Teori Bilangan

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Wardaya College Departemen Matematika


Wardaya College Winter Camp Olympiad 2017
1. For

each positive integer√n, dene√an and
√ 2n
bn to be the positive integer such that :
√ 2n √
3+ 2 = an + bn 6 and 3− 2 = an − bn 6
√ √ 2n
Prove that 2an−1 < 3 + 2 < 2an
2. Find
( all pairs non negative integer (a, b, x, y) satisies the following equation :
a + b = xy
x + y = ab

3. Bilangan asli n yang memenuhi (−2004)n − 1990n + 25n − 121n habis dibagi 2000 adalah . . .
4. Pasangan bilangan bulat positif (x, y) yang memenuhi :

xy 2
bilangan prima adalah.....

5. Tentukan banyaknya pasangan bilangan bulat positive (a, b) yang memenuhi :
4a + 4a2 + 4 = b2
6. Bilangan x adalah bilangan bulat positif terkecil yang membuat 31n + x · 96n merupakan kelipatan 2015 untuk

setiap bilangan asli n. Nilai x adalah.....

7. Let n be a positive integer. Prove that if 2 + 2 28n2 + 1 is an integer, then it is square
8. Find the solution of the equation x3 − 4y 2 − 3y = y − 3
9. Find all pairs of nonnegative integer (a, b) such that a a2 + 10a − 12 + 16 = 2b3 − a a2 − 6a

10. Find a pair of integer (a, b) such that 7 - ab (a + b) but 77 | (a + b)7 − a7 − b7

11. If a googolplex is 1010 , what day of the week will it be a googolplex days from now? (Today is Sunday)
12. Show that if n is a positiveinteger with n ≥ 2, such that 3 · 2n−1 − 1, 3 · 2n − 1, and 32 · 22n−1 − 1 are all
prime, then 2n 3 · 2n−1 − 1 (3 · 2n − 1) and 2n 32 · 22n−1 − 1
form an amicable pair. (n dan mare called an amicable pair if (δ (n) − n) + (δ (m) − m) = m + n) .

13. Show that if n is an odd perfect number then n has at least three dierent prime divisors.
14. Show that if n = pa m2 is an odd perfect number, then n ≡ p (mod 8).
15. Find great common divisor from 2002 + 2, 20022 + 2, 20023 + 2, ...
16. Given that n, p > 1 are positif integers and p is prime. If n | p − 1 and p | n3 − 1 then proof that 4p − 3 is

perfect square.
17. Let p be a prime number. Prove that there exists a prime number q such that for every integer n, np − p is
not divisible by q .
18. A primitive root mod n is a number g such that the smallest positive integer k for which g k ≡ 1 (mod n) is
φ (n).
(a) Show that 2 is primitive root mod 3n for any n ≥ 1.
(b) Show that if g is an odd primitive root mod p such that p2 - g p−1 − 1, then g is also a primitive root
mod pn and 2pn for any n ≥ 1.
19. Let p1 , p2 , ..., pk be distinct primes greater than 3. Let N = 2p1 p2 ...pk + 1
(a) Show that N has at least 4n divisors.
(b) Show that N has at least 22 divisors (Hint : use cyclotomic polynomials)

20. Determine all positive integers n such that 2n +1

n2 is an integer.

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