Custom Feeds Are Now On Android! (Plus, Announcing The Winners of Our in - Cred - I - Ble Contest!)

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Custom Feeds are now on Android! (Plus, announcing the winners of our...

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Custom Feeds are now on

580 Android! (Plus, announcing the
winners of our in•cred•i•ble this post was submitted on 29 Jul 2019
contest!) ( 580 points (67% upvoted)
submitted 2 months ago by LanterneRougeOG
[A] shortlink:
Back in May, we announced an
updated new feature, Custom Feeds Submissions restricted
(née "multireddits"). This feature is
Only approved users may post in this community.
a way for redditors to curate
communities into shareable feeds blog
and help newer redditors discover
leave +dashboard +shortcut
more communities. We also
17,381,531 readers
announced a community contest to 56 users here now
see which redditors could create the Show my flair on this subreddit. It looks like:
best Custom Feed for a variety of deathtorn

categories. Today, we’re here to Items from that are about the
community or otherwise not directly related to
announce the winners and give
functionality changes will be posted here.
them a few scraps of Silver shower
See also:
them in Premium.
First, a few highlights This is an admin-sponsored subreddit.
created by raldi a community for 11 years
Since we announced the update,
we’ve already seen: MODERATORS message the moderators
Over 300,000 custom feeds alienth
have been created bsimpson
Over 10,000 of you have rram
followed another redditor’s bluepinkblack
feed sodypop
The most followed feed has
a variety of “Hold My ___” redtaboo
subbies and was created by ...and 7 more »
u/waldrich . Naturally, it’s
called /holdmyshit RECENTLY VIEWED LINKS

The second most followed Custom Feeds are now on Android!

(Plus, announcing the winners of our
feed is your one-stop spot for
in•cred•i•ble contest!)
all of the NBA teams’ 584 points | 104 comments
subreddits. It’s succinctly
Want to dive back in, can't wait much
named All NBA and is by longer... Is the skill tree complete?
u/8unk . 4 points | 1 comment

Are there any party games (3+ players)

Now on Android that can be modified for just 2 players?
Any general mod tips?
Custom Feeds are ready to go for 1 point | 6 comments

1 of 8 2019-10-06, 00:42
Custom Feeds are now on Android! (Plus, announcing the winners of our...

Android! It’s part of version 3.31, which shipped on

What Happened in September 2019
July 15th. Android redditors: you can now create 0 points | comment
and edit your Custom Feeds, plus follow your
What are your boardgame “horror”
favorite feeds. (Before this update, you could only stories?
consume existing Custom Feeds.) 30 points | 59 comments

Custom Feeds on Android clear

account activity
And Now the Winners

Aww: Superaww by u/316nuts

Artist Resources: Silly’s heART by u/sillyprissilly
Books & Writing: Wordsmith by u/wordsauce
Cool Pictures (images only): Dream Reality by
Discussion (text only): Rabbit Hole by
Parenting: Badparenting by u/ShaneH7646
Quirky: Upside Down by u/spaghetti-al-dente
Sports: Ultimate NBA Feed by u/vazahabe
Travel: Travelling - A Way of Life by
by u/okaybutfirstcoffee

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[–] [deleted] 2 months ago

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[–] redtaboo [A] -27 points 2 months ago

hey thanks! looks like this was reported the other day here, if you're able can you
check out the comment by /u/uzi to see if you're able to follow those instructions:

2 of 8 2019-10-06, 00:42
Custom Feeds are now on Android! (Plus, announcing the winners of our...

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[–] synthaxx 68 points 2 months ago

Cool, cool, cool.

In the meantime i haven't been able to close the sidebar on the real reddit for almost a
week now.
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[–] redtaboo [A] 1 point 2 months ago

heya -- do you mean the left sidebar that shows you multies on the old site? If so can
you tell me if anything happens at all when you click the little divider bit?
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[–] synthaxx 27 points 2 months ago

The divider works, and closes the sidebar...right up until you reload the window
or go to a next page.
It seems like the collapsed state is not being remembered, as confirmed here.
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[–] redtaboo [A] 0 points 2 months ago

Thanks! Looks like /u/uzi is aware of this in that thread, I'll give them a
poke. If anyone experiencing this is savvy enough there's some
instructions there that might help us troubleshoot:
If you're savvy enough, see if it looks like the request is succeeding via
your browser's DevTools' Network tab.
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[–] DeadCaptainRyan 148 points 2 months ago

Cool. Why did you make ads more deceptive and intrusive on desktop old Reddit?
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[–] dfBishop 7 points 2 months ago

I feel like creating these would be much easier if there was a "add communities" button
within the custom feed page, which would allow you to scroll through the entire list of subs
you follow and check all the subs you want in one fell swoop.
As it stands, I have to create the feed, then go to each individual sub I want to add and
add them one at a time.

3 of 8 2019-10-06, 00:42
Custom Feeds are now on Android! (Plus, announcing the winners of our...

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[–] Idontknowshiit 18 points 2 months ago

Whoa I never knew you could delete comments and make the [deleted] thingy not appear
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[–] [deleted] 2 months ago* (last edited 28 days ago)

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[–] Skanky 27 points 2 months ago

So, these are multireddits?

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[–] Daumer 7 points 2 months ago

Why is the limit of subs in a custom feed only 100?

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[–] 5-4-3-2-1-bang 25 points 2 months ago

So you had a contest where it was impossible for android users to enter? Kind of a dick
move, don't you think?
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[–] boshk 8 points 2 months ago

does it still use around 1% battery per minute?

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[–] OskeewowwowIL 26 points 2 months ago

Ok, but more importantly what are the NSFW feeds ya boy needs to follow?
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[–] SmaugTheMagnificent 6 points 2 months ago

OOf, thanks for reminding me that the "new" site exists. It's a piece of crap guys.
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[–] [deleted] 2 months ago

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4 of 8 2019-10-06, 00:42
Custom Feeds are now on Android! (Plus, announcing the winners of our...

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[–] CouldveBeenPoofs 3 points 2 months ago

Ban more Nazis and less leftists.

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[–] HyperlinkToThePast 11 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

do enough people actually use those tho. I'm guessing >99% of people just browse their
front page.
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[–] WTF1972 1 point 2 months ago

How about giving us the option of removing communities from the custom feed. I
accidentally added one to my feed and it dominates the feed and a cant seem to remove it.
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[–] BlueAstros 1 point 12 days ago

.i ? pPpp
iimi ij. ii m.jppppppppp
PMPM0i iipppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
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[–] charrliezard 1 point 2 months ago

Okay but how do you search for and view other users' custom feeds that arent linked in this
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[–] IAlsoLostMyPassword 1 point 2 months ago

Sweet, so only a couple months before it's on Reddit Is Fun and android users can take
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[–] Prattr44 1 point 1 month ago

Sid Tillman

last seen 26 Mar 2017 on 05:00
United States
Ratings from Sellers
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5 of 8 2019-10-06, 00:42
Custom Feeds are now on Android! (Plus, announcing the winners of our...

[–] yo_meme 1 point 1 month ago
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[–] thehectorion 1 point 2 months ago

I'm guessing >99% of people just browse their front page

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[–] hyelander 1 point 2 months ago

Custom feed multis no longer blur the NSFW marked content icons.
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[–] kdsingh_MJ 1 point 1 month ago

hey thanks.... but is it also available for One plus 6???

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[–] piratesaredumbdumbs 1 point 26 days ago

/u/dysgraphical why u ban me u piece of turd >:(

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[–] BoeyJaloney 1 point 2 months ago

so how do I delete one now

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[–] ashur0226 1 point 2 months ago

When is randnsfw coming back to andoid app?

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[–] Omega_Haxors 1 point 2 months ago

Yay! Plants win! I love plants.

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[–] haykam821 1 point 2 months ago

perhaps july fools on android?

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[–] MinnesotaMiller -11 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

looks at the quarantined state of r/waterniggas

Look how they massacred my boy.
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6 of 8 2019-10-06, 00:42
Custom Feeds are now on Android! (Plus, announcing the winners of our...

[–] sexpara 1 point 1 month ago

все круто
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[–] BarryBTS -1 points 2 months ago

sounds good! It will surely improve the features of Reddit and better experience
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[–] FreeSpeechWarrior -21 points 2 months ago

Why does reddit prevent end users from adding quarantined subreddits to custom feeds?
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[–] BlueAstros 1 point 12 days ago

Ccx .
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[–] [deleted] -1 points 2 months ago

Red name :D
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[–] ChipChippersonAMA -11 points 2 months ago

As mod of /r/familyman, I approve

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[–] BoatLeek 1 point 1 month ago

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[–] peekaayfire -1 points 2 months ago

Hello? When can I see followers.

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[–] BlumpkinNutbrown -3 points 2 months ago

In N****10. . ....
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7 of 8 2019-10-06, 00:42
Custom Feeds are now on Android! (Plus, announcing the winners of our...

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