En Banc: Tito M. Villaluna For Respondents

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Tito M. Villaluna for respondents.



THE COMPLAINT; CASE AT BAR. — It should be underscored
[G.R. No. L-30642. April 30, 1985.] that petitioners' complaint is not for compensation based on the
Workmen's Compensation Act but a complaint for damages
PERFECTO S. FLORESCA, in his own behalf and (actual, exemplary and moral) in the total amount of eight hundred
on behalf of the minors ROMULO and NESTOR S. twenty-five thousand (P825,000.00) pesos. Petitioners did not
FLORESCA; and ERLINDA FLORESCA-GABUYO, invoke the provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Act to
PEDRO S. FLORESCA, JR., CELSO S. FLORESCA, entitle them to compensation thereunder. In fact, no allegation
MELBA S. FLORESCA, JUDITH S. FLORESCA and appeared in the complaint that the employees died from accident
CARMEN S. FLORESCA; arising out of and in the course of their employments. The
complaint instead alleges gross and reckless negligence and
LYDIA CARAMAT VDA. DE MARTINEZ in her own behalf deliberate failure on the part of Philex to protect the lives of its
and on behalf of her minor children LINDA, ROMEO, workers as a consequence of which a cave-in occurred resulting
ANTONIO, JEAN and ELY, all surnamed Martinez; and in the death of the employees working underground. Settled is the
DANIEL MARTINEZ and TOMAS MARTINEZ; rule that in ascertaining whether or not the cause of action is in
the nature of workmen's compensation claim or a claim for
damages pursuant to the provisions of the Civil Code, the test is
behalf and on behalf of her minor children JOSE,
the averments or allegations in the complaint (Belandres vs.
ESTELA, JULITA, SALUD and DANILO, all surnamed
Lopez Sugar Mill, Co., Inc., 97 Phil. 100). In the present case,
there exists between Philex and the deceased employees a
LYDIA CULBENGAN VDA. DE VILLAR, in her own contractual relationship. The alleged gross and reckless
behalf and on behalf of her minor children EDNA, negligence and deliberate failure that amount to bad faith on the
GEORGE and LARRY III, all surnamed VILLAR; part of Philex, constitute a breach of contract for which it may be
DOLORES LOLITA ADER VDA. DE LANUZA, in her own held liable for damages.
behalf and on behalf of her minor children EDITHA, 2. CIVIL LAW; AWARD OF COMPENSATION
THE CIVIL CODE. — The rationale in awarding compensation
EMERENCIANA JOSE VDA. DE ISLA, in her own behalf under the Workmen's Compensation Act differs from that in giving
and on behalf of her minor children JOSE, LORENZO, damages under the Civil Code. The compensation acts are based
JR., MARIA, VENUS and FELIX, all surnamed ISLA, on a theory of compensation distinct from the existing theories of
petitioners, vs. PHILEX MINING CORPORATION and damages, payments under the acts being made as compensation
HON. JESUS P. MORFE, Presiding Judge of Branch XIII, and not as damages (99 C.J.S. 53). Compensation is given to
Court of First Instance of Manila, respondents. mitigate the harshness and insecurity of industrial life for the
workman and his family. Hence, an employer is liable whether
Rodolfo C. Pacampara for petitioners. negligence exists or not since liability is created by law. Recovery
under the Act is not based on any theory of actionable wrong on Philex has been remiss in its contractual obligations with the
the part of the employer (99 C.J.S. 36). In other words, under the deceased miners only after receiving compensation under the Act.
compensation acts, the employer is liable to pay compensation Had petitioners been aware of said violation of government rules
benefits for loss of income, as long as the death, sickness or and regulations by Philex, and of its negligence, they would not
injury is work-connected or work-aggravated, even if the death or have sought redress under the Workmen's Compensation
injury is not due to the fault of the employer (Murillo vs. Mendoza, Commission which awarded a lesser amount for compensation.
66 Phil. 689). On the other hand, damages are awarded to one as The choice of the first remedy was based on ignorance or a
a vindication of the wrongful invasion of his rights. It is the mistake of fact, which nullifies the choice as it was not an
indemnity recoverable by a person who has sustained injury either intelligent choice. The case should therefore be remanded to the
in his person, property or relative rights, through the act or default lower court for further proceedings. However, should the
of another (25 C.J.S. 452). petitioners be successful in their bid before the lower court, the
3. ID.; ID.; CLAIM FOR DAMAGES UNDER THE payments made under the Workmen's Compensation Act should
N.C.C.; BURDEN OF PROOF. — The claimant for damages be deducted from the damages that may be decreed in their favor.
under the Civil Code has the burden of proving the causal relation 6. ID.; NEGLIGENCE; RECOVERY OF DAMAGES
between the defendant's negligence and the resulting injury as UNDER THE NEW CIVIL CODE; SUPREME COURT
well as the damages suffered. While under the Workmen's DECISIONS FORM PART OF THE LAW OF THE LAND. —
Compensation Act, there is a presumption in favor of the Recovery under the New Civil Code for damages arising from
deceased or injured employee that the death or injury is work- negligence, is not barred by Article 173 of the New Labor Code.
connected or work-aggravated; and the employer has the burden And the damages recoverable under the New Civil Code are not
to prove otherwise (De los Angeles vs. GSIS, 94 SCRA 308; administered by the System provided for by the New Labor Code,
Cariño vs. WCC, 93 SCRA 551; Maria Cristina Fertilizer Corp. vs. which defines the "System" as referring to the Government
WCC, 60 SCRA 228). Service Insurance System or the Social Security System (Art. 167
4. ID.; ID.; ID.; LIABILITY OF EMPLOYER UNDER THE [c], [d] and [e] of the New Labor Code). Furthermore, under Article
WORKMEN'S ACT AND THE CIVIL CODE. — Moreover, under 8 of the New Civil Code, decisions of the Supreme Court form part
the Workmen's Compensation Act, compensation benefits should of the law of the land. WE ruled that judicial decisions of the
be paid to an employee who suffered an accident not due to the Supreme Court assume the same authority as the statute itself
facilities or lack of facilities in the industry of his employer but (Caltex vs. Palomer, 18 SCRA 247; 124 Phil. 763).
caused by factors outside the industrial plant of his employer. 7. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; SOCIAL JUSTICE
Under the Civil Code, the liability of the employer, depends on GUARANTEE; EMPLOYER NOT RELIEVED FROM LIABILITY
breach of contract or tort. The Workmen's Compensation Act was FOR DEATH OF HIS WORKERS. — The right to life is
specifically enacted to afford protection to the employees or guaranteed specifically by the due process clause of the
workmen. It is a social legislation designed to give relief to the Constitution. To relieve the employer from liability for the death of
workman who has been the victim of an accident causing his his workers arising from his gross or wanton fault or failure to
death or ailment or injury in the pursuit of his employment (Abong provide safety devices for the protection of his employees or
vs. WCC, 54 SCRA 379). workers against the dangers which are inherent in underground
5. ID.; ID.; ID.; CLAIMANTS NOT PRECLUDED FROM mining, is to deprive the deceased worker and his heirs of the
BRINGING ACTION BEFORE THE REGULAR COURTS; right to recover indemnity for the loss of the life of the worker and
RATIONALE. — We hold that although the other petitioners had the consequent loss to his family without due process of law. The
received the benefits under the Workmen's Compensation Act, dissent in effect condones and therefore encourages such gross
such may not preclude them from bringing an action before the or wanton neglect on the part of the employer to comply with his
regular court because they became cognizant of the fact that legal obligation to provide safety measures for the protection of
the life, limb and health of his worker. Even from the moral 2. ID.; ID.; OPTION TO SUE UNDER THE CIVIL
viewpoint alone, such attitude is un-Christian. It is therefore patent CODE, FORECLOSED; CASE AT BAR. — There are two
that giving effect to the social justice guarantees of the considerations why it is believed petitioners should no longer be
Constitution, as implemented by the provisions of the New Civil allowed to exercise the option to sue under the Civil Code. In the
Code, is not an exercise of the power of law-making, but is first place, the proceedings under the Workmen's Compensation
rendering obedience to the mandates of the fundamental law and Act have already become the law in regards to the "election of
the implementing legislation aforementioned. remedies", because those proceedings had become a "finished
8. LABOR AND SOCIAL LEGISLATIONS; LABOR transaction." In the second place, it should be plainly equitable
LAW; NO-FAULT LIABILITY OF EMPLOYER UNDER SEC. 5 OF that, if a person entitled to an "election of remedies" makes a first
WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION ACT AND ART. 173, NEW election and accepts the benefits thereof, he should no longer be
LABOR CODE. — It should be stressed that the liability of the allowed to avail himself of the second option. At the very least, if
employer under Section 5 of the Workmen's Compensation Act or he wants to make a second election, in disregard of the first
Article 173 of the New Labor Code is limited to death, ailment or election he has made, when he makes the second election he
injury caused by the nature of the work, without any fault on the should surrender the benefits he had obtained under the first
part of the employers. It is correctly termed no-fault liability. election. This was not done in the case before the court.
Section 5 of the Workmen's Compensation Act, as amended, or 3. LABOR AND SOCIAL LEGISLATIONS;
Article 173 of the New Labor Code, does not cover the tortious WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION ACT; REMEDY UNDER THE
liability of the employer occasioned by his fault or culpable ACT, EXCLUSIVE. — In providing for exclusiveness of the
negligence in failing to provide the safety devices required by the remedy under our Workmen's Compensation Act, the Philippine
law for the protection of the life, limb and health of the workers. Legislature worded the first paragraph of Section 5 of the Act as
Under either Section 5 or Article 173, the employer remains liable follows: "Sec. 5. Exclusive right to compensation. — The rights
to pay compensation benefits to the employee, whose death, and remedies granted by this Act to an employee by reason of a
ailment or injury is work-connected, even if the employer has personal injury entitling him to compensation shall exclude all
faithfully and diligently furnished all the safety measures and other rights and remedies accruing to the employee, his personal
contrivances decreed by the law to protect the employee. representatives, dependents or nearest of kin against the
MELENCIO-HERERA, J., dissenting: employer under the Civil Code and other laws because of said
injury." (Paragraphing and underscoring supplied) There should
1. REMEDIAL LAW; ACTION FOR DAMAGES; DEATH be no question but that the original first paragraph of Section 5 of
COMPENSATION OF WORKMEN; COMPLAINT REGULATED the Workmen's Compensation Act, formulated in 1927, provided
BY THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAW. — This case that an injured worker or employee, or his heirs, if entitled to
involves a complaint for damages for the death of five employees compensation under the Act, cannot have independent recourse
of PHILEX Mining Corporation under the general provisions of the neither to the Civil Code nor to any other law relative to the liability
Civil Code. The Civil Code itself, however, provides for its non- of the employer. After 1927, there were occasions when the
applicability to the complaint. It is specifically provided in Article legislator had the opportunity to amend the first paragraph of
2196 of the Code, found in Title XVIII — Damages, that: Section 5 such that the remedies under the Act would not be
"Compensation for Workmen and other employees in case of exclusive; yet, the legislator refrained from doing so. That shows
death, injury or illness is regulated by special laws." By the very the legislative's continuing intent to maintain the exclusory
provisions of the Civil Code, it is a "special law", not the Code provision of the first paragraph of Section 5 unless otherwise
itself, which has to apply to the complaint involved in the instant provided in the Act itself.
case. That "special law", in reference to the complaint, can be no
other than the Workmen's Compensation Law. GUTIERREZ, JR., J., dissenting:

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