Tuesday 15-Dec-15: Athlete of The Month - AUSTIN KENNEDY

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Athlete of the Month _ AUSTIN KENNEDY

For all round participation, enthusiasm and chipping in helping

Liam Hutton U14M 11.72 *Rec HT
Tianna Merritt U16W 12.6
Austin Kennedy U16M 12.9
Brian Feutrill M50 13.3
Zoe Scott U16W 13.9

Darren Brennan M30 15.9

Leon Sander M75 16.2
Robyn Feutrill W50 17.1
Lyle James M75 21.3
Kat Edwards W45 21.8

Dale Fry Vis 13.8

Rob Antoniolli M60 14.1
Lauren Heasman U16W 14.3
Michael Byrne Vis 14.7
Harold Membrey M60 15.0
Taleesha Rowell U16W 15.4

High Jump - low

Rex Kennedy U14M 1.18 =PB
Kat Edwards W45 0.95 PB
Harold Membrey M60 1.10
Lauren Heasman U16W 1.27 PB
Taleesha Rowell U16W 1.10
Robyn Feutrill W50 1.20 *Rec
Rob Antoniolli M60 1.15
Michael Byrne vis 1.18


Rosemary Giles W40 5.41.0

Rob Antoniolli M60 5.56.0
Robyn Feutrill W50 6.31.9 *Rec
Lauren Heasman U16W 6.37.9
Taleesha Rowell U16W 6.38.3
Darren Brennan M30 6.41.7
Harold Membrey M60 7.02.9
Kat Edwards W45 7.30.0 PB
Shane Davey M45 7.34.7
Lyle James M75 10.34.3

Dale Fry 1100m DNF

Brian Feutrill 1100m DNF
Garry Hastie 700m DNF

Garry Hastie M50 29.20
Rex Kennedy U14M 27.99
Austin Kennedy U16M 24.50
Paula Kennedy W45 23.79
Shane Davey M45 22.51
Zoe Scott U16W 22.29
Rob Antoniolli M60 21.35
Leon Sander M75 18.50
Darren Brennan M30 18.37
Harold Membrey M60 17.22
Deb Cox W50 16.36
Taleesha Rowell U16W 15.12
Kat Edwards W45 14.18 PB
Rosemary Giles W40 13.90
Robyn Feutrill W50 13.80
Brian Waldhuter M75 13.44
Lyle James M75 10.93
Lauren Heasman U16W 10.64

Shot Put - non points

Liam Hutton U14M 13.18
Mikayla Horan U16W 11.78
Austin Kennedy U16M 10.21
Paula Kennedy W45 8.45
Lyle James M75 3.94

Relay - 200,100,100
"Vasse Vikings" Brian, Rob, Lyle 1
"Mostly Men" Garry, Harold, Shane 2
"Go Girls" Taleesha, Lauren, Kat 2

Protest dismissed due to ugly scene being created after reports Lyle short changed everyone else and only ran 90m.
Photo finish "suggests" a clear 2nd place to "mostly men" despite generous finish judgement to "go girls"
only ran 90m.
o "go girls"

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