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Social Innovation Fundamentals Activity

Dragon’s Den Social Enterprise Challenge

Invent a social enterprise idea that you will present to your teacher

Make a difference! Come up with an idea that will create positive environmental or social change in
your community while making money. Don’t forget that for this activity, you must be able to use only
supplies in your classroom to start your social enterprise. You have 20 minutes to plan your idea
and prepare your two-minute presentation.

1. Brainstorm
 What is your mission? Are you trying to fix a health, communication, educational,
athletic or environmental problem?
 Do you have a viable business idea? Do your classmates want your product or service?
 Be creative! Think outside the box and have fun.

List your top three ideas:

a. Rental of power banks
b. Selling of Stationeries
c. Selling of Reviewers using recycled papers

2. Project Selection
 Choose your best idea. You will have to present this idea to your teacher.

Project idea:
Aiming to provide printed information to accompany lectures of different courses. My project
idea is a social enterprise of reviewers and handouts. In my social enterprise, I want to help
students to understand more about the lecture by selling Reviewers & Handouts printed
in recycled/ scratch papers. With this I am able to address the not only the educational
problem but also I am able to address the environmental problem which is wasting paper.

What steps do you need to make your idea happen? List the steps you will take to
achieve your goals: supplies, authorizations, people, marketing, production, etc. Keep in
mind the SMART goals criteria (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound)


I want earn profit by selling reviewers to donate to medical charity
In order to be specific with my project idea, I am going to use some of the 5 W’s
Who, What, When, Where, Why.

Who is involved in this goal:

Me, Students and Teachers. My target customers will be the students. With the help of
teachers, this is where I can start making reviewers and Handouts of Topics that were and
will be tackled within the semesters.

What supplies do I have:

The supplies that I need for this project will be recycled papers or scratch papers coming
from students. Also Notes, PowerPoints and information that may help me in making the

When will I want to achieve this goal:

I want to achieve this as soon as I have the authorizations of the teacher and school

Where do I want to accomplish this goal:

This will be accomplished in the school, selling reviewers can be sold to other students
within our strand

Why do I want to achieve this goal:

I want to achieve this goal since not only help in the education of others but it also helps
in the environment.

providing at least 20 reviewers within a week, where those reviewers are adequate to
students with the help of notes, powepoints and information from the teacher

I can achieve this by using a marketing strategy of “Word of Mouth” I can tell friends and
other students about my social enterprise personally or in social medias considering that
we are an digital campus.

My project idea can be realistically achieved since a new study by shows that students
learn way more effectively from print textbooks than screens. Students recalled key points
linked to the main idea and other relevant information better when engaged with print.

Time Bound
If this project is approved, this will be started within two weeks or before exams and
compute the profit made by this project

3. Analysis
 List three strengths of your idea that might make you successful and three
weakness that might cause your problems as you develop your social enterprise.

The availability of the reviewers
Most students learn more effectively from printed than screens
Reviewer fee is affordable and student-friendly

Piracy of reviewers and handouts (photocopying)
Substitutes online
Limited scratch/recycled paper

4. Presentation
 Your team will now present your project to your teacher (Dragon) in the Dragon’s Den.
Your teacher will judge as a Dragon. You should include where, what, why, who and
how in your presentation:

o Where did your idea come from?

This idea came from my old experience last grade 10 where I started to sell notes and
reviewers to my classmates. Also because my mother is currently doing this thus she is a
teacher, she uses scratch papers for her reviewers and students demand for reviewers and
notes especially on days before they have quizzes and exams

o Why did you choose this idea?

I choose this idea since this is a win-win for both parties where I am able to
teach myself some valuable lessons in entrepreneurship and they are able to get
information and learn from the reviewers + we will be using scratched or
recycled paper so that we wouldn’t waste papers, recycling reduces the total
number of trees that are cut down to make paper and can reduce overall
demand for wood. This would be beneficiary for the education and for the

Why will it be successful? Why will it help fill a need in your community?
Students need study notes or lecture notes needed for seatwork’s, quizzes and
especially for exams. I know your asking Aren’t we a digital campus and we can
use our devices than papers, Yes, we are now a digital campus but a new study
by Alexander Patricia shows that students learn way more effectively from print
textbooks or printed reviewers than digital copies or on screens. Students
recalled key points linked to the main idea and other relevant information better
when engaged with print.

Recycled paper or Scratch papers can help the environment thus this helps
preserve forests in view of the fact that this reduces the demand for wood.

o What will you do? What classroom supplies will you use?
Supplies needed
Scratched papers, Recycled Paper, Notes & Powerpoints
(this will be printed at home)

o Who will you purchase your product or service? Who are your customers?

o How will you go about starting your social enterprise? How will you be
resilient and overcome any perceived challenges. Describe your timeline.
Collect – Compile- Print- Sell- Advertise- Get profit- Give to charity


Brent Callahan, POP Teacher, Riverdale High School, Lester B. Pearson School Board

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