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Section 6 : Chapter 1

With that heightened importance comes a different understanding

of the risks and rewards associated with revenue assurance systems

Change in Hardware and Software Costs

Cost is one of the biggest factors in increasing the use of systems to
support revenue assurance. The cost of disk and CPU has dropped
so dramatically, telcos can now store, save and process information
they could never afford to manage before. The economic feasibility
of storing months of CDR history has broken new ground for reve-
nue assurance.

Change in Attitude of Revenue

Assurance Professionals
The revenue assurance discipline and the skills and ideas of revenue
assurance professionals are more imaginative and proactive than
ever. These courageous new perspectives on the role of RA have led
to powerful revenue assurance tools and databases.


There is an overwhelming assortment of options when trying to
address the overall revenue assurance systems environment. The
existence of so many options, however, makes decision-making
extremely difficult.

Assembling the Building Blocks

There is no “silver bullet” revenue assurance application that allows

managers to solve all, or even most, of their revenue assurance prob-
lems in one clean installation.

Revenue assurance involves far too many systems processes and

environmental factors for that to occur. Anyone responsible for the

eXcellence in Telecommunications 321

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