Lab Report - Garlic Root Tip

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(Cell Cycle)

I. Introduction

For organisms to grow and reproduce, cell must divide. The genetic code,
which makes a cat or a pine trees, operates through genes within chromosomes.
Genetic continuity is preserved by the replication and equal distribution of genetic
material through the process known as mitosis.

In this lab activity, you will examine cells from garlic root tissue under the
microscope and identify different stages of cell division. You will also determine
how much time is spent in each stage of the cell cycle.

II. Objectives

 Exhibit good laboratory practice and mastery of biological techniques such

as staining and slide preparation.
 Identify and differentiate the phases of the cell cycle.

III. Materials

 Water
 Slides and coverslips
 Droppers
 Tweezer
 Gloves and laboratory gown/coat
 Surgical mask
 Garlic root tip
 Paper towel
 Petri dish
IV. Methodology/Procedure

1. Cut roots from an actively growing plant using a scalpel.

2. Trim the tip of each root to 1 cm; use only the tapered end of the root tip.
3. Use forceps to place 2 – 3 root tips (use only the 1 cm tips) on a petri dish.
4. Using a clean, piper or dropper, add 2 – 3 drops of 2 M hydrochloric acid to cover
the root tip.
5. Allow the root tips to soak in the acid for 5 minutes.
6. After 5 minutes, use a paper towel or tissue and carefully blot away excess
hydrochloric acid from the slide.
7. Using a clean, piper or dropper, add 2 – 3 drops of distilled water to the root tips.
8. Use a paper towel to blot away excess water.
9. Using a clean, piper or dropper, add 2 – 3 drops of methylene blue stain to the
root tip.
10. Allow the root tips to soak in the stain for 2 – 3 minutes.
11. Use a paper towel to blot away excess methylene blue stain.
12. Add 1 drop of deionized water to the root tips.
13. Use forceps to move one root tip to a clean microscope slide.
14. Place a cover slip on the root tissue.
15. Using the eraser end of a pencil, gently apply pressure on the cover slip to
squash the root tissue. Apply an even downward pressure on the root tips and
cover slip but not so hard as to break cover slip. Do not twist or grind the
16. Using low magnification on the microscope, focus on the root cells. Switch to
medium power or high power as necessary to easily visualize the inside of the
garlic root tips.
17. Study all of the squashed tissue to locate cells in each stage of the cell cycle.
Note: All stages of mitosis may not be present within a single field of view.
V. Documentation

VI. Guide Questions

1. In which the stage the cell cycle are most of the cells you examined? How do
these data support you know about the cell cycle?

2. The cells in the root of garlic are actively dividing. How might the numbers you
count here be different than if you had examined cells from a different part of the

3. A chemical company is testing a new product that believes will increase the
growth rate of food plants. Suppose you are able to view the slides of garlic root
tips that have been treated with the product. If the product is successful, how
might the slide look different from the slides you viewed in this lab?

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