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Section 6 : Chapter 1

The Layered Architectural Approach

The layered approach attempts to overcome the disadvantages of

the traditional approach. This system consists of multiple, flexi-
ble and interchangeable layers and modules of activity. Building up
solutions one layer at a time creates the opportunity to deliver an
architecture that is:
• Infinitely more flexible
• Easily leveraged for multiple purposes
• Developed to provide support for many business applica-
tions at little (if any) additional cost

As we consider the best approach to developing revenue assur-

ance applications, we will continually refer to and compare these
approaches to identify the best combination of methods to meet the
organization’s unique needs.


To understand the best way to deliver information to the revenue
assurance team, the first step is to identify the source of the infor-
mation it needs.

At the highest level, the revenue assurance group can get informa-
tion from only three general areas:
1. Operational systems themselves
2. A collection of custom-built RA applications and capabili-
3. Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) applications

Operational Systems

Each link of the revenue generation chain is managed by one or

more computer systems. These include:

eXcellence in Telecommunications 329

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