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I haven't studied English here or at another language center

I study literature at the national university of San Marcos. course in the sixth cycle

because I want to travel and get a good job porque deseo viajar y conseguir un buen trabajo

because it allows you to travel and have a good job porque te permite viajar y tener un
buen trabajo

I teach particular math classes to children

work in a publishing house

I live in san martin de Porres

I like to read and listen to pop music. my favorite book is high hopes of charles Dickens

I studied English at school but I don't remember much

yesterday I studied for my Spanish literature exam

I had my breakfast and studied for my Spanish literature exam

the movie I remember from my childhood is toy atory my mother works in a club and my
father is a bricklayer my brother is a teacher

I like action and suspense movies

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