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Chapter 3


This chapter comprises the research design, research locale, participants

of the study, research instrument, research procedure and data analysis procedure

that will be employed in gathering and treating the data needed to draw answer for

the problem of the study.

Research Design

Qualitative research is a well known procedure or strategy that has a

vast range of functionality. Traditionally, it is used in the market research but mostly

it is used in the social sciences discipline and so on (QSR International, 2015). It

is said to be a way of collecting issues, exploring valuable data, considering the

possible phenomena behind such, and finally unfolding the mystery through

realizing and analyzing the issue of unstructured data (Sparknotes, 2014).

Philippine English is thought to be somewhere in Nativization and Exonormative

Stabilization (Borlongan, 2011; Martin, 2014a; Schneider, 2003, 2007).

While the phenomenon of Conyo English may also be possibly attributed to the

uneven access to (good) English language education, it may also be seen as a

possible sign of Philippine English maturing.

Research Locale

The subjects of the study were the people whom the researchers would

hear speaking the mixed language specifically English and Tagalog. The qualified

subjects of the study were mostly teenagers who engaged themselves in

interacting through speaking conyo inside Union College School of Preparatory

Studies. In order to determine the subjects some were people that we already

know who really spoke the language and some were randomly selected through

speaking the language.

Participants of the Study

Twenty five (20) junior students from Union College School of Integrated

Preparatory Study who utilize the Conyo Culture were the respondents of the

study. In addition, the gathering of data from the respondents will be administered

during academic year 2019-2020.

The study utilized random sampling technique. According to Zulueta, et. Al

(2003), in this kind of sampling, the chance that a particular sampling unit selected

as the sample depends upon the subjective judgment of the researcher. Hence,

the researcher of this study will be the one to select the sample as the

representation of the population.

Research Instrument
The data gathering was primarily done through a structured questionnaire.

A questionnaire is a group or sequence of questions designed to elicit information

from an informant or respondent when asked by an interviewer or completed

unaided by the respondent. When an interviewer is involved, the questionnaire is

sometimes referred to as an interview.

A structured questionnaire, on the other hand, is one in which the questions

asked are precisely decided in advance. When used as an interviewing method,

the questions are asked exactly as they are written, in the same sequence, using

the same style, for all interviews. Nonetheless, the structured questionnaire can

sometimes be left a bit open for the interviewer to amend to suit a specific context.

Research Procedure

In order for the researcher to obtain the data needed for the study,

permission was sought from the School Administrator of Union College’s approval,

the gathering of data through the distribution of questionnaires was done.

The questionnaires were personally prepared by the researcher then those

were modified and validated by the adviser teacher in order to ensure its

appropriateness. Moreover, enhancements and suggestions were expected

before those were finally distributed to the respondents. Likewise, the distribution

process was personally done by the researcher to clarify salient points.

Data Analysis Procedure

In order to present and analyze the data, frequency of responses were

recorded. The frequency reflects similar answers, themes or concepts about a

question or issue given by the researcher. More so, percentage of the answers per

variable or group was determined in order to gather dominance of the nature of

aspects provided.

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