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GOAL 1: No Poverty
4P’s- The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is a human
development measure of the national government that provides
conditional cash grants to the poorest of the poor, to improve the
health, nutrition, and the education of children aged 0-18.
GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
Feeding program- Feeding Programs- The Republic Act 11037 or the
“Masustansyang Pagkain para sa Batang Pilipino Act,” which aims to
combat hunger and undernutrition among Filipino children. The
education and social welfare departments shall be the lead
implementors of this law. This law recognizes the importance of good
nutrition to our children’s ability to develop into physically and
mentally healthy individuals.
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
Free Vaccine- Free Vaccine (Flu Vaccine) (Pneumonia Vaccine)-A
vaccine is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a
particular disease. A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles
a disease-causing microorganism, and is often made from weakened or
killed forms of the microbe, its toxins or one of its surface proteins. The
agent stimulates the body's immune system to recognize the agent as
foreign, destroy it, and "remember" it, so that the immune system can
more easily recognize and destroy any of these microorganisms that it
later encounters. Flu vaccination and Pneumonia vaccine is free at the
community health centers especially for senior citizens.
GOAL 4: Quality Education
Day care Center-institution that provides supervision and care of
infants and young children during the daytime, particularly so that their
parents can hold jobs.
GOAL 5: Gender Equality
Sogie Bill- The Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression
Equality also known as the Anti-Discrimination Bill (ADB), is a proposed
legislation of the Congress of the Philippines. It is intended to prevent
various economic and public accommodation-related acts of
discrimination against people based on their sexual orientation, gender
identity or expression. The current versions of the bill are championed
by Kaka Bag-ao, Geraldine Roman, and Tom Villarin in the House of
Representatives, and Risa Hontiveros in the Senate. The version in the
House of Representative passed its third reading most recently on
September 20, 2017, but died in the Senate. It has been refiled for the
18th Congress.
GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
A water pump is any device for moving water. The water pump is one
of the oldest and most widespread machines, and exists in an
enormous variety of styles. The shaduf or shadoofW (bucket on
counterweighted lever), a very primitive pump, is known to have
existed since about 2000 BCE.
Some uses of water pumps include:
• Obtaining water from ground wells for drinking, cooking, and
other purposes.
• Moving water in active solar heating systems.
A barangay is the smallest political and administrative unit in the
Philippines and for purpose of this discussion, can be considered as a
village with a population from about 500 to 2,000. There are some
32,000 such communities in rural areas throughout the country. The
barangay water program is intended to develop national and local
government capacity to plan, design and implement small scale water
systems to serve these rural communities.
GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Solar Lights- Off-grid, No need for Cable and Electricity, Save Money
You need not to invest huge money to build electricity grid, no
trenching or complex wiring required. All you need to do is setting a
light pole with a solar lighting system on it. It will greatly reduce the
installation and electricity cost.
Safe, Easy Installation and maintenance
Solar lights are very easy to install and maintenance, typically only
needing a few bolts to hold them secure and some basic wirings. More
importantly, the low voltage DC power is much safer to work with than
standard electric.
Green &
Solar energy is green. And there is no harmful gases come from a solar
panel. The sun is never absent, and even the cloudiest days, there is a
bit of insolation available for the solar panels to soak up.
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
For farmers: -Republic Act 7607 primarily aims in realizing equitable
distribution of benefits and opportunities through the empowerment of
the small farmers. The law recognizes the country’s responsibility for
the welfare and development of small farmers by giving them support
in attaining their socioeconomic goals. The law encourages the
participation of small farmers, farm workers, farmers’ cooperatives and
organizations to enjoin in the planning, organization, management and
implementation of agricultural programs and projects.
GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Road widening-[REPUBLIC ACT NO. 917]
Which includes rights-of-way, bridges, ferries, drainage structures,
signs, guard rails, and protective structures in connection with
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Housing or more generally living spaces, refers to the construction and
assigned usage of houses or buildings collectively, for the purpose of
sheltering people — the planning or provision delivered by an
authority, with related meanings. The social issue is of ensuring that
members of society have a home in which to live, whether this is a
house, or some other kind of dwelling, lodging, or shelter.
GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
GOAL 13: Climate Action
Fogging is a technique used for killing insects that involves using a fine
pesticide spray (aerosol) which is directed by a blower. In some cases a
hot vapour may be used to carry the spray and keep it airborne for
longer. Fast acting pesticides like pyrethroids are typically used.

GOAL 14: Life Below Water

Fisheries- In order to institutionalize a major participation of the local
fisher folks and other resource users in the community-based planning
and implementation of policies and programs for the management,
conservation, development and protection of fisheries and aquatic
resources of the municipal waters, as defined by the Local Government
Code, there are hereby created Fisheries and Aquatic Resource
Management Councils (FARMCS) in all barangays, municipalities and
cities abutting municipal waters.
GOAL 15: Life on Land
Piggery-The Philippine pig industry is traditionally a backyard
dominated operation. Despite the presence of large scale swine farms
in some areas of the country, backyard hog raising still predominates in
the rural areas. It is one of the livestock enterprises that adds to the
meager income of every marginal farmer. It helps everyone of us
especially the people who are in need, taking care of a pig is one of
their income.
GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Tanod - Barangay Tanod brigades were organized to assist the
government in themaintenance of peace and order in thecountry.
Pursuant to such duty, they conduct rondas or nightly patrols,
necessarily exposing their lives and limbs to danger in the hands of
criminal elements and other wayward members of society.

GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal

Municipal governments are not part of the executive government but
are autonomous authorities, elected directly by the people with a
mandate to promote the development of their territory. They have
extensive powers to set up their own local projects and standards,
provided they do not contravene national legislation. The functions of
municipal governments include the following:
-Provision of state-run home services and basic unmet needs as regards
health, education, environmental cleanliness, drinking water in homes,
recreation and sport.
-Organization and planning of the economic, social and environmental
development of their territory and construction of facilities required for
municipal progress.
-Control of the appropriate management of renewable natural
resources and the environment.
-Promotion of community participation and the social and cultural
improvement of their inhabitants
Provincial - While national policy on environment is the responsibility of
the Ministry, provincial government is responsible for translating these
guidelines into the regional context. The 12 provincial governments
develop regional policy and draw up regional plans setting out the
zoning guidelines for the location and expansion of residential,
industrial and commercial areas within cities, towns and villages.
Environmental management policy is related to spatial planning and
directed to creating a healthy environment with clean air, water and
soil by regulating emissions from road transport, industry and other
sources. To this end, provincial authorities are responsible for granting
environmental permits stipulating the limits, for example, for emissions
and noise hindrance. The Provinces are also responsible for
enforcement of environmental regulations by large companies.
Provincial authorities play a key role in stimulating the use of
sustainable energy and in meeting targets for the production of
renewable energy such as wind energy, and for provision of adequate
space for the construction of wind energy parks.

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