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Gender is a main indicator of social and economic stratification and consequently of

exclusion. Regardless of the socioeconomic class, there are systematic variations

between the sexes in material well-being, although the degree of inequality differs
across nations and over time. And also means that men and women are not equal for a
several reasons not just physically, mentally , emotionally.

Women’s are still subject of violence and sexual harrasment, Women are still subject to
unnecessary, high levels of gender-based violence and harassment, including sexual
assault and intimate partner violence, According Sherwin. Indeed, in her lifetime, nearly
one in four females will be a victim of sexual assault, and young females and girls are
the majority of rape survivors.

Women pay more than males for common household products, According to an
analysis by Marie Claire, shampoo, deodorant even a 10-pack of socksare among the
many goods that cost more to females. Although the pay gap is decreasing, women in
the U.S. working complete and part-time make up 85 percent of what their masculine
counterparts earn, according to the Pew Research Centre. In other words, to create as
much as males, females would have to work an additional 40 days a year.

Men are more likely to receive higher salaries and increases than women, example is
the gender payed gap in Hollywood In the Richard Curtis film Notting Hill, the bumbling
stockbroker Bernie, played by Hugh Bonneville, meets Anna Scott, unaware that Julia
Roberts’s character is the world’s most famous female actor. Upon learning her
profession, he patronisingly commiserates with Anna about the low wages paid to
actors, declaring them “a scandal”, and asks how much she received for her last movie.
Without missing a beat, Anna replies “$15m”, the actual amount Roberts was paid to do
the movie, a rare example of when an actress has earned more than her male
counterpart – in this case, Hugh Grant. For a real scandal in acting has always been the
huge gender pay gap. And also Worldwide, women only make 77 cents for every dollar
earned by men. As a result, there’s a lifetime of income inequality between men and
women and more women are retiring into poverty.

Women are 47% more likely to suffer severe injuries in car crashes because safety
features are designed for men In their 2011 study of more than 45,000 crash victims
over 11 years, researchers from the University of Virginia found women drivers were
much more likely to be injured in a crash than men.
They said this was because car safety features had been designed for men. The
positioning of head restraints, as well as women’s shorter height, different neck strength
and musculature, as well as their preferred seating position, meant they were more
susceptible to injury.
Some Girls become child bride

Globally, 12 million girls each year get married before the age of 18 - roughly 33,000
every day, or one every two seconds. There are some 650 million women alive today
who were child brides. The reasons behind it vary between communities, but it’s often
because girls are not valued as highly as boys and marrying them off at a young age
transfers the ‘economic burden’ to another family. India is considered to have the most
child brides of any country in the world, with more than 15 million women between the
ages of 20 and 24 today who were married as children, according to UN data.

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