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1. These are the accoutrements of her office: 10.Is this Philippine Justice? The figure

2. The blindfold symbolizing impartiality; 11.Of the Roman goddess Justitia slowly fades

3. A golden pair of scales measuring the 12.Into thin air, swallowed by pigments
13.Cloudy as doubts. In my uncertain country
4. Of evidence given, both pro and con;
14.Where right and wrong are cards
5. The double-edged sword that pierces
15.That can be shuffled like a pile of money
6. The thick fabric of lies; Thoth’s feather
16.Even the land’s Chief Magistrate
7. Of truth which ultimately determines
17.Is not immune from culpability; found guilty
18. He has to face the music of derision.
8. The defendant’s life is worth saving.

9. In J. Elizalde Navarro’s oil painting titled

Ralph Semino Galán

Genre:Nonfiction, Poetry

Ralph Semino Galán is a poet, literary critic and translator. He is an Associate Professor of Literature, the
Humanities, and Creative Writing at the UST Faculty of Arts and Letters and the UST Graduate School. He
has an A.B. in English (Major in Literature) magna cum laude from the Mindanao State University-Iligan
Institute of Technology, and an M.A. in English Studies (Major in Creative Writing) from UP Diliman, where
he is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature. His works both creative and critical, have been
published in numerous national and international anthologies and literary journals. His poems in English
and Filipino have won prizes in the Philippine Panorama (1993) and Home Life Magazine (1998) poetry
contests. His first book, titled The Southern Cross and Other Poems was published by the NCCA in 2005 as
part of its UBOD New Authors Series. He has been a juror of the Gawad Buhay! The PHILSTAGE Awards
for the Performing Arts since its establishment in 2008, and the co-convener with Ferdinand M. Lopez of
the annual UST Varsitarian - J. Elizalde Navarro National Workshop in Arts Criticism held every summer in
Baguio City.
 Justice is supposed to have no biases and measures the evidence regardless if it is pro or against.
It is this evidence that will eliminate all lies and find out if the defendant is guilty or not guilty.
However, in the Philippines, it is the opposite. It’s similar to a game of cards where money is
involved and even the Chief Magistrate is not immune to the faults of the system.
 The blindfold. This symbolizes that justice is “blind”—in other words, justice is supposed to be
objective, without bias; never favoring the strong nor the weak, the rich nor the poor, the righteous
nor the wicked. The blindfold.
 Scales are a well-known symbol of judgment and justice, suggesting equality, balance (fairness) and
the astute weighing of evidence. Gold is a well-known symbol of the highest quality and value. For
instance the phrase “as good as gold.” Sogolden scales may suggest judgment and/or justice of the
highest order.
 Answer: Symbols are important in a poem because the readers will easily understand what is the
author's feelings. ... Answer: Symbols are important in a nation because it can help them to be well
known. People will easily determine the nation and know what is that symbol's for.
 There were many symbolisms that have been used in the poem. First is the blindfold that shows
that justice is objective. You will not look unto his position whether he is rich or poor. The people
are in equal estate.
 Second is the golden pair of scales. The pair of scales is gold because the color gold symbolizes
something valuable or positive while scales measures balance and fairness. It also measures
validity which means fair or reasonable whether it’s against or in favour.
 Third is the double-edge sword that symbolizes that it’s not always reason and it's not only justice.
Justice and reason should be balance.
 Fourth is the Thot’s feather of truth. Thot is an Egyptian deity that served as a meditating power
especially between good and evil. This also tackles the justice between good and bad.
 Next is the painting. It was mentioned there the Roman goddess Justitia that slowly fades into
thin air and that means that the justice is already gone.
 The right and wrong are like cards because it is easy to manipulate. If you have money, you
can easily manipulate many situations regarding justice.
 The Lady Justice was mentioned because it symbolizes the justice. Justice states that even
though you are rich or has a tons of money; it is not an excuse for you underestimate the poor.
Whether you are rich or poor, the treatment should be fair.

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