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Controversy over breastfeeding

doll: is this a step too far?
By Jane Bainbridge

Mixed attitudes towards breastfeeding mean mothers quickly learn which public places are best avoided,
but the launch of a breastfeeding doll has challenged even the most determined breastfeeding supporter.

or something so natural breastfeeding best’ does get promoted, is it already too late? Midwives advisor who has reservations about
causes a lot of controversy. How is it Are women predisposed one way or another? the doll (Soodin, 2009).
that the way in which we were intend- It is a tough job for any midwife to convince But before we all rush to condemn this
ed to feed our babies can send some people a young mother that breastfeeding is the best newborn pretender let’s remind ourselves of
into such apoplexy? The newspapers like course of action, when neither her mother, just what an uphill struggle it is to get British
nothing better than a story about some poor nor any of her friends, have ever tried it and mothers to breastfeed. The Office of National
mother being moved on for having dared to she is convinced it will lead to saggy breasts. Statistics undertakes a survey on infant feed-
breastfeed her baby in public (Troup, 2005; If this is the case then surely the answer is for ing every five years so the most recent figures
Anon, 2008). breastfeeding to become more normalized in available are from the 2005 report (UNICEF,
While hopefully most women get through our society across all classes, backgrounds 2009). While there was some cheering sta-
the breastfeeding years without having too and gender. tistics—the proportion of breastfed babies at
many public altercations, as a mother with a It seems that one of the huge sticking birth rose by seven per cent in the UK—there
hungry baby to feed you do quickly learn to points in the UK is that for many people it is is still much work to be done. At one week of
scout areas for their suitability. This is prob- impossible to separate the breast from some- age only 35% of UK babies are being breast-
ably why certain cafes and restaurants become thing sexual. So exposing a nipple or glimpse fed exclusively. This drops to just 21% at 6
such havens for groups of new mothers—there of skin is deemed tantalizing even if it is for weeks and by 4 months it is a pitiful 7%.
is a herd mentality and safety in numbers. the sole purpose of nourishing a baby. Bebé Glotón is on first sight a rather
It’s a merry dance mothers have to do: This connection reared its ugly head in the odd concept and maybe it is all a bit literal.
finding the perfect combination of a good furore that greeted the news of Spanish toy Perhaps a better way for children to play with
cappuccino, sufficient space between tables for manufacturer, Berjuan’s, breastfeeding doll dolls and mimic caring, parental duties is to
buggies, baby-changing facilities and freedom called Bebé Glotón. just have an ordinary baby doll that leaves all
from menacing looks from staff and fellow The doll comes with an apron-type top the minutiae to the imagination. But some-
diners alike when you pop your breast out. which the child can wear. The top has two thing needs to happen in the UK to make
For most breastfeeding mothers, bar flower shapes representing a woman’s nipples; breastfeeding the default way of feeding our
the most brave, there are public places that the baby doll stops crying when it is cradled babies, not some ‘hippy’ concept performed
are suitable and there are those that aren’t. with its mouth by the flower, and it makes a by a minority of militant mothers who have to
Everyone has their own criteria. I felt fine noise as if being suckled. Taking the ‘real life’ hide from public gaze in darkened cafes. BJM
feeding in a café but not a smart restaurant. I element one stage further, Bebé Glotón can
would breastfeed in the park but not on the then be ‘burped’ after it has fed.
underground, I would avoid pubs but that Little girls playing with dolls and pretend- Troup J (2005) Breast-feed mum rapped http://www.
was before the smoking ban. ing they are their babies has been going on
feed-mum-rapped.html (accessed 24 August 2009)
Ideally mothers should not have to go for centuries—no doubt the cavemen carved
Anon (2008) Mother banned from breastfeeding at GP
through a checklist like this, but we all know some sort of doll-shaped stick for their daugh- surgery ‘because she wasn’t a patient’ http://www.
society has mixed up ideas about breastfeed- ters to cuddle. In recent times toy manufac-
ing. Despite the best efforts of actors like turers have injected more and more realism so banned-breast-feeding-GP-surgery-wasnt-patient.html
(accessed 24 August 2009)
Salma Hayek, who caused her own minor that the baby dolls can cry, feed and even wet
Cable S (2009) Salma Hayek breastfeeds a stranger’s
storm by breastfeeding a hungry baby in themselves. But the feeding element has been baby in Africa after the mother runs out of milk
Africa while on a UNICEF trip (Cable, strictly bottle-only, so Bebé Glotón is break-
2009). In a culture that feasts on every titil- ing new territory on that front. 1141584/Salma-Hayek-breastfeeds-strangers-baby-
lating detail of celebrities’ lives there are few It has been interesting reading the com-
(accessed 24 August 2009)
breastfeeding ambassadors. Hayek is rare plaints. From sexualizing children too soon, Soodin (2009) Fury over girls breastfeed toy http://www.
in that she is both honest and enthusiastic encouraging teenage pregnancy to the whole
about breastfeeding. apron and doll concept being written off over-girls-breastfeed-toy.html (accessed 24 August
While at the point of pregnancy women as ‘creepy’—this doll has caused offence to
UNICEF (2009) UK Breastfeeding rates http://www.
are given huge amounts of information on many, among them breastfeeding proponents. (accessed 26
infant feeding and the message that ‘breast is Indeed one article quotes a Royal College of August 2009)


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