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T h e Te l c o R e v e n u e A s s u r a n c e H a n d b o o k

Baselines Assess
Individual Operations
Another reason to create inter-system reports is to develop a set of
baseline numbers against which we can measure the effectiveness
and performance of individual systems.

These baseline reports can provide us with an understanding of the

overall performance of the entire organization and the revenue man-
agement chain, as opposed to the operational performance of an
individual system.

Establishing C-Level
Monitoring Capabilities
Although top management is clearly interested in how well the
company is performing, they are not too keen on reviewing the op-
erational performance information for dozens of systems. What top
management needs is a high-level view of the overall flow of reve-
nues through the different stages of the revenue management chain.
Baseline reports can provide them with that information.

Baseline Reports as
Early Leakage Warning Systems
The final and most important point is that baseline reports, when
developed and utilized correctly, can be the organization’s most ef-
fective tool for detecting leakage situations.


In Chapter 2.5, we provided a brief overview of the entire base-
line reporting process. We said that there are three types of baseline
reporting activities: revenue recognition, revenue invoicing and rev-
enue realization.

We also pointed out that baseline reports allow us to analyze the

overall transformation of Erlangs to dollars.


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