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Section 6 : Chapter 2



Based on the rich set of functionalities and objectives considered

thus far, it is possible to begin to design the optimum revenue assur-
ance reporting and management environment. One significant
observation about this environment is that it is based not on what is
required from the system, but what is not required. An assumption
followed here, and by most telco operations, is that revenue assur-
ance is primarily an observational exercise. The job of the revenue
assurance group is to discover leaks in the revenue generation chain,
but not, for the most part, to fix those leaks.

There are several reasons for this, but the most significant are that:
• The most appropriate person to address a leakage area is
the person managing that operational area.
• Responsibility for the operational integrity of systems
needs to remain with the operational management groups.

Revenue assurance systems are primarily passive reporting systems,

not active operational interaction systems.

Designing Architecture for Monitoring

Information goes through many phases as it moves from the oper-

ations system to someone’s desktop, a fact that is clearly evident if
you list the types of information required by a revenue assurance

eXcellence in Telecommunications 337

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