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T h e Te l c o R e v e n u e A s s u r a n c e H a n d b o o k

computer systems posture of a telco’s revenue assurance capabilities

must approach solutions by intelligently collecting and arranging
various building blocks, instead of building a single system.

The revenue assurance architect’s building blocks include:

1. An inventory of all core operational systems that drive the
revenue management chain
2. An inventory of all collateral systems that support that
3. An inventory of all ancillary systems that boost the ability
of the revenue assurance group to accomplish its full cov-
erage objectives

Creating this architecture requires the intelligent blending and

assembling of these options.

When revenue assurance managers decide to deploy some ancillary

systems, they consider several options. They can:
a. Purchase specialized revenue assurance software packag-
b. Commission enhancements to existing systems to gain ad-
ditional functionality
c. Build specialized revenue assurance applications
d. Purchase multipurpose “intelligence” tools and systems to
cover a wider range of potential problem areas

The architectural challenges are the same no matter which options

are chosen to assemble this environment. The heart of the problem
is figuring out how to mix and blend these systems to work as cohe-
sively as possible.

Building a Revenue Assurance System

Any manager asked to build or buy some kind of revenue assurance

system follows a similar procedure and faces a typical set of prob-


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