooodifield who visited Belgium to have a look of the grave of their brother.

English Encyclopedia (Hons. / PG) 322 The place where the graves were situated was well kept. It was
maintained just like a garden of flowers. Flowers had been grown on all the graves. The paths of the
place were broad and nice. All the graves were situated in the same line 12. What is the meaning of Q.T.?
Ans: The expression 'Q.T.' signifies 'in strict confidence'. It indicates that a matter is disclosed to one in
utmost confidence, and must not be revealed to any one else. The man from whom the Boss procured
the bottle of whisky told him that it came from the cellars at Windsor Castle. It was a top secret. 13.
What did Woodifield's daughters do at the Belgium restaurant? Ans: Woodifield's daughters went to the
Belgium restourant to have some food. But the hotel keeper charged them as much as ten francs for a
pot of jam. They even consumed only one spoonful that the hotel keeper forced them to pay the full
price. To teach them a lesson Gertude, one of the daughters of Woodifield, brought the whole pot with
him. 14. "Ten franks! Robbery." What robbery is referred to here? Ans: One hotel keeper in Belgium
charged a very high price of ten francs for only a pot of jam from Woodifield's daughter when they went
to visit the graves in Belgium. This charging of high price is referred to as robbery because the price was
excessive for a pot of jam 15. Who was Macy? What was the message of the telegram? Who sent it?
What was the effect of the message of the telegram? Ans: Macy was the grey-haired office manager of
the Boss in Katherine Mansfield's short story The Fly.

323 Short Story The message was that the son of the Boss was killed in the front. The war department
sent it to the Boss. he telegram had brought the whole place crushing about his head. He felt that his life
was in ruins and left the office with a broken heart. 16. What did the Boss see with his mind's eye when
Mr. Woodifield left him? Ans: Woodifield's unintentional report about his son's grave dealt a
trememdous blow to the Boss. It was a great shock to him. It brought afresh into his mind a matter
which he had forgotten. It made him visualize that the earth, as it were, had opened exactly as on that
spot wherein lay the grave of his boy. He could see the corpse of his son there. He could also see that
Woodifield's daughters were staring down at his boy. 17.) "There was something I wanted to tell you,
said old Woodifield." - What did old Woodifield want to tell? Ans: Old Woodifield wanted to tell the Boss
about his daughters' visit to Belgium in course of which they have accidentally seen the grave of th Boss's
son lying close by that of of their brother's. He also informed that the burial place is well-kept with
flowers growing on all the graves 18. What was the speciality of the wine that the boss offered
Woodifield? Ans: The speciality of the wine that the Boss offered Woodifield was that it was brought
from the cellars of the Windsor Castle. Windsor Castle was one of the principal residence of the Ewnglish
Royal family 19. What did Macy hand over to the Boss? What was its effect on him? Ans: Macy, the old
office messenger, handed over to the Boss a

English Encyclopedia (Hons. / PG) 324 telegram bearing the news of his son's death. The message of the
telegram dealt a stunning blow to the father. The whole place seemed to crash about his head. All his
hopes were dashed and he was turned into a miserable man. That day he left the ofice a broken man,
with his life in ruins. 20. In how many ways did the Boss call the fly? Ans: The Boss called the fly in three
ways - i) the little beggar, ii) the plucky little devil, and ii) the little artful bastard. 21. "But he did not draw
old Woodifield's attention to..."- Who is 'he'? To what did he not draw Mr. Woodifield's attention and
why? Ans: He' is the Boss. He did not draw the attention to the photograph of his son who was died in
the field with the son of old Woodifield. The Boss was too shocked to remember the sad story of his son.
He drew attention of Woodifield to his office room with the new furniture. But he did not draw attention
of him to the photograph hung on the wall. 22.) "But just then the Boss had an idea." What was the
idea? Ans: A peculier idea cme into the Boss's mind when the fly after the strenuous labour cleaned
itself and was ready for life again. The idea was that the Boss should test the enduring capacity of the fly.
He dipped his pen into the inkpot and let drop fall on the fly's new-cleaned body and saw how the fly a
struggled to escape. 23. Why could the Boss not weep? Ans: The sorrow of the Boss for the death of his
son was too deep that it made him quite speechless. He tried to weep but he could not. He knew that if
he could cry, he would get some
Short Story 325 relief from his grief. But perhaps the ageing process was responsible for his inability to
shed tears. 24. How many times did the fly try to survive? Ans: The fly tried to survive for three times
against the whimsicality of the Boss. 25. What does the fly symbolize? Ans: The fly symbolizes the Boss's
own son. The fly in the ink-pot is metaphorised as the Boss's son in the battlefield in a grim struggle for
existence. As the fly came to be engaged in this sudden struggle, the Boss's son also went and enlisted in
the army and was mutilated. 26.) "The fly was dead."- When was the fly dead? Ans: The fly was dead
when the Boss dropped ink on it for the third time. When the Boss caused the first drop of ink on its
new-cleaned body only to test its power of endurance, the fly struggled hard to escape and get rid of the
sudden danger. Even it escaped for the second time. But when the Boss gave the third drop, it failed to
endure the struggle as it was beyond its capacity. It died. 27. What did the Boss do with the dead fly?
How did he feel when the fly died? Ans: After the death of the fly the Boss lifted it with the paper- knife
and threw it into the waste paper box. When the fly died, a sense of sadnedd and a wretched
helplessness crept in his mind. He sunk into deep thought of sadness. 28. How did the Boss look? Ans:
The Boss seemed to be happy and free from worry as his rolling in the office chair indicated. He was
stout and rosy. Though five years older than Woodifield, he was still active

English Encyclopedia (Hons. /PG) 326 and still able to manage his business. 29. What was the Boss proud
of? Ans: The Boss was proud of his office chamber which was very well furnished and gave all the
comforts of modern life and and satisfaction to a wealthy man. It was his habit to show his office
chamber, especially the wealths to others to be admired by them. 30. Gertrude brought the pot away
with her to teach'em a lesson." Who was Gertrude? Whom did she teach a lesion and how? Ans:
Gertrude was one of the daughters of old Woodifield who had gone to pay a visit to the graves in
Belgium. Gertrude took hardly a spoonful of jam but the hotel keeper in Belgium charged her ten francs
for the entire pot. So, in order to teach them a lesson, Gertrude took away the entire pot of jam 31. "The
horrible danger was over." What was the horrible danger? How was it over? Ans: The horrible danger
occurred to the life of the fly when it had fallen into the Boss's broad inkpot. The Boss took up a pen,
picked the fly out of the ink pot and shook it on to a piece of blotting parer. The fly cleaned it up and was
ready to fly. It thought that the danger was over. 32. Are there autobiogrqaphical touches in The Fly?
Ans: Yes, there are autobiographical touches in the story The Fly The memory of Katherine Mansfield's
dead brother comes out through the memory of the Boss's brooding over his son's death. The Boss may
be portrayed as his father who dwells on the memory of his son's death. But nowhere in the story the
autobiographical elements are thrown directly.
Short Story 327 33.)"A painful moment of suspense followed." - What was the painful moment of
suspense? Ans: The Boss caused a drop of ink on the fly's new-cleaned body for the second time and
waited for the result of the struggle of the fly.This moment was the moment of suspense. Ihe suspense
arose out of the question whether the fly would do or not. It was painful because the Boss was not sure
of the outcome of his dropping of ink on the fly 34. How did the Boss feel at the end of story The Fly Ans:
After the death of the fly the Boss felt wretched. He felt most miserable for the killing of the harmless fly.
He was positively frightened because he was haunted by the guilty conscience. Possibly the death of the
fly made him think of his son who too had breathed his last when some such cruel test was placed
before him. "For the life of him he could not remember" 35. Who could not remember? What could not
he remember? Ans: The Boss, a major character in Katherine Mansfield's short story The Fly, could not
remember it. The Boss failed to remember that he had arranged to weep for the sake of his dead son
and to get some relief by shedding tears. (ataf faa)

XXx xXx xXx xXx ccc ccc cvcc cvcc

y 'The Fly' by Katherine Mansfield suggests how tle hide his grief of loosing his son untimely by ing
himself in the office works. It anticipates that self-satison of the boss would be punctured by the
following fly feeling of wretchedness and Co episode and would induce in him a despondency. Q. 8. Give
your first impression of Mr. Woodfield. Ans. Mr. Woodfield is the old friend and associate of the boss. He
is physically weak, rather infirm and confined to a restricted life. Only Tuesday, he is allowed to go out to
visit his friends. He has on no personal capacity for he stares greedily at the boss and admires his 'new
carpet', 'new furniture', the 'electric heating' and so on. Q. 9. Why did the Woodfield girls go to Belgium?
Ans. The Woodfield girls went to Belgium to see the grave of Peggie, their brother. Q. 10. "The girls' were
delighted with the way the place is kept."-Wlio were 'the girls' ? How was 'the place' kept? Ans. The girls'
referred to here are the daughters of Mr. Woodfield who had gone to Belgium to see the grave of their
brother According to Mr. Woodfield the girls were delighted with the way the grave-yard was kept. The
place which stretched for miles was as garden and the flowers were growing on all the graves. The neat
as a paths that lay across them were also nice and broad. Q. 11. What new objects did the boss show to
Woodfield? Ans. The boss was very proud of his room. He pointed Mr. Woodfield attention to his bright
red carpet with a pattern of large

ENGLISH QUESTION BANK AND ANSWER MODEL 288 white rings, the massive book case, the table with
legs like twisted treacle and electric heating. Q. 12. "There was something I wanted to tell you, said old
Woodfield....."-What did old Woodfield want to tell Ans. Old Woodfield wanted to tell the boss about his
daughters visit to Belgium to see the grave of his son. They came across the grave of the boss's son too.
Mr. Woodfield also mentioned how the graves had been kept well and talked idoticly how his daughters
had been cheated by the hotel-keepers Q. 13. What was the speciality of the wine that the boss offered
Woodfield? Ans. The wine that boss had offered Mr. Woodfield came from the cellars at Windson castle,
one of the principal residences of the English Royal Family Q. 14. "...when Macey had handed him the
telegram (The Fly')-Who is Macey and to whom did he hand the telegram ? What did the telegram
contain? Ans. Macey was the grey-haired office messenger of the boss. He had handed the telegram to
the boss. The telegram contained the death-news of his only son. Q. 15. "Only a quiver in his eyelids
showed that he heard". Who is 'he' ? From whom had he heard and what? Ans. 'He' here refers to the
boss. He had heard from Mr. Woodfield that his daughters had come across the grave or e boss's son
during their visit to Belgium to see their brother's grave Q. 16. What did Macey hand over to the boss?
What was its effect on him? Ans. Macey had handed over the boss a telegram which contained the
death-news of his son. The telegram had brought the whole place crushing about his head He felt that
his life was in ruins and left the office with a broke heart. Q. 17. "He couldn't have looked more had
produced a rabbit."-Who is 'he'? Why is 'he' surprised if the boss surprised? Ans. 'He' here refers to Mr.

ENGLISH QUESTION BANK AND ANSWER MODEL 289 The boss unlocked a cupboard below his desk and
drew forth a dark squat bottle. He told Mr. Woodfield that the man from whom he had got it, told him
that the bottle of wine came from the cellars at Windson castle. The sight of the bottle made Mr.
Woodfield surprised. Q. 18. " he wife and the girls kept him boxed up in the house everyday of the week
except Tuesday."-Who was boxed up in the house? What happened to him usually on Tuesdays? Ans. Mr.
Woodfield was boxed up in his house everyday of the week except Tu On Tuesday, Mr. Woodifield was
allowed to go to the business area of London to visit his friends and associates. He spent the day talking
and carousing which according to his wife and daughters was nothing but making nuisance of himself. ay
Q. 19. "But he did not draw old Woodfield's attention to . -Who is 'he'? What did he not draw Mr.
Woodified's attention and why? Ans. The boss drew the attention of Mr. Woodfield to the new carpet,
new furniture, new electric heating but did not draw his attention to the photograph over his table of a
grave iooking boy in uniform. It was the photograph of his son who died in the 1914-18 war and he did
not want to stir up old memories about his son. .20. "And the man from whom I got it told me on the
strict Q.T. . What is meant by 'on the strict Q. T.' ? Ans. 'On the strict Q.T.' means 'in the strictest
confidence and not to be repeated to anyone. 21. "He wanted, he intended, he had arranged to weep
Who is 'he' ? Did he weep? Ans. 'He' here refers to the boss. Woodfield's account of the grave of his son
and the boss's son eminded the boss of the death of his son. The sorrow of the boss for the death of his
only son was too deep n it made him almost speechless. A forcefull weeping could have given him relief
but the boss could not weep.

ENGLISH QUESTION BANK AND ANSWEK MODEL 290 Q. 22. "Over and under, over and under, went a leg
along a wing as the stone goes over and under the scythe , -State the context of this statement. Ans. This
sentence of Katherine Mansfield's story The Fly signifies the struggle of a little fly for its survival, when it
had fallen into the big ink-pot of the boss. After it was brought out by the boss the fly began to move and
remove ink from its body. The struggle of the fly is explained by means of an imagery of clumbing a high
mountain by cutting stones with a scythe. Q. 23. "But just then the boss had an idea"-What was the
idea? Ars. The boss had been reminded of the death of his only son by Mr. Woodfield and he was
overwhelmed with a profound sorrow. Suddenly he noticed that a fly had fallen into his big inkpot.
However, it succeeded to cleanse its body of ink and was about to fly again. Just then, the boss got an
idea of testing the power of endurance of the fly by splashing a drop of ink on it. Q. 24. What type of
short story is Katherine Mansfield's "The Fly"? Ans. The Fly' is no conventional story. It is an intricate
psychological story and has something of the stream of consciousness technique. Q. 25. What type of
man is the boss ? Ans. The boss is a successful prosperous businessman who lives in comfort and is
proud of his costly furnishment. He i of dignity and personality. He is also perfectly hospitable and polite.
The great affection for his son and his grave affliction at his untimely death are revealed in the story. O.
26. Who is Mr. Woodfield? What is his function in the story gentleman The Fly' ? Ans. Mr. Woodfield is
the friend and associate of the boss, the central character of the story The Fly' by Katherine Mansfield.
Mr. Woodfield is an average one of the material world and serves as a foil to the boss. He stands by the
side of the boss to sharpen the latter's nature and reveal his psychology. It is he who rouses the dormant
sorrow of the boss that disturbs his composure.

291 ENGLISH QUESTION BANK AND ANSWER MODEL a 27. Katherine Mansfield compares the human
nature to the free in the story The Fly'.-How does she make the comparsion? State the context of this
comparsion. Ans. According to Katherine Mansfield, the human nature clings the pleasures that were
enjoyed last just like a tree which clings to is last leaves Mr. Woodfield, who had to retire pre-maturedly
from his service Ae to his ailments, was allowed to visit his friends and associates only Tuesday to keep
himself in touch with the lost pleasures of his life. 0.28. How did the boss look ? Ans. The boss is strong
and healthy though he is five years older han Mr. Woodfield. He is stout, rosy and it gives one pleasure to
see ham Q.29. Of what was the boss proud? Ans. The boss, a prosporous businessman was proud of his
office om. He liked tb have it admired, especially by Mr. Woodfield, who was once his close associate. l
30. ".he peered out of the great"-Who did peer out and in what manner? Ans. Mr. Woodfield, a
character in Katherine Mansfield's short Slory The Fly' peered out of the arm-chair like a baby peering
out of s pram to look around him in wonder 31. "Ten francs Robbery"-Name the speaker. What according
to the speaker was the robbery ? Ans. Mr. Woodfield is the speaker. While talking about his ughters' visit
to Belgium to see the grave of his son, Mr. Woodfield oddenly and strangely referred to the incident how
his daughters had een cheated by the hotel-keeper there. Mr. Woodfield's daughter had pay ten francs
for a pot of-jam, no bigger than half a crown. Q.32. Gertrude brought the pot away with her to teach'em
a lesson."-Who was Gertrude ? Whom did she teach a lesson and how? Ans. Gertrude was the daughter
of Mr. Woodfield According to Mr. Woodfield, Gertrude was charged ten francs for a little pot of jam, no
bigger than a half crown. She taught the hotel- Keeper a lesson by taking away the.pot with her.

292 ENGLISH QUESTION BANK AND ANSWER MODEL Q. 33. "The horrible danger was over."-What was
the horrible danger? How was it over? Ans. The horrible danger referred to here was the danger caused
to the little fly that had fallen into the big inkpot of the boss. The boss look up a pen, picked the fly out of
the ink and shook it on to a piece of blotting paper. The fly managed to cleanse its feet, face and wings
and the horrible danger for it was over. Q. 34. ".the little beggar seemed absolutely cowed, stunned and
afraid to move."-Who was the 'little beggar'? Why was the 'little beggar' afraid to move? Ans. The 'little
beggar' referred to here was the fly that had fallen into the ink-pot of the boss. After taking the fly out of
the ink-pot, the boss splashed a blot of ink on it to test its stamina. The fly seemed to beg for its life and
afraid to move because of what would happen next. more slowely this time, the task began from the Q.
35. beginning."-What was the task? Ans. The boss picked up the fly that had fallen into his big inkpot and
placed it on his blotting paper. The fly cleansed its body of ink and was about to fly again. To test the
power of endurance of the little fly, the boss put a drop of ink on it. The fly was overwhelmed by the
suddenness of the situation and had to renew the task of cleansing itself of ink Q. 36. How did the boss
feel at the end of the story The Fly'? Ans. The boss after causing the death of the little fly, felt thoroughly
exasperated. A grinding feeling of wretchedness seized him and he felt positively frightened. He could
not remember what he has been thinking so long. The story ends with a tragic note revealing the utterly
helpless mental state of the boss.

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