ROU - PartA - 2016-1 123

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Pt A, Ch 2, App 1

b) assessment of items (column 2 in the table). If the crite- Even though the deck plating group exceeds its accept-
rion is not met, the item is to be dealt with as necessary ance criterion, the average diminution of the zone, which
in the measured areas as far as the average condition of can be very roughly estimated at 8%, is acceptable and
the item concerned is satisfactory. In cases where some thus the deck plating group can be accepted as it is.
items are renewed, the average thicknesses of these Note 1: This criterion applicable to the zones is based on the gen-
items to be considered in the next step are the new eral rule that the current hull girder section modulus is not to
thicknesses. be less than 90% of the rule section modulus within 0,4L amid-
ships. When the zone criterion is used, the assessment is made
c) assessment of groups of items (column 3 in the table). If on the basis of the original modulus instead of the rule modu-
the criterion is not met, a sufficient number of elements lus. At the request of the Owner, a direct calculation using the
are to be renewed in order to obtain an increased aver- ship’s current thicknesses may be performed by the Society in
age thickness satisfying the considered criterion of the order to accept greater diminutions than those given for this
group (generally the elements to be renewed are those criterion.
most wasted). As an example, for the assessment of the
4.3.5 These criteria take into consideration two main
group “deck plates” all deck plates are measured and an
average thickness of each of them is estimated. Then the
average of all these values is to satisfy the criteria given • the overall strength of the hull girder
for this group. • the local strength and integrity of the hull structure, such
as bulkheads, etc.
d) assessment of zones (column 4 in the table). In princi-
ple, the criterion of the zone is met when all groups of As a rule, they are applicable to the structure within the
items belonging to the zone meet their own criteria (see cargo area of surface units having a length greater than 90
c) above). However, a greater diminution than those metres. However, they may also be used for smaller surface
given in column 3 may be accepted for one group of units and for structure outside the cargo area according to
items if, considering the other groups of items belonging the following principles excluding critical areas :
to the same zone, the overall diminution of the zone • for surface units having a length less than 90 metres, the
does not exceed the criterion given for it in column 4. percentages of acceptable wastage given in the tables
can be increased by 5 (%) (e.g. 15% instead of 10%,
Example: The deck zone consists of two groups of items: etc.), except for those of deck and bottom zones
• deck plating, which has an average diminution of • for structure outside the cargo area, the same 5 (%)
12% (criterion 10%) increase can be applied,
• deck longitudinals, which has an average diminu- on the understanding, however, that both conditions cannot
tion of 4% (criterion 10%). be applied at the same time.

Figure 17 : layout of items to be assessed for a surface unit

13 3 2


4 1

17 18 7
14 6 5

12 10 9



December 2016 Bureau Veritas - Rules for Offshore Units 121

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