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Duration of the Course: 6 Month :

1. Islamic Studies & Pakistan Studies

 Historic, Code & Biographic, two nation theory

2. Administration & Management

 History of the organization of the Irrigation Department,
Composition of various units in the Irrigation Department,
Definition of a public servant, Duties of officers and other staff,
Service Rules, Examinations and training, Leave, Travelling
allowance, Complaints against Government servants, Government
servants conduct rules, Office routine and administration, The
system of four Ps and three Cs., Assembly questions and
resolutions, Law suits, Position of deputy commissioners in regard
to canal administration, Interpretation of rules,
 Furniture, Tools and Plant and Instruments, Government Records,
Registers and Returns, Register of Plant and Machinery,
Instructions for the preparation of Revenue Reports, Inspection of
Divisional and Sub Divisional Offices, Office Libraries, Books of
Reference, Standing Order Books, Record Books, Production of
Official Records in Law Courts, Rules from Occupation of Canal
Rest Houses, Fire Protection, Common defects noticed in the
matter of cleanliness of office and remedial measures therefore,
Dengue control .

3. Financial Rules

 Cash Transactions and their Record, Demands and Recoveries of

Rents of Buildings and Lands, Deposits, Suspense Accounts,
Stores, Works, Administrative approval and Technical Sanction,
Various stages for execution of works, Specification of important
works, Payments to labourers, Payments to Suppliers and
Contractors, Works Abstracts, Contractors’ Ledger, Manufacture
Accounts, Workshop Accounts, Deposit works,, Accounts and
Accounts Returns of Sub-Divisional and Divisional offices, Inter-
Government and inter-Departmental Transaction, Revenue
Receipts and their check, Rules for the maintenance of the overhaul
Suspense Account of old excavators, Rules for the working of
Government Motor Lorries belonging to the Irrigation Branch,
Rates to be charged for the private use of Government Motor
Launches, Conveyances etc. , Payments on Muster Rolls, Check of
Distance Marks, Supplies to Irrigation Officers on Tour, Rules and
Orders under the Land Acquisition Act, Treasure Guards and the
Custody and Escort of Treasure, Custody of Cash and Method of
making payments, Agreements with Contractors, Register of
Buildings, Planning Commission Performa’s

4. Canals and Drains

 Classification of Canals, Design of Irrigation Channels, Water

Engineering Principles, Water Profiles, Hydraulics applied to Irrigation,
Design and Maintenance of Canal Banks, Lining of Channels, Cross
Drainage works , Falls and Meter Flumes, Fluming and Headless Meters,
Syphon Spillways and Hydratomats, Distributory Head Regulators and
Distributors, Outlets and Tail Clusters, Irrigation Projects, Remodeling

Channels, Inundation Canals, Discharge Observation and Regulation,
Water Power from Canals Falls. Modeling canals(computer)
 L-section of canals, Cross sections, Command and draw off statement,
Chak plan, History of channel, Diagnosis of troubles, Drowned bridges,
Control points, Watching of channel, H-register, Characteristic curves,
Efficiency diagram, Pie diagram gauges, Velocity observation, Current
meter, Calibration of current meters. Sediment transport, Canals in
deserts, Rain harvesting, Water Engineering principles, Performance of
important canal system of the world.
Design of Bridges and Culverts, Water Profiles, Hydraulics applied to
Irrigation, Canal Roads, Silt Sampling, Canal telegraph, Well
measurement, Bench marks.
 Harbeside Manual, Weed eradication, Super elevation, Canal breaches,
berm formation, Silting tanks, loses in the Canals aqueduct, siphon
Supper passage, level crossing, Auto suction weirs, Classification of
falls, Distribution of surplus energy. Cistern, Glacis, Meter flume, Rising
cell gates, Silt vanes, skimming plate form, Proportional distributors,
Non-modular outlets, Tilted pipe outlets, Tail cluster, water course
discharge observations portable flumes.Check of Survey Work done
by Subordinates, Preparation of Estimates and Drawings, Deep
penetration radars. Canal Plantation.

5. Flood Management and Hill Torrents

 Flood preparedness, Flood fighting plan & dry run, Monitoring,

Inspections, Disaster Management, River and Rain gauging, River

discharges observation, Logging of Hydrologic data, Interpretation

evaluation and reporting of data, Breaching section and operation,

River surveying and survey report. Modeling Rivers. (physical &

computer) Types of flood works,

 Survey and Estimation of flood works and quality assurance,

Completion report writing and analysis of flood works, Reserve

stock, flood fighting material, Stone query & their location, Flash

flood forecast, preparedness and interception, Flood fore- caste and

metrology, Flood warning introducing telemetry. MEGA flood

Project, (FPSP-I and FPSP-II Projects )

6.. Regulation and Indus water treaty.

 Flood Routing , Reservoir operation and sedimentation, Remote

Discharge observations, Water management, Water accord and its

history. Water availability forecast, Water accounts, Losses and gains,

Link operations, River delta maintenance, Bank storage.

 Drought Management, Canal Regulation, Canal closure, Distribution

plan, Kharif plan, Rabi Operations, Introduction to IRSA. Introduction

to the treaty, Indian works, Linking of river by India, Surveillance via

Internet. Indian states water issues, Remote sensing, Radars, GIS

7. Barrages

 History of Barrages, Design, Construction, and Remodeling,

 Selection of Site, Layout, Types of Weirs, Difference between Head
works and barrage, Afflux, Retrogration, Pond Level, Water way for
Weir, Effect of weir on the regime of river, Secondary Weir Under
Sluices, Divide wall, Fish Ladder, Head Regulator, Silt Control at
Head works, Parallel Flow and its Effects, Head Across, Guide Banks,
Marginal Bund, Moveable Weir gates and Shutters, Gauges, and gauge
well at Barrage, Hydraulic jumps, Gates, Pressure Distribution
under floors. Practical Weir Design, Determination of uplift Pressure,
Theory of exit gradient, Curtain and Cut off walls, Sheet Piles,.
Application of HECRAS, Mike 11
 Diversion of River Channel, Torrents and Stream, River Regime,
Meandering of Rivers and their extent, Erosion, Swirls, Silt and
Velocities in Punjab Rivers, Spurs, Groynes, Retired Embankments,
Marginal Bunds, Pitched Island, Layout of River Embankment, Cross
Section, Object and Construction of Guide Bunds and Extent of
narrowing, Wing wall design, Examples of weir designs, Flared-out
wall Upstream and down stream floors.

8. Small Dams and Tanks

 Introduction of Dams, Classification of dams, Selection of Type of

Dams, Foundation and Construction materials, Soil Classification,

Ecological and Environmental consideration, Design, construction

Operation & Maintenance, Earth fill Dams, Rock fill Dams, Concrete

Dams and roller concrete, Spill ways, Estimating Rainfall, Run off,

Sedimentation assessment and control, reservoir and catchment area,

management, Dam Safety, Dam operation and maintenance, seepage

analysis and remedial measures, Zoning of Embankment, Storage

Reservoirs and Tanks, Hard pan, Evaporation

9. Revenue /Canal and Drainage Act

 Role of Canal Officers, Reclamation of Thur Lands, Instruction of the

Guidance for Canal Officer in the Preparation and Modification of
Warabandis, Principal Crops Grown on the Canals in the Punjab, Rules
for Extra Supply of Canal Water for Gardens and Orchards, Instruction
on deposit work, Judicial Powers for Canal Officers , Typical Chak
Plan, Location Map.
 Acquisition of land for repair to banks of Canal, Command Statement, A
form, B form, Capacity Statement, Inclusion of New areas, Sanction of
canal water supply to new areas of existing canals, Form for Application
of water, special charges for unauthorized Irrigation from damaged
outlet, Charges for unauthorized Irrigation and waste of water, Breaches
, Cuts, Instructions on Co-operation between police and Irrigation

 Canal Patwari and Mirab: Introduction, Principal duties, Charge or

“halqa”, Personal register of Canal Patwaris and Mirabs, Waste

Water and unauthorized irrigation, Crops Year, Khasrah, , Shajrah,
Lal Kitab, Najaiz and Abzai Register,

 Zilladar: Principal duties, Qualifications, Gauge and Discharge

Registers, Waste of water and unauthorized irrigation, Weekly weather
 Divisional Canal Officer: Relation between Divisional and Sub-
Divisional Officers, Duty of Divisional Officer to train Sub-Divisional
Officers, Necessity for watching the work of the Revenue Staff,

 Revenue Clerk: Compilation of Register in Form II, II-A and IV,

English Office returns , Outlet register, Check outlet register.
 Duties of Sub Divisional Canal Officer, Deputy Collector, Assessment
Clerk, Revenue Clerk, and Lambardar,

The Canal & Drainage Act:

 Definitions under Revenue manual and canal Act, Notification to issue

when water-supply is to be applied for public purposes, Powers of
Canal officers, Power to enter and survey, Adjustment of claims
between persons jointly using water-course, Special powers of
Divisional Canal Officer to initiate cases under Section 20, Cutting of
supply for any land not being irrigated, Application for acquisition of
land and construction of works thereafter, Collector, Commissioner and
a Canal Officer to have powers of Civil Courts. flat rate.
 Liability when water is unauthorized taken from canal or water-course,
Power to prohibit obstruction or order their removal, Power to remove
obstruction after prohibited, Preparation of schemes for works of
improvement, Definition of labourer, Powers of Canal Officer to restore
interrupted supply, Power to summon and examine witnesses. Offences
under the Act, Power to arrest without warrant.
 Rules for the Remodeling of Channels & Outlets, Instructions on
Introducing: Scheme for Transfer of Irrigation Management of

Farmers Organizations, Legal and Regulatory Frame work for

FOs.,PIDA Act 1997, PIDA (Farmers Organization)

10. Building and Roads

 Design Construction & Maintenance, Building and Road,

Materials availability
 Annual Repairs , Special repairs, Office and residential buildings,
Seismic Zones in Pakistan, Types of soils, Latest concepts in
Building construction, Irrigation Rest House maintenance, Lime
mortar masonry and Jack arches. Culverts, earthen roads, Shingle
 Lighting equipment, Energy Management, Energy Audit,
Architectural Aspects in Building construction,

11. Mechanical, Electrical works and Tube well

 Tube wells: Components, Selection Criteria, Turbines, Motors, Pumps,

Repair and Maintenance of Tube wells / components.

 New Technologies: Solar tube wells in Pakistan, Biogas tube wells in

 Gates and Gearings: (At Barrages) Hydraulic gates, Functions, Types,
Sliding type gates, Intake bulk head gates, Draft – tube head gates, Stop
logs, Timber stop log, Steel stop log, High pressure control and
Emergency gates, Wheel and Roller – Mounted gates, Spill way gates,
Stony Roller gates, Hinged type gates, Prime movers /Motors selection,
Paint of machinery, Repair and Maintenance of machinery.
 Workshops: Manufacturing of gates and gearings, Manufacturing of
Hoist, wooden boats manufacturing, Motors Rewinding, Heavy
Earthmoving Machine Repair / Maintenance, Automobiles / Engines etc.

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