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Gates Foundation: Sex, Environment Determine Child’s Future

While living conditions in many areas have improved in recent years, a child’s
place of birth is still the biggest predictor of its future.

These claims come from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a (1)
_____________________ for health and development. The group reports that
some 500 million people worldwide lack basic health care or education. It also
found that girls everywhere suffer from discrimination.

- The report looks at efforts to reduce inequality and poverty and improve health
around the world. It follows progress on 17 measures that most UN member
countries have said they will try to reach by the year 2030. Those efforts are (2)
_____________, says Bill Gates, the 63-year-old co-founder of Microsoft
Corporation. He sat down with VOA at the foundation’s offices in Seattle,
Washington, before the report’s release.

- “As much progress as we’re making, a child in many countries still over 10%
are dying before the age of five. And in richer countries, it is less than 1%,” said
Gates. “So the idea that any place in the world is still 10%, some almost
15%...should (3) _____________ us to do a better job.”

-Gates Foundation chief executive Sue Desmond-Hellmann says the clearest

warnings from the report were of the dangers of
“(4)____________and ___________.”

- Generally, the report noted “(5) __________” development progress, with life,
health and economic success improving on average across the world. But it also
pointed out the large number of people who are being __________.
1. leading philanthropic organization

2. falling short

3. galvanize

4. gender - geography

5. unabated- left behind

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