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How can Email Verification change the world?

Technology advancement nowadays is the major innovation our world is

currently into. Many industries like communication, land and air transportation,
and many more are trying to adapt the latest in technology. I could possibly say
that we are actually living in an almost automated world where machines and
robots are programmed to do human tasks. If all these innovations changes the
way how we live, could email verification also change our world? How could this
be possible?

We all know that 90% of our world population are using social media in their
every day lives. Some are for fun, communicating with loved ones and friends,
for work and others. So all of them has an email to the social media sites or
applications that they're using like facebook, twitter, instagram, gmail, outlook,
linkedin, and the like. They're using an email as their door to enter social media
world. Where different kinds of people are there. Presence of people from Asia,
America, Europe, and across the globe are connected and communicating with
each other. But the catch is, are they safe from harm, attacks, and other sorts of
online crimes?

We are all not aware that there are many crimes going on online. Some of them
are fraud and identity theft. When someone tried ordering stuffs online then
he/she uses his/her bank account to finish the transaction and get the order in
just a few days. Is that someone doing online shopping safe from fraud? We
don't know. But there are many instances of bank accounts being used by other
person online. And that is fraud because someone uses bank account of other
person. When you try to visit a website and its asking for your name, and other
personal information and you registered your personal information on that
particular website, do you think you're safe? We don't know. But identity theft is
a ubiquitous crime online. There are legion of online hackers who steal others
personal information and uses them as their personal details online. In the
online world, every thing happens in an instant and we don't know if we are
being tracked or not. We can't tell whether our personal information is protected
or already exploited somewhere.

In this world of ours where everything is instantly accessible from the so-called
"superhighway" or the internet, we aren't actually sure if we are actually
chatting to a real human or a bot. Email verification is a simple process yet very
effective way to know if a particular email is legit or not. If this verification
process would be implemented online, we can easily know who was the person
behind a particular email. It will not just verify, find out, and state that the email
is correct and true but it will also prove to you that the person using that email is
a real human and not a bot.

Email verification will provide security to a particular website but also to the
owner of the email. The process could actually identify the person who uses the
email and if he or she is the real owner of that particular email. In case not the
owner, then the website could easily block the login attempt and secured their
site, and the real owner of that email at the same time.

In the real world we lived in, we have an identification card that we used in
school, and at work. With that identification card, we can easily verify the owner
of that I.D. If email verification on the other hand, will be adapted by many
companies and sites and website owners, then crimes about fraud and identity
theft will be lessen or would definitely be no crime at all. In online world, we can
use email as unique identifier, if it’s only verified and tied to a particular person.
Given this email verification processes be implemented online, then it will
provide us protection and security for all our endeavors online.

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