Expanded HIV Prevention Programs On Lao Northern Economic Corridor (Route 3)

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The views expressed in this paper/presentation are the views of the author and do not necessarily

reflect the views or policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), or its Board of Governors, or the
governments they represent. ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this paper
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Gaps in capacities for service delivery

• Project Working Teams representing different sectors,

therefore limited capacity and experience in:
- Basic HIV/STI knowledge,
- Behaviour Change Communication,
- Research qualitative (baseline assessment)
- Working with men who have sex with men
- Working with private sector on health issues

• Services:
- Condoms
- STI treatment services only in the hospital but low
utlisiation. None at the casino (but a Chinese speaking

Activities undertaken
PWT level:
• Provision of training on HIV/STI, BCC, data collection and
• Technical theory followed by supported practical
application in the field and review
• Initial baseline assessment, analysis and subsequent
development of activity plans
• Implementation led by PWTs in collaboration with Burnet
technical team– practical ‘’on the job’’ training
• Introduction on - men who have sex with men
• Training on working with the private sector by TBCA.
• PCCAs & Burnet staff approach the company
• All the PWT members have opportunities to be involved in
the implementation
Activities undertaken

Community level:
• Village volunteers have very limited formal education
Required sessions on basic HIV/STI knowledge
Supported with Peer Education strategies (tested in Laos)
Monthly meetings with the PWTs are designed to assist
these volunteers in dealing with the questions from their
Refresher training

• Private sector peer educators have limited time

Outreach activities are being supported by PWT as well as
peer educators

Activities undertaken
Services (limited access to condoms & lack STI treatment at
the company sites):

• Training on STI treatment provided to health staff and

from a mobile team to the project sites (casino and coal

• Mobile STI treatment and condom revolving funds are

planned by the PCCA in these areas.

• Need further discussions on how to improve access to

condoms and STI treatment for village youth.
Post-training monitoring

• PWTs engaged in the initial qualitative baseline

• The quantitative baseline assessment was designed to be
conducted by the peer educators/PWTs with Technical
Assistance from ADB personnel.
• Monthly and quarterly meetings of the PWTs serve as
ongoing planning and monitoring of activities.
• Monthly PE meetings to identify challenges and provide
Q&A sessions.
• The Mid-Term Assessment (March) workshop gave the
PWT’s the opportunity to review their implementation
and discussed possible improvements.

• CHAS as National Coordinator is briefed and facilitates

the coordination of project activities
• Provincial authorities – Very supportive Provincial Health
• PWTs established with support of PCCA identification of
provincial/district stakeholders.
• PWT passionate about their work and very committed.
• Provincial/district PWTs lead role in the implementation


External factors:
• Capacity building is a long term process and project time
lines are insufficient

Internal factors:
• PWTs chose to increase members to provide opportunities
for more people to develop skills and access project -
this requires rotation of team members and limits
• Limited availability and access to PEs in the private sector

• Skills developed during implementation of

responses but limited time allocated in a 2 year
timeline for the team to “practice”
• Capacity will be there at all levels however funding
is a problem

Suggestion for improvement from the PWTs

• District/provincial PWTs to take ownership in
planning and implementing the activities

Thank you

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