Gel Marie C. Lobaton Bsn1-B

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I have performed hand hygiene to reduce Next is the apical expansion exercise, it is the type of
transmission of microorganisms. I have also gathered exercise required for clients who restrict their upper
all necessary equipment and arrange them according chest movement because of pain from a disease or
to use to promote efficiency. Good morning Ma’am, I operation.
am Gel Marie Lobaton, 1st year student nurse from
To perform this, you need to place your fingers below
WVSU. If you ever need help, I will be here to assist
your collarbones with moderate pressure. Inhale thru
your needs. Can I see your armband please? Can you
the nose and concentrate on pushing the upper chest
recite your full name? How do you want me to
upward and forward against the fingers this is to
address you?
aerate the apical areas of the upper lung lobes. Hold
*assess client appropriately* for 3-4 secs to promote aeration of the alveoli. Exhale
through the mouth or nose slowly, quietly, and
Ma’am, I will position you in a semi-fowler’s position.
passively while concentrating on moving the upper
This help in relaxing the abdominal muscles (knees
chest inward and downward.
flexed, one pillow on head and on knees, drape)
Okay so ma’am I will demo to you on how to do the
Ma’am I will auscultate to check your lung fields.
apical expansion exercise. Inhale hold exhale, Again
Inhale exhale inhale exhale. So maam, I will
inhale hold exhale. Do you have any questions
demonstrate the different deep breathing and
ma’am? Can you perform it? Inhale, hold for few
coughing exercises. These are the abdominal, apical
secs, exhale. Inhale, hold for few secs, exhale.
expansion and basal expansion exercises. The reason
why I am teaching you this exercise is to increase the Then perform this exercise for at least 5 respirations,
volume of air exchanged during inspiration and 4 times a day. To help re-expand your lung tissue and
expiration. eliminate secretions.

First, I will teach you the abdominal breathing. This is Moving on to our next exercise, the basal expansion.
the type of breathing exercise that uses the It is required for client with restricted bilateral chest
diaphragm rather than the upper chest muscles. To movements due to pain from a respiratory disorder,
start with, you need to place your hand on your chest surgery or upper abdominal surgery.
abdomen and other hand on your chest this is to
Provide a pillow splint for postop clients to support
allow you feel the movement of your chest and
incision and help minimize the pain. To perform this
abdomen as you inhale and exhale, concentrate on
exercise, place your palms on the lower ribs. This
feeling the abdomen rise and fall. Inhale for 3 secs
enables you to evaluate the depth of basal
thru the nose with mouth close to humidify, warm
inspiration. Make sure that the focus is on this area
and filter the air breathe. If you have any trouble
only, not on the abdomen and chest. Inhale thru the
breathing, do a forceful inhalation through the nose.
nose and hold it for a few secs. Exhale thru the nose
Then exhale thru your mouth with pursing your lips
or mouth slowly, quietly and passively.
like you are going to whistle and gently make a
whooshing sound. Also prevent puffing out cheeks, I will demo to you on how to do the basal expansion
focus on feeling the abdomen fall, tighten your exercise. Inhale hold exhale. Again inhale hold exhale.
abdominal muscles while breathing out, do not arch Do you have any questions ma’am? Can you perform
your back and count to 7 during exhalation. it? Inhale, hold for few secs, exhale. Inhale, hold for
few secs, exhale. Then perform this exercise for at
Okay so ma’am, I will demonstrate to you on how to
least 5 respirations, 4 times a day.
do the abdominal breathing (demo) again ma’am
(demo). Do you have any questions ma’am? Can you Sputum
please perform it for me ma’am? Inhale exhale. Again
Next, Im going to teach you the sputum specimen
inhale exhale. Very good ma’am.
collection and double cough technique. First, im
going to take your sputum specimen. (Assist to Sitting Specimen cytology – to identify the cancer in the lung
position and give a tissue and 3 folded towels. Put a and its specific cell type; this requires serial collection
towel on the chest, give a cup of water,) So maam of three early morning specimens
you can gargle using this water then spit it on the
Specimen for acid-fast bacillus – To identify the
kidney basin. It is ideally to get sputum specimen in
presence of TB; this requires serial collection for
the morning because secretions accumulate
three consecutive days
overnight. Ma’am this is a specimen cup where your
sputum will be stored, kindly do not touch the inside To assess the effectiveness of therapy
of the cup, spit or expectorate sputum directly in the
cup but if there are any spoilage I assure you that I
will clean it with disinfectant or water with soap and Assuming that I have performed HH, Introduce self,
if possible the outside of the cup should be free from Verify the client, ang provided client privacy.
sputum. Im going to collect 1-2 tsp of sputum
because it is the adequate amount for the test. If you Today ma’am I will perform a chest physiotherapy so
are unable to do it, Im going the specimen cup for this includes percussion, vibration, postural drainage,
you with gloves on. deep breathing and coughing exercises.

Next, I will teach you the double cough technique. First, is the percussion, so it is forceful striking on the
(Handkerchief on back pocket). Coughing exercises skin with cupped hand to drain secretions. Next is the
facilitate in expelling thick secretions. These are vibration, it is a series of vigorous quivering produced
performed to clear the tracheobronchial tree from by hands that are placed on a flat against the client’s
secretions. So maam in doing double cough, inhale chest wall during exhalation. Can I start ma’am?
cough cough. Again inhale cough cough. You can (Libot) Raise side rails. Check the bed mechanism to
repeat this for 1 full minute and rest for at least 2 operate the bed properly during procedures. So,
mins. Also if, you feel short in breath, repeat it for 5- ma’am for now, we will only use the diaphragmatic or
10 mins for 4 times a day. (Don gloves) Specimen cup the abdominal breathing like this.
has name, date, time collected, type of specimen. I will auscultate first, okay so ma’am there are
Open cup. Okay ma’am, do the double cough exercise secretions in the______ position. So we need to
and expectorate or spit on the cup. Again ma’am. remove it by percussing and vibrating. POSITION THE
(Check for consistency, color odor). Close the cup. (If CLIENT. DRAPE. Ma’am I will put a towel here on your
there are spoilage, clean the cup and remove gloves). chest to reduce discomfort. (Cup your hands) So
Assuming that there is a requisition form with the ma’am I will now percuss your ___________ using my
label on the cup attached. Ma’am how are you cupped hands. Alternate hands to listen to hollow
feeling? Do you feel comfortable now? Ensure client’s sounds. Do not percuss on bony prominences and
comfort. (Remove gloves) Ma’am you’re going to body organs. Inhale exhale inhale exhale. Okay good.
gargle with mouthwash. What do you want, pure Can you feel any pain? Percuss the area 1-2mins.
mouthwash or you want it with water? (Pour Ma’am can you do the double cough? Okay
mouthwash on the cup) Ma’am do not swallow the expectorate. (give another towel)
mouthwash just gargle it and spit on the basin. (All
used items outside of tray) (Arrange items to be sent Im going to do the vibration next. Ma’am again I have
to the laboratory, label the cup) So your specimen placed the towel here to reduce discomfort. Do the
ma’am will be sent to the laboratory for testing. abdominal breathing ma’am, breath on your nose
(perform H.H) and do the purse lip when exhaling. Also do the
double coughing after 3-4 vibration and expectorate
The purposes of the sputum specimen collection are: the secretions (hands kidney basin to client) (Place
Specimen for culture & sensitivity - To identify a my hands on top of each other) Inhale exhale
specific microorganism and its drug sensitivities (vibrate) Inhale exhale (vibrate). Relieve pressure on
the thorax as the client exhales. Okay very good therefore having more space for the diaphragm to
ma’am. Assuming that I have vibrated for 2-5 mins expand to have more oxygen taken in.
depending on the viscosity of secretions and patient
This is the :
Oxygen cylinder – holds dry oxygen
Assist the patient to the normal sitting position. Allow
a rest period for several minutes. Do you want to Hand wheel – allows the O2 to flow out of the
gargle mouthwash? Yes? Okay. Just gargle it, do not cylinder
swallow. Ma’am I will now auscultate again to check
Pressure gauge – determines the amount of oxygen
the effectiveness of the therapy. So there are no
inside the tank
secretion heard on the _______ segment.
Flow meter – determines the amount of liters per
Discard container or send specimen to the
minute that will be administered to the client. Unit is
laboratory. Aftercare. H.H
LPM or liters per minute. The ball usually floats to the
Document: procedure, time performed, duration, appropriate level wherein the doctor have ordered.
position used, client response, lung/breath sounds
Flow meter knob – used to adjust the flow meter
heard before and after the therapy, breathing
patterns and sign of dyspnea. Then report abnormal Humidifier – should always be half-full with sterile or
findings. distilled water to allow area for bubbling, which
indicates the presence of oxygen.
I have performed H.H before entering the room to
reduce the transmission of microorganisms. Check the surroundings for any potential source of
fire or sparks. Observe safety precautions like placing
I have already verified the doctor’s order.
No smoking sign: Oxygen in use”
Good afternoon ma’am, I am Gel Marie Lobaton Level
This is the nasal prong which delivers oxygen in a rate
1 student of CON of WVSU. Can I check your armband
of 2-6 liters per minute. Low flow device. This is the
please? Could you please state your full name
face mask which delivers 5-10 liters of O2 per minute.
ma’am? How do you want me to address you? Today,
The doctor have ordered _____ LPM. We are going to
I will be assisting you in the following procedures:
use the prong/face mask.
oxygen therapy and suctioning. I have already
checked your doctor’s order and at the same time I There are nasal prongs, avoid touching the prongs
will assess you further on your condition as you need because it is sterile. Remove from the pack, attach to
for oxygen therapy. Im going to check your the humidifier, make sure it fits. Open the tank adjust
respiratory system by auscultation, inhale exhale to ____ LPM, the ball is currently at ____ LPM as per
inhale exhale. There are presence of secretions on doctor’s order. Verify the presence of bubbling w/c
your lungs therefore we’re going to suction that later indicates the presence of O2. Make sure there are no
on. Because we are the using the prongs, im going to kinks, check if there is air moving out of the tube with
check for your nares if there are any obstructions. the back of your hand. Place lubricant above the
There are none. Next, im going to check for your skin kidney basin, adjust the knob down, inhale thru your
condition especially your capillary refill, there is nose. Tuck on the ears, place knob not to tight. Place
decrease in your capillary refill, it is more than 3 secs. gauze pads on bony prominences, the cheeks to
Therefore, you have the need for more oxygen. Your prevent irritation of the tubing on the skin. Tape the
doctor have ordered O2 at a rate of ____ LPM. We gauze not on the tubing. Ma’am always remember to
need to position you appropriately to a semi-fowler’s breathe thru your nose and not your mouth because
position, this will provide lung expansion and have breathing in mouth will cause O2 loss. I’ll be checking
your knees flex to relax your abdominal muscles, the cannula every 8hours. Also, I will assess your
nares and external nose for skin breakdown every 6-8
hours. To prevent dislodgement of the tubing, we’ll the sterile suction pack, exposing only the tip. Avoid
secure it at the back of your pillow with the use of touching the inside portion. Open also the gauze pad.
tape and pin. Provide oronasal care to patient as And don gloves. Ma’am I will be inserting a catheter
needed. DONE! to your mouth for 5 secs by the side of your mouth to
prevent gag reflex. I’ll be withdrawing the catheter
Your doctor have ordered to increase your O2 in ___
and I’ll instruct you to inhale. When I instruct you to
LPM, so we’ll be using the face mask. I have already
exhale I’ll be rotating and suctioning for 5 mins then
checked the size of the face mask appropriate for
stop suctioning. During the interval, please perform
you. Don’t worry, there are air vents on the face
deep breathing and coughing exercises.
mask. You can hold it to familiarize yourself while im
removing the prongs. Avoid touching the prongs itself Grab the pack of suction package with left hand, get
and discard. the catheter with right hand. Attach the tip to the
suction machine, the colored part is considered
Attach the distal end of the mask on the humidifier
unsterile once attached. Check if the machine is
making sure it is fitted. Adjust the knob to ___ LPM
working and test for the pressure of the suction and
according to doctor’s order, the ball is at ____ LPM.
the patency of the catheter by applying suction.
And there is a presence of bubbles which indicates
Moisten the tip with sterile water. Remove the face
presence of O2. No kinks at the tubing. check if there
mask because hyperoxygenation is good only for
is air moving out of the tube with back of your hand.
2minutes. Measure from the tip of the nose to the tip
Breathe normally thru your nose. Now, fit it that it
of the earlobe. Mark the position on the tube with
covers both the nose and the mouth. Making sure
fingers on the sterile gloved hand. Pull the tongue
there are no escape of O2 at the sides and tighten.
forward with gauze if necessary. So ma’am I will be
Secure the elastic band so that the mask is
inserting the catheter up to the marked area, inhale.
comfortable but snug. Attach tubings to pillows and
Thumb up to not apply suction while inserting. Gently
linen. I will stay with you until the flow rate is
insert the catheter 4-6 inches on one side of the
maintained and you are calmed down. I will also be
mouth. Suction intermittently exhale. Rotate and
assessing you for 15-30 mins depending on your
apply suction for 5-10 secs. 123 up. 123 up. Remove
condition regularly, if there are any presence of
the catheter. Perform deep breathing and coughing
dyspnea or hypoxia. Then provide oronasal care if
exercises. Submerge the tip of the catheter that was
needed. DONE!
inserted to the mouth. Rinse it appropriately and
As I have auscultated your lungs, there is a presence apply suction. Wipes the catheter with sterile gauze if
of secretions thus there is a need to suction it. So there are thick secretions. Flush the catheter with
first, if the client if conscious place in a semi-fowler’s sterile water. Relubricate the catheter and repeat
position with the head turned to one side, if suctioning until air passage is clear. Repeat
unconscious lateral position facing the nurse. Place suctioning. Allow 20-30 secs interval between each
the towel and basin at the side of the face to prevent suction. Perform deep breathing and coughing
soiling of your linen. Since I will be doing the exercises between suctions. Limit suction to 5 mins in
oropharyngeal suctioning, a catheter will be inserted total. Add water if necessary using the nondominant
in your mouth and sometimes you feel like gagging or hand. Sterile hand always with catheter. Turn off the
vomiting, there is a basin here at the side. So I will be machine. Dispose the catheter from the tip detach,
setting the pressure on the suction gauge and turn on gloves, water and waste container. Wrap the catheter
the suction. I will also be hyperoxygenate you for 10- around the sterile gloves and roll it inside the glove.
15secs to provide sufficient amount of O2 before I Remove kidney basin, wipe the mouth of client then
insert the catheter and suctioning. Check if the remove towel. Provide oronasal care. Place back the
machine is working and the water for rinsing, make face mask. Making sure that the rate is as per
sure that the equipment are ready. Pour sterile water doctor’s order. DONE!
on the container with your nondominant hand. Open
NASOPHARYNGEAL effective. Provide oronasal care as needed. Would
there be anymore that I could assist you ma’am?
You doctor has ordered for nasopharyngeal
None? Thank you for your cooperation and have a
suctioning. I will position you to a semi-fowler with
good day! Perform aftercare of equipment to get for
neck hyperextended for full visualization of nares.
the next use. Place everything back to the tray.
Place towel on chest just below the chin and kidney
Removing the suction machine bottle. Open the
basin. Open the lubricant for ease of insertion of the
suction machine bottle, next pour left over fluid. Do
catheter. Use the nasopharyngeal bottle. Use forceps
not pour unused water. Take note of the fluid at the
to get the catheter. Attach the tip to the suction
start of the procedure. At the start, there is _____ml,
machine, the colored part is considered unsterile
and now there is only ____ ml left. And here, based
once attached. Check if the machine is working and
on the calibration, there is already _____ ml.
test for the pressure of the suction and the patency
Therefore, I have suctioned ______ml from the client
of the catheter by applying suction. Moisten the tip
and document it, also document the color, odor,
with sterile water. Remove the face mask because
consistency of the secretions. Then this will be
hyperoxygenation is good only for 2minutes.
discarded to the toilet, rinse, wash then return it back
Measure from the tip of the nose to the tip of the
for further usage. Perform H.H and document the
earlobe. Mark the position on the tube with fingers
procedure done and report abnormal findings for
on the sterile gloved hand. Lubricate the catheter tip
proper referral. DONE!
with water-soluble gel 1-2 inches from the tip to ease
insertion. Ma’am I’ll insert the catheter, inhale and
exhale slowly. Never force insertion if there is an
obstruction, try the other naris. Rotate and apply
suction for 5-10 secs. Suction intermittently 123 up.
123 up. Remove the catheter. Perform deep
breathing and coughing exercises. Submerge the tip
of the catheter that was inserted to the mouth. Rinse
it appropriately and apply suction. Wipes the
catheter with sterile gauze if there are thick
secretions. Flush the catheter with sterile water.
Relubricate the catheter and repeat suctioning until
air passage is clear. Insert on another naris to prevent
trauma from suctioning. Inhale and slowly exhale.
Repeat suctioning. Allow 20-30 secs interval between
each suction. Perform deep breathing and coughing
exercises between suctions. Return catheter
maintaining sterility. Limit suction to 5 mins in total.
Add water if necessary using the nondominant hand.
Sterile hand always with catheter. Turn off the
machine. Do not dispose the catheter for further use.
Secure forceps, detach. Remove kidney basin, wipe
the nose of client then remove towel. Place back the
face mask. Make sure that there are no leaks at the
side, adjust. Making sure that the rate is as per
doctor’s order. Auscultate the client and check for
condition if there is improvement on the suctioning
done. Inhale exhale inhale exhale. There is a decrease
in the secretions heard therefore the therapy is

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