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Section 5 : Chapter 4


Network Services Customer Service Order Provisioning

Reconciliation Reconciliation Reconciliation Reconciliation Reconciliation
Data Data Data Data Data

Network Mediation Billing IN Roaming Interconnect Collection Dunning Order Other

Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Storage
Data Layer Data Data Data
Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage

Network Mediation Billing IN Roaming Inter - Col - Dunning Order Other

connectand Loadlections
Access, Extract, Transform Layer Mgmt
Extraction Extraction Extraction Extraction Extraction Extraction Extraction Extraction Extr. Extraction

Network Mediation Billing IN Roaming Inter-

- Col-
Dunning Order Other
Mgmt connect lections
System System
Data StorageSystem
Layer System Mgmt Systems
System System System System System

Figure 5.4.10 Audit work area

however, a large amount of bill-cycle auditing capability is built

into the billing system software and is a standard part of billing op-

These billing-cycle audits include:

1. Checking the totals at the beginning and end of each cycle
2. Checking the totals of the run against totals from a history
of these same runs in other months (looking for discrepan-
3. Checking on the:
a. Number of customers billed versus number of custom-
ers in a cycle
b. Number of CDRs in versus CDRs out
c. Number of minutes in versus minutes out
d. Total minutes and revenue for the cycle run versus a
historical analysis of past actions
4. Checking suspended records and determining why they
were suspended
5. Re-running the billing cycle (called re-rating) to get sus-
pended records into the run

eXcellence in Telecommunications 311

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