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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10

Date: _________________________

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson 100% of the students should be able to attain at least 75%
level of proficiency to:
1. intellectualize the lesson or moral of the story, “The Last Leaf” by O. Henry;
2. EN10LT-IIh-3: explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history,
environment, or other factors; and
3. express or provide insights about the story through differentiated activities.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: The Last Leaf by O. Henry
Reference: K to 12 Curriculum Guide English
Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature
Materials: Blackboard, Chalk, Book, Video, PPT Presentation

III. Strategies and Procedure

A. Routinary Activities
B. Pre-Viewing
Task 1: Understanding the Self and Nature
 The teacher will show a picture of a tree with one leaf and let the
students analyze and interpret its message through answering the
following questions.
1. What can you say about the tree?
2. What do you think will happen to that last leaf?
3. What do you think will happen to the tree when the last leaf falls on the
4. Do you think we are part or somehow connected with nature? Why or Why
5. How are you going to connect that tree to a person’s life?
6. Have you ever experienced losing faith and hope?
7. Who or what helps you every time you feel that?

C. Viewing
Task 2: Watch and Learn!
 The teacher will let the students watch a 17-minute short movie about
the story, “The Last Leaf” by O. Henry
 Brief discussion about the author of the story.

D. Post-viewing
Task 3: Digging the Circumstances: Comprehension Check!
 The students have to answer the following questions:
1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. What is Johnsy’s illness?
3. What is the cause of her illness?
4. What do you think made Johnsy consider that her possible death would
be simultaneous with the last leaf to fall?
5. What helps Johnsy recover from her illness?
6. Describe Mr. Behrman’s personality based on the story.
7. What have you learned from the story?

E. Generalization
Task 4: Sing along with the Cascades
 The teacher will play a song entitled, “The Last Leaf” by the Cascades
 The students will sing along with it and will give the generalization of the
lesson based on the lyrics of the song.

Task 5: Give Love

 On a piece of paper, the students have to write a message of
encouragement to other people who are losing hope.
 The teacher will then ask five students to pick and read the short

F. Application
Task 6: We are appreciative artists!
 The students have to express their insights toward the story through the
following activities.

Group 1: Song (Adapt the melody from any song of your choice)
Group 2: Illustration (Drawing/Painting)
Group 3: Role playing

G. Evaluation
Task 7: A Message from the Heart
Instruction: Write a letter and make a promise to yourself and to your parents
regarding positive changes in your life. Write the specific traits which you want to
change. Tell how the story helped you realize the complexity of life and its
connection with nature, thus, you will promise too to take care of the nature and
the environment. Use the format below as guide to the letter that you will be

Dear Mom and Dad,

After knowing the story, “The Last Leaf” I realized that ________________

I learned that _______________________________________________________


Prepared by:
Rio S. Solomon, LPT
Teacher I

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