Failure of Neuropores To Close Can Cause Neural Tube Defects

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Development of the Nervous System 2.

lateral hinge joint forms by a

similar mechanism (probably
a. Consist of 3 layers of cells: due to signaling from nearby
endoderm, mesoderm, and mesoderm)
ectoderm 3. As neural folds close, neural
crest delaminates and migrates
Thickening of the ectoderm leads to away
the development of the neural plate 4. Closure happens first in the
middle of the tube and then
b. the neural groove begins to zips rostrally and caudally
develop at 20 days
c. at 22 days the neural groove Failure of neuropores to close can
closes along the length of the cause neural tube defects
embryo making the neural tube
d. A few days later 4 major Anterior neuropore: anencephaly
divisions of the brain are Posteriror neuropore: spina bifida
observable the telencephalon,
diencephalon, mesencephalon Neural tube closure defects (pic)
and rhomboencephalon 1. rachischisis
2. spina bifida occulta
3 germ layers are formed at 3. meningocele
gastrulation: 4. myelomeningocele

Ectoderm: outside, surrounds other “regression” of the spinal cord

layers later in development, generates
skin and nervous tissue The spinal cord and the vertebral
column are the same length up until
Mesoderm: middle layer, generates the 3rd month
most of the muscle, blood and
connective tissues of the body and As each vertebral body grows thicker,
placenta the overall length of the vertebral
column begins to exceed that of the
Endoderm: eventually most interior spinal cord such that, in the adult the
of embryo, generates the epithelial spinal cord terminates at l2 or 3 and
lining and associated glands of the gut, the dural sac ends about s2
lung and urogenital tracts.
The tail end of the dural sac covering
Neurulation: folding of the neural the spinal cord and nerve roots
plate remains attached at the coccyx and
becomes a long, thin stand called the
1. median hinge point forms filum terminale
(probably to signaling from
notochord) – columnar cells Sometimes, the spinal cord can
adopt triangular morphology become “tethered” or attached to the
(apical actin constriction, like a dural sac or filum terminale; this pulls
purse string) on the cord and can obstruct flow of
csf thus causing swelling of the Ganglion
ventricles of the brain - collection of the nerve cell
(hydrocephalus) bodies

*dermatomes Synapse
- contact site between 2 neurons
Trunk neural crest: sympathetic
nervous system Meninges
- covering of the brain and spinal
Parasympathetic system: derived from cord
cranial, vagal and lumbosacral crest
2 kinds of neurons;
Central nervous system (CNS) Afferent
a. brain - Sensory nerve supply from an
b. spinal cord organ to the CNS
Peripheral nervous system - motor nerve supply from CNS
- consist of all the nervous tissue to an organ
outside the brain and spinal cord
Cranial Nerves
Anatomic division of the nervous
system I. Cranial – sense of smell
II. Optic – sense of sight
Somatic N.S III. Oculomotor – extraoccular eye
- The voluntary part of the CNS. movements, lid elevation, pupil
- Soma = body contraction, lens shape
Autonomic NS (Visceral) IV. Trochlear – downward and
- the involuntary part of CNS inward eye movement
V. Trigeminal – mastication,
Parasympathetic touch, pain, and temperature
- a division of the ans that VI. Abducens – eyeball movement
originates from cranial nerves VII. Facial – facial expression, lip
and sacral plexus articulation, taste on anterior
Sympathetic tongue, secretion of saliva and
- the other division of the ANS tears
that originates from thoracic VIII. Vestibulocochlear (acoustic) –
spinal segments hearing, equilibrium
Neuron IX. Glossopharyngeal – taste on
- nerve cell posterior tongue, gag reflex,
- basic functional unit of the NS swallowing and phonation of
the pharynx
2 types of fibers: X. Vagus – visceral mx movement
1. dendrites – carries impulsive XI. Spinal Accessory – trapezius
toward the cell body and sternocleidomastoid
2. Axon – carries impulses away movement
from the cell body
XII. Hypoglossal – speech gyri:
movements of the tongue, - precentral, postcentral, broca’s
swallowing area, angular gyrus

Meninges (Medial)
Major fx
- outer covering, CSF circulation, Gyri:
buoyancy of brain - cingulate gyrus
3 layers:
dura mater, arachnoid, pia mater fissures/sulci
- longitudinal, calcarine
membrane reflections
falx cerebri, tentorium cerbelli Tracts
- corpus callosum, anterior
spaces: commissure
subdural, subarachnoid
vascular system: - diencephalon: thalamus,
- middle meningeal artery hypothalamus
- Major sinuses: superior sagittal - mesencephalon: colliculi
sinus, transverse inferior (superior, inferior)
sagittal sinus - metencephalon: pons,
vertebral basilar system: - Myelencephalon: medulla
- vertebral arteries
- basilar artery Major divisions of the central and
- posterior cerebral arteries peripheral nervous system
Internal carotid system:
- internal carotid  CNS
- anterior cerebral arteries Brain
- middle cerebral arteries Forebrain
circle of willis: Cerebrum
- anterior and posterior Diencephalon (between
communicating arteries brain)
- connecting 3 major arteries Midbrain
- anastomosis Hindbrain
Medulla oblongata
some major cortical structures Pons
(lateral) Cerebellum

cerebral lobes (cortices): Spinal Cord

- fonrtal, parietal, temporal, Cervical segments
occipital, insula Thoracic segments
fissures/sulci Lumbar segments
- central (Rolando), lateral Sacral segments
(sylvius) Coccygeal segments
Peripheral nervous system Distal to this end of the spinal cord is a
collection of nerve roots, which are
Cranial nerves and their ganglia horsetail-like in appearance and hence
12 pairs that exit the skill through the called: cauda equine
spinal nerves and their ganglia  dense fibrous membrane
31 pairs that exit the vertebral column covering of the CNS
through the intervertebral foramina  Functions:
8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 A. Protection from injury
sacral, 1 coccygeal and trauma
B. Support
Relationship of spinal cord segments C. Nourishment – contains
to vertebral numbers blood vessels
D. Providing a space for
 because the spinal cord cord is CSF flow
shorter than the vertebral Layers (from outside to the inside)
column, the spinal 1. dura mater
 cord segments do not respond 2. arachnoid membrane
numerically with the vertebrae 3. pia mater
that lies in it
Dura mater
Course of spinal roots - thick fibrous extencible membrane
- also serve as the periosteum for the
C1 spinal root exit the spinal column inner surface of the cranial bones
at the atlanto-occipital junction
C2 root exits at the atlanto-axis 2 layers:
The c3 roots exit between c2 and c3
The c8 root exits between c7 and T1 1. outer periosteal layer
- much richer in blood vessels and
The first thoracic root or T1 exits the verves
spinal cord between t1 and t2 - adherent to the inner surface of the
vertebral bodies cranium
- outermost layer of the dura mater
The T12 root exits the spinal cod
between T1 and L1 2. inner meningeal layer – made up of
The L1 root exits the spinal cord dense fibrous tissue lines with a single
between L1 and L2 bodies layer of flattened cells (simple
The L5 root exits the cord between L1 squamous epithelium)
and S1 bodies

The most distal bulbous part of the - between these 2 layers can be
spinal cord is called the conus found the large venous sinuses
meduularis and its tapeing end of the brain
continues as the filum terminale
- this cerebral dura gives off spinal nerves and along the
reduplication which divide the optic nerve
cranial cavity into incomplete - partially separated from the pia
compartments mater by fluid spaces and by
trabeculae which orifiante
4 septae given by cranial dura from the pia to the arachnoid
A. falx cerebri – a sickle shaped - fluid spaces are collectively
median septae lodged in the called the sub-arachnoid space.
longitudinal fissure separting At the base of the brain the
the two cerebral hemispheres arachnoid become widely
B. tentorium cerebelli – separated from the pia mater in
transverse septum placed certain areas called the
between the occipital lobe and cisterns
the cerebellum
C. Falx cerebelli – a small In specific location, the arachnoid and
triangular septum extending the pia mater send prolognations
from the midline of the inferior through the inner layer of the sub-
surface of the tentorium arachnoid granulation, They are the
cerebelli. It incompletely major sites of fluid transfer from the
seperates the cerebellar sub-arachnoid space toward the
hemispheres venous system
D. Diaphragm sellae – forms the
fibrous roof for the sellae a. intima pia – made up of the
trucica where it is pierced by reticular and elastic fiber and is
the infundibulum of the adherent to the underlying
pituitary gland nervous tissue
b. epipial layer – is the
The dura mater receives its major superficial layer made up of a
blood supply from the middle loose meshwork of collagenous
meningeal artery. Other minor blood fiber bundle that are
supply come from the anterior continuous with the arachnoid
meningeal branches of the ophthalmic trabeculae
artery and the posterior meningeal
branches of the occipital and vertebral These are spaces related to the
arteries meninges of the brain. There are three
Arachnoid membrane
- middle layer of the meninges 1. epidural space – a narrow
- made up of a delicate space between the periosteum
trabecular network which and dura mater. In it are found
passes over the sulci of the anastonsing venous channels
cerebral hemispheres without lying in areolar tissue rich also
dipping into them and extends in adipose tissue
as a perineural epithelium 2. sub-dural space – found
among the roots of the cerebro- between the dura mater and
the subarachnoid membrane.
This space is filled with medulla to the inferior surface
capillaries and moistened by of the cerebellum
fluid and is believed to 2. cisterna pontis – the area of
communicate by celfts with the the sub-arachnoid space
tissue spaces in the sheath of located anterior to the pons
nerves and to the deep 3. superior cistern- posterior
lymphatics of the neck. The area of the sub-arachnoid
sub-dural space has no direct space dorsal to the midbrain
communication with the sub- 4. Interpenduncular cistern –
arachnoid space. area of the sub-arachnoid
3. Sub-arachnoid space – space ventral to the mibrain
located between the pia mater
and the arachnoid membrane. Pia mater – is bound to the surface of
This is where the cerebro- the brain by astrocytes
spinal fluid is contained. It is in
direct communication with the Minimum to remember:
fourth ventricle of the brain by  There are 3 layers of protection
means of the re-opening – one and support between the brain
median and two lateral and the skull: the dura mater,
apertures. The median arachnoid layer and pia mater
aperture is called the foramen  The dura mater is the toughest
of magendie located in the layer and the pia is the sofest
caudal part of the thin layer
ventricular roof. The two  Arachnoid layer is filled with a
lateral apertures are called the web of collagen
foramina of lushka which open  All together these three layers
into the pontine sub-arachnoid are called the meninges
cistern posterior to the  The arachnoid layer + pia
emerging fibers of the ninth mater layer is called the
cranial nerve leptomeninges

We have already mentioned the

cisterns which are the wide intervals
of the sub-arachnoid spaces aththe
base of the brain.

Diff. cisterns of the brain

1. cisterna magna- also called

the cisterna cerebello
medullaris. This is where the
foramen of magendie opens
into. It is the area where the
arachnoid passes from the
posterior surface of the

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