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Module 1: Information and Communications

Technology Today

Mechanical Period
Information and Communication Technology
 We first start to see connections between our
current technology and its ancestors.
 Refers to technologies, both hardware and  Time between 1450 and 1840.
software, that enable human to communicate  Slide rule (an analog computer used for
with one another. multiplying and dividing) were invented.
 Common misconception that ICT is internet or  Pascaline which was a very popular
computer alone. Basically, it is any form of
mechanical computer by Blaise Pascal.
technology that enables you to communicate.
 Charles Babbage developed the Difference
New Technologies Engine which tabulated polynomial
equations using the method of finite
 Brand new Laptop
 Smartphones  The Analytical Engine, first invented by
Charles Babbage in 1837, contained features
 Tablets
such as arithmetic logic unit, control flow
Four main periods: and integrated memory.
1. PREMECHANICAL PERIOD Electromechanical Period
3. ELECTROMECHANICAL PERIOD  Our modern-day technology.
4. ELECTRONIC PERIOD  The time between 1840 and 1940. These are the
beginnings of telecommunication. Telegraph
was created in the early 1800s.
 Morse code was created by Samuel Morse in
 The earliest age of information technology.  The telephone (one of the most popular forms of
 The time between 3000B.C. and 1450A.D. communication) was created by Alexander
 Humans first started communicating using Graham Bell in 1876.
petroglyths or petroglyphs were usually carved  The first radio developed by Guglielmo Marconi
in rock. in 1894.
 Early alphabets were developed such as the  The first large-scale automatic digital computer
Phoenician alphabet. in the United States was the Mark 1 created by
 Pens and paper began to be developed. It started Harvard University around 1940.
off as just marks in wet clay, but later paper was o It was programmed using punch
created out of papyrus plant. cards.
 The most popular kind of paper made was o 8ft high, 50ft long, 2ft wide, and
probably by the Chinese who made paper from weighed 5 tons.
rags.  The Telegraph is considered the first electrical
 Egyptian scrolls which were popular ways of communications device. The first device to use
writing down information to save. electricity to transmit information over an
 The first numbering systems. Around 100A.D. electrical media. First invented in 1837 by
 The first 1-9 system was created by people from William Cooke and Sir Charles Wheatstone.
India. However, it wasn’t until 875A.D. (775  Bombe was invented in 1939 by Alan Turing.
years later) that the number 0 was invented. This device was used to decipher the code.
 They created calculators, the popular model of o And was improved by Gordon
that time was the abacus. Welchman a year later.
 They combine to define how individuals choose
to interact with one another.
 In philosophy, ethics defines what is good for
Electronic Period the individual and for society and establishes the
nature of duties that people owe themselves and
 Electronic age is what we currently live in. Time one another.
between 1940 and right now.  Branch of Axiology, one of the four major
 ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and branches of philosophy, which attempts to
Computer) was the first high-speed, digital understand the nature of morality; to distinguish
computer capable of being reprogrammed to that which is right from that which is wrong.
solve a full range of computing problems.  Moral Philosophy, western tradition of ethics.
o Designed to be used by the U.S. Army  “Ethics are moral standards that help guide
for artillery firing tables. behavior, actions, and choices.”
o 680 square feet and weighing 30 tons.  Ethics are grounded in the notion of
 BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Responsibility:
Instruction Code) the third generation replaced o free moral agents
transistors. Actual operating system showed up o individuals
around this time along with the advanced o organizations
programming language. o societies are responsible for the actions
 CPU (Central Processing Unit) The fourth that they take
and latest generation. Which contained memory,
logic, and control circuits all on a single chip.
 Apple II an 8-bit home computer and one of the o individuals
world's first highly successful mass-produced o organizations
microcomputer products, designed primarily by o society should be held accountable
Steve Wozniak. to others for the consequences of
their actions
o It was introduced by Steve Jobs and
Steve Wozniak at the 1977 West Coast “In most societies, a system of laws codifies the most
Computer Faire and was the first significant ethical standards and provides a mechanism
consumer product sold by Apple for holding people, organizations, and even governments
Computer, Inc. accountable.”
 GUI (Graphical User Interface) a form of user - Laudon, et al,
interface that allows users to interact with 1996
electronic devices through graphical icons and
visual indicators such as secondary notation, Two angles of Ethics:
instead of text-based user interfaces, typed
command labels or text navigation.  Normative refers to well-based standards of
right and wrong that prescribe what humans
ought to do, in terms of:
o rights
Module 2: Professional Ethics
o obligations
“Character is what you do when no one is watching” o benefits to society
o Fairness, and specific virtues.
- old adage

Definition of Ethics
 Ethics, for example, refers to those standards
Ethics that impose the reasonable obligations:
o Rape, stealing, murder, assault, slander,
 Greek word “ETHOS” (character)
and fraud.
 Latin word “MORES” (customs)
 Ethical standards also include those that enjoin
o honesty
o compassion  Are often very subjective, and connected to
o loyalty our emotions and our basic sense of ‘right’
 Ethical standards include standards relating to and ‘wrong’. This means that it can be
rights: difficult to define ethics rigorously. This
o Such as the right to life, freedom from also applies to ethics in I.T.
injury, to choose, to privacy, and to
freedom of speech and expression. Kallman and Grillo consider whether ‘computer
Such standards are adequate standards ethics’ are different from ‘regular ethics; and
of ethics. argue that:

 Most experts agree that there is actually

no special category of computer ethics;
 Prescriptive refers to the study and rather, there are ethical situations in
development of personal ethical standards, as which computers are involved.
well as community ethics, in terms of:
o Behavior Professional Ethics
o Feelings
 One's conduct of behavior and practice when
o Laws
carrying out professional work.
o Social habits and norms which can
deviate from more universal ethical ICT Ethics
 Ethics also means, the continuous effort of  In a world where information and
studying of our own moral beliefs and conduct, communication technology has come to define
and striving to ensure that we, and our how people live and work, and has critically
community and the institutions we help to shape, affected culture and values.
live up to standards that are reasonable and  This is a difficult task because of the diversity in
solidly-based for the progress of human beings. creed, class, caste, dialect, language, culture and
race throughout the region.
Ethical Foundations & Philosophical Ethics  The issue of ICT ethics takes on added
significance as the region struggles with the
dynamics of globalization and the current
 Conceives of ethical theory as a field distinct political environment after the September 11
from the theoretical sciences. incident.
 We study ethics in order to improve our lives, ICT Ethical Issues
and therefore its principal concern is the nature
of human well-being. 1. Unemployment
o Automation of work has caused
Plato creative destruction by eliminating
 He regards the ethical virtues: some vocations and creating new ones.
o Justice 2. Crime
o Courage o Stolen and counterfeit ATM cards are
o temperance used to steal millions of dollars each
year throughout the region.
As complex rational, emotional and o The anonymity of the machines makes
social skills some crimes easier and creates many
Kallman and Grillo (1992) argue that: new types of crimes.
3. Loss of privacy
 Ethics has to do with making a principle- o Transactions are transmitted and
based choice between competing recorded in databases in the public or
alternatives. In the simplest ethical private sector.
dilemmas, the choice is between right and
Types of Ethical Issues in I.T.
4. Errors
o Information input into the databases is 1. Ethical Dilemmas
prone to human and device error. o What are and are not ethical issues
5. Intellectual Property in I.T.?
o Millions of dollars of software is o Are hackers testing the system or
illegally copied each year all over the performing an immoral action?
world. o Will genetic engineering improve
o This phenomenon has a great impact on the quality of peoples’ lives or start
the software industry in the region. to destroy it?
6. Freedom of speech and press 2. Plagiarism
o How do the constitutional rights of o Work of others is copied, but the
individuals in terms of the freedoms of author presents it as his or her own
speech and press apply to electronic work.
media? How seriously do the problems o It is generally not a legal issue, like
of pornography, harassment, libel, and copyright infringement, but it is an
censorship on the net affect individuals ethical one.
and society? What government o self-plagiarism
initiatives have been used in handling 3. Piracy
this crisis? o the illegal copying of software
7. Digital Divide o it is estimated that approximately
o The increasing use of computers has 50% of all programs on PCs are
increased the separation of rich and pirated copies
poor, creating a digital divide between 4. Hacking
the information “haves” and “have- o access to proprietary data
nots.”  White Hat, breaks security
8. Professional Ethics for non-malicious reasons.
o Faulty and useless systems that cause  Grey Hat, a hacker of
disasters and hardships to users might ambiguous ethics.
be built by incompetent ICT  Black Hat, someone who
professionals. subverts computer security
o In dispensing their duties ICT without authorization or
professionals must demonstrate their uses technology.
best practices and standards as set by 5. Computer crime
professional bodies for quality o Using imaging and desktop
assurance. publishing to create, copy or alter
official documents and graphic
Module 3: Ethical and Social Issues in
Information System
o Fraud (A deception deliberately
Ethics practiced in order to secure unfair
or unlawful gain).
 Principles of right and wrong used by o Embezzlement (is the act of
individuals as free moral agents to guide dishonestly appropriating or
behavior secreting assets, usually financial in
 It encompasses proper conduct and good living. nature, by one or more individuals
to whom such assets have been
6. Malicious Software  Computer Vision Syndrome
 Viruses disable computer.
 Trojan horse - a program o A temporary condition
which seems to be doing resulting from focusing the
one thing, but is actually eyes on a computer display
doing another for protracted, uninterrupted
periods of time.
 Virus - a self-replicating  Technostress
program that spreads by o Irritation, hostility,
inserting copies of itself impatience, enervation, fear.
into other executable code o Negative psychological link
or documents. between people and the
introduction of new
 Worm - is also a self- technologies.
replicating program. It o The resistance of change
differs from a virus in that that accompanies newly
it propagates through introduced machines to
computer networks without work, home, and leisure
user intervention. situations.
 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
7. Ergonomics/health issues (CTS)
 Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI) o A medical condition
o Also known as causing pain in parts of the
Cumulative Trauma HAND.
Disorder (CTD), o A medical condition in
occupational overuse which the median nerve is
syndrome, non-specific compressed at the wrist,
arm pain or Work Related leading to paresthesia’s
Upper Limb Disorder numbness and muscle
(WRULD). weakness in the hand.
o Symptoms:  VDT (Video Display Terminal)
 Pain in the ARM. Radiation
 The pain is worse o Teratogenic effect –
with activity. delayed or arrested
 Weakness, lack of development
endurance. o Cellular Effects – decrease
o Treatment: flow of calcium from cells,
 Adaptive change in DNA synthesis
Technology etc.
 Speech o Epidemiological studies -
recognition abnormal reproductive
software outcome and increased
 Pause software - cancer incidence.
reminds the user to 8. Digital divide
pause frequently.  Between those that have access
and can use a computer and the
Internet, and those that do not
have such access.
9. Gender Mark is a distinctive sign
 Females are often discriminated or indicator used by an
against in various ways in this new individual, business
I.T. age. organization or other legal
 Only around 5% of young women entity to identify that the
consider the IT industry for a products and/or services to
career. consumers with which the
10. Genetic engineering and the trademark appears originate
patenting of life-forms from a unique source of
 Such debates can sit alongside
 Patents - legal document
debates on subjects such as
granting owner exclusive
euthanasia and abortion.
monopoly on an invention
11. Netiquette
for 17 years.
 Pointed out by Margaret Lynch
Set of exclusive rights
guidelines for ‘on-line civil
granted by a state to an
behavior’ inventor or his assignee for
 Do not waste peoples’ time. a limited period of time in
 Do not take up network storage exchange for a disclosure
with large files. of an invention.
 Do not look at other peoples’ files  Trade secrets - intellectual
or use other systems without work or product belonging
permission. to business, not in public
 Do not use capital letters, as this domain.
denotes shouting (unless one does In some jurisdictions, such
actually want to shout at someone secrets are referred to as
through email). "confidential information"
12. Intellectual property rights: the or "classified information".
moral rights 13. Issues of data collection, storage and
 Intangible creations protected by access
law.  Under what circumstances should
 Legal property rights over creations one seek permission from or inform
of the mind, both artistic and those whose records are on file?
commercial, and the corresponding  How accurate is the data and who
fields of law. has access to it?
 Copyrights - statutory 14. Speed of computers
grant protecting intellectual  Allow people to perform unethical
property from copying by issues quickly, or perform
others for 28 years. operations that it was difficult or
A form of intellectual impossible to perform before, such
property which gives the as browsing through files that one
creator of an original work is not authorized to.
exclusive rights.  Can also mean that people do not
 Trademarks - legally give enough consideration before
registered mark, device or performing various actions.
name to distinguish one’s
15. Vendor-client issues
 If the user continually changes the
o ™ (not yet
system specification, for example,
to what extent should the vendor be
o ® (registered)
prepared to adjust the system
specification accordingly?
 Consultants selling the program to
the second client, after being paid
to develop the program for the first
client only.
 The vendor might provide hardware
maintenance according to a written
contract and for hardware to be
repaired in a ‘timely manner’, but
the client might not believe that the
repairs have been timely.

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