Together1 Resources Comm U1

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Communication Unit 1 Whose room is it?

Student A
1 Look at the bedrooms and the names in the box. Ask questions to find out whose bedrooms they are.
Write the names on the correct bedroom.
Ben Dan Hugo Nathan
A Has Hugo got a lamp?
B No, he hasn’t. There isn’t a lamp in Hugo’s bedroom.

2 Now answer your partner’s questions.

 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Student B
1 Look at the bedrooms. Answer your partner’s questions.
A Has Hugo got a lamp?
B No, he hasn’t. There isn’t a lamp in Hugo’s bedroom.

2 Now look at the bedrooms and the names in the box. Ask questions to find out whose bedrooms they
are. Write the names on the correct bedroom.
Mark Neil Sam Toby
Communication Unit 1 Teaching notes

Whose room is it?

Pairwork: Ask and match

 Students take turns to ask and answer
questions to find out which bedroom belongs
to which person. Copy one sheet per pair
and cut into A and B.
 Review there is / isn’t and there are / aren’t
and have got by eliciting information about
objects around the classroom.
 Put students into pairs and give each pair a
worksheet. Make sure they can’t see each
other’s half of the sheet.
 Hold up the worksheet and explain that
students need to ask questions to find out
which bedroom belongs to each of the boys
in the wordpool.
 Ask two stronger students to read the
example. Point to the bedrooms and ask,
Which bedrooms haven’t got a lamp?
(bedrooms 4, 5, 6 and 8). Elicit from
students what question they could ask next.
 Students work in pairs. Monitor and check
that they are using the correct language.
 Students swap roles so that B can label the
rooms on their picture.
 Give students a few minutes to check that
they have written the correct names.
 Do class feedback by asking what items are
in each room.

Bedroom 1: Dan
Bedroom 2: Toby
Bedroom 3: Mark
Bedroom 4: Nathan
Bedroom 5: Hugo
Bedroom 6: Ben
Bedroom 7: Sam
Bedroom 8: Neil

Students describe items they can see in a
bedroom on the plan using There is / isn’t and
There are / aren’t and their partner guesses which
room they are describing.

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