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Gender roles play a big part in our society. They show a range of behaviors which are
acceptable and appropriate in in a culture or community. Usually they ae centered conceptions
of masculinity and femininity. Gender roles can maximize the potential of a specific sex. They
also keep society organized by assigning tasks to a gender. Also, men and women have certain
emotions that need to be treated a certain way. Gender roles will help to keep order in our

Although, in our modern society today, we are faced with numerous disadvantages when it
comes to gender roles. Women are perceived to work at home and take care of the children,
but most of the women nowadays are educated and have jobs, it is unjust for them to be given
a lower wage compared to men because they can work as well as the men and sometimes even
better. Men also are seen as those who are strong and masculine and show no emotion, this
does not mean that women cannot be strong, it is just that we have different ways of coping.
When men show emotion it also does not mean that they are weak, if that is his way of coping
then I see that there is nothing wrong with that. In the household, the men do not always need
to be the head, it can also be a collaboration and women and children can also take important
responsibilities for the family. Also, men and women are perceived to like certain things such as
women are known to like the color pink, wear dresses, be soft spoken, be interested in love
stories while men are known to be opinionated, like action movies, and wear pants or simple
clothes. When we do not follow this, we are judged but no matter what gender, we must have
the freedom to choose what we want to wear, what we like and how we want to act, because
we are all equally human.

God created us all to be equal and we all have potential to do anything we want to achieve in
our family, community and in our society. Gender roles are important, but they should not limit
our ability to do great things in our society

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