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The purpose of this essay is to reflect on the simulated teaching presentation I have presented
along with my two other team mates, Lau and Farah. However, I will only be reviewing on the
challenges and obstacles I have faced while conducting my part which is the practice stage.

First of all, time management was really important. The activity that was conducted during
practice stage appeared to be too short for the time given. Besides, the activity on the practice
stage was only seemed as the continuation of the one on the previous stage. It would have
been better if the time was shortened so that it can be used in a different stage that needed
more attention. Another way to overcome that, the activity restructured so that it will fit the time
given perfectly and does not leave the time hanging. In the upcoming lessons, I will take a
closer look at the management of time so that not a second would go to waste. Besides, an
effective time management will have pupils to enjoy the lessons even more and will not get
bored easily.

Secondly, when I reviewed back the recording of my simulated teaching presentation, I noticed
that the language used might be slightly higher than the pupils’ standards. The pace of my
speech was also appeared to be a little bit too fast for the pupils. Miscommunication may occur
when the instructions given are not clear enough or the words are jumbled up, leading to a
confused pupil. I was also heard not using the correct stress in the video. I was probably too
engulf with the thought of wanting to speak ‘fluently’ in front of the pupils. I totally
misunderstood the meaning of ‘fluent’ though. When I reflect on it, I realized that speaking
fluently doesn’t mean the pace of your speech should be fast and that was where I had it
wrong. As a teacher, I should make sure that my speech come out smooth and clear where
the pronunciation is clear and the stress timing is correct. Especially when it comes to teaching
speaking skills, I should be the example that my pupils can look up to. Thus, I should work on
my speaking skills and all the little details so that my speech will come out clearer and simpler
for the pupils.

Lastly, getting feedbacks from the pupils to increase their involvement in the classroom. This
is the part that I think I missed out from my teaching. At the end of the practice stage, two
pupils from each groups were asked to do the practice in front of the class. However, other
than those two pupils, the remaining ones didn’t get the chance to express their understanding
from the practice they have done. In the upcoming lessons, teacher may just point and pick
pupils to answer short questions to test out their knowledge on the topic. This does not only
save time as pupils don’t have to come out to the front to state their answers but also it may
help to increase pupils’ involvement as teachers can pick as many pupils to answer the
questions in a short span of time.

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