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Introduction to Media and Information Literacy Shannon-Weaver’s Communication Model

(PPT 1) (1948)
Communication  Anything that interferes with the
 the act or process of using words, sounds, signs,
or behaviors to express or exchange information
or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc.,
to someone else.
 Exchange of information and the expression of
feeling that can result in understanding.


Westley and Maclean’s Model of
Non Verbal:
Communication (1957)
 Signs
 Symbols
 Colors
 Gestures
 Body language
 Facial expressions

 Oral
 Written

Communication Models: 2. Ritual or Expressive Model
 Communication happens due to the need to
Denis McQuial (2005) share understanding and emotions.
 Symbolisms and euphemisms (to
1. Transmission models
indirectly refer to certain things)
2. Ritual or expressive model  Meaning is suggested more than explicitly
3. Publicity model 3. Publicity Model
4. Reception model  Communication involves audiences as
“spectators rather than participants or
information receivers (McQuial, 2005).”
 Ex: Television commercials convincing
1. Transmission Model
the audience to buy the products they
Lasswell’s Communication Model (1948) advertise.
4. Reception Model
 Who says what to whom, through what medium,  Communication is an open process
and with what effect? Messages sent and received are open to
various interpretations based on context
and culture of receiver.

Osgood- Schramm Model of Communication

 Something we use when we want to
communicate with people indirectly, rather than
in person or face-to-face

 Information - data, knowledge derived from

study, experience, or instruction, signals or
Knowledge of specific events or situations.

“The speed of communication is wondrous to

Berlo’s SMCR Model of Communication (1960) behold. It is also true that speed can multiply the
distribution of information that we know to be
- Edward R. Murrow

Media, Information, and Technology Literacy

Media Literacy
Media literacy is an informed, critical understanding of
the mass media.
You understanding of the media, how it works, the way
it’s presented and your understanding.

Information Literacy
Ability to know when there is a need for information, to
be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use
that information for the issue or problem at hand.
Your understanding/comprehension of the information
presented to you, in any format (reading, television,
“My belief is that communication is the best way to audio, etc.)
create strong relationships.” - Jada Pinkett Smith
Technology Literacy
“Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care
Ability to use new media such as the Internet to access
for people will hear them and be influenced by them for
and communicate information effectively.
good or ill.”
Your understanding of technology, how well you use it
and can apply it to your everyday life or job, etc.
Media and Information
Technology (Digital) Literacy
 Media - Communication tools
• Ability to use digital technology,
Main ways that a large numbers of people communication tools or networks to locate,
receive information and entertainment. evaluate, use, and create information.

 Television, radio, newspapers, • Ability to understand and use information in

Internet multiple formats
• Person’s ability to perform tasks effectively in a
digital environment.
• Includes ability to read and interpret media, to
reproduce data and images through digital
manipulation, and to evaluate and apply new
knowledge gained from digital environments. ■ Display the ability to evaluate the kind of
information you access and share
– “Critical thinking”
Introduction to Media and Information
Literacy (PPT 2) Media and Information
Literacy (PPT 3)
Media Literacy
 The selecting of someone or something over
another or others.  Ability to decode, analyze, evaluate and produce
communication in a variety of forms.
 Provides a framework to access, analyze,
 A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of evaluate and create messages in a variety of
behavior that is acquired through frequent forms - from print to video to the Internet.
repetition. To understand that media literacy is not about
"protecting" kids from unwanted messages.
Therefore, media literacy is…
 A way of life or living of a person or group.
• About helping students become competent,
critical and literate in all media forms so that
Media and information literate individual they control the interpretation of what they see
or hear rather than letting the interpretation
(Characteristics) control them.
 Clarify your goals and motivations for seeking • To become media literate is not to memorize
information. facts or statistics about the media, but rather to
 Acquiring more skills in discerning, learn to raise the right question.
appreciating, and filtering information. • Len Masterman, the acclaimed author of
 A media and information literate individual teaching the Media, calls it "critical autonomy"
behaves properly on the internet. or the ability to think for oneself.
 Netiquette is a combination of ’net’ (from
Without this fundamental ability…
internet) and ’etiquette’.
 It means respecting other users’ views and An individual cannot have full dignity as a human
displaying common courtesy when posting your person or exercise citizenship in a democratic society
views to online discussion groups. where to be a citizen is to both understand and contribute
 A media and information literate individual is a to the debates of the time.
critical thinker.

 Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly

and rationally about what to do or what to
believe. It includes the ability to engage in
reflective and independent thinking.
 A media and information literate individual
knows how to protect himself/herself and others
on the internet.

Fundamental elements of media literacy

(Art Silverblatt, 1995)
• An awareness of the impact of media on the
individual and society.
• An understanding of the process of mass
• Strategies for analyzing and discussing
media messages. 4. Claim victory over the real argument
• An understanding of media content as a text
that provides insight into our culture and our
• The ability to enjoy, understand, and
appreciate media content.
• An understanding of the ethical and moral
obligations of media practitioners.
• Development of appropriate and effective
production skills.
• A critical thinking skill enabling the
audience members develop independent
judgments about media content
Critical thinking
• Critical thinking is thinking about your
thinking while you're thinking in order to
make your thinking better (Paul, 1992).
• The ability to recognize fallacies of thinking
is one of the fundamentals of critical

Fallacy of thinking

1. Ignore the real argument.
2. Create a pretend argument
3. Defeat the pretend argument

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