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Kata Pengantar ...................................................................................................

Daftar Isi ..............................................................................................................

BAB I Pendahuluan
1.1. Latar Belakang .............................................................................................
1.2. Tujuan ........................................................................................................
1.3. Rumusan Masalah ........................................................................................

BAB II Pembahasan
2.1. Sifat Sifat Pergerakan ...................................................................................
2.2. Review Anatomi dan Fisiologi Regulasi Pergerakan...................................
2.3. Faktor Patologis yang Mempengaruhi Mobilitas dan Imobilitas .................
2.4. Dampak Sistemik Imobilitas ........................................................................
2.5. Proses Keperawatan Kebutuhan Mobilitas dan Imobilitas ..........................

BAB III Penutup

3.1 Kesimpulan ..................................................................................................
3.2 Saran ........................................................................................................

Daftar Pustaka .....................................................................................................


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