Media & Information Literacy First Grading Reviewer Introduction To Media & Information Literacy

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MEDIA & INFORMATION LITERACY learned and used by the ancient people, in writing and expressing


Introduction to Media & Information Literacy Print Age – Gutenberg press or movable type in the 15th century was
invented by Johannes Gutenberg; books and papers were
Media – derived form the Latin Word medius, which means “middle;” reproduced manually, making it restricted to the ruling class or the
refers to the tool people use to mediate or facilitate the transfer of elite members of society; Mass production made knowledge no
communication between a sender and a receiver; refers to sources longer restricted to the privileged rich and the ruling class;
of credible and current information created through an editorial Homogeneity – people spoke and wrote in the same language, which
process determined by journalistic values, whereby editorial made it easier for a person to associate himself/herself to a group;
accountability can be attributed to aa specific organization or a legal this period was also the birth of Industrial Age marked by the
person. transition in manufacturing processes.
Information – a broad term that is derived from study, experiences, or Electronic Age – the invention of the telegraph started an electronic
instructions; refers to any facts or details about a subject that depict revolution that diminished the role of the print media; it “retribalized”
meanings to a person. people restored their sensory balance; telegraph, radio, film,
telephone, computer, television; Television was the newest form of
Literacy – ability to not only read and write but also understand and
media believing that it is “the most significant of the electronic
solve problems; state of being knowledgeable or well versed about a
media;” Global Village
specific subject.
New Age – New Media – products and services that provide
Technology – derived from the Greek words techne, which means art
information or entertainment using computers or the internet;
or skill, and teknologia, which means systematic treatment; defines
digitally produced as interactive and require at least a two-way
as “the systematic application of one’s art or skill for a practical
Three Key Innovations that led to the development of the New Mass
Communication – process by which messages or information is sent
Medium – 1. Affordable Personal Computer, 2. The Digitization of
from one place to another or the message itself; sharing of
Information, 3. Internet.
messages between human beings; SMCR-E Model by Rogers &
Shoemaker. New Media or Information Age – it marked a major turnaround in
communication transforming the end users of media from being
Media Literacy – ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media.
mere receivers of messages into senders who are able to create
Information Literacy – set of abilities which require individuals to content themselves.
recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate, and
Information Literacy
use it effectively.
Information – knowledge that a person gets about someone or
Technology Literacy – ability to responsibility and effectively use
technology, tools, or networks in accessing, analyzing, evaluating,
and creating the message (Colorado Department of Education). Data – unstructured facts and figures that create the least impact on
the receiver.
Media & Information Literacy (MIL) – ability to access, analyze,
evaluate, and create information from media and other information Knowledge – human understanding of a subject matter derived from
sources. experience, learning and thinking.
According to the Functional Literacy, Education, and Mass Media Information Literacy is a means to empower people in all walks of life
Survey (FLEMMS) of the National Statistics Authority (now Philippine to seek, evaluate, use and create information effectively to achieve
Statistics Authority) in 2008, 94% of Filipinos aged 10 to 64 years their personal, social, occupational, and educational goals.
old are exposed to television, 90% to radio, 83% to newspaper, and
44% to the Internet. Issues on Ethical Use of Information

Media Habits – normal use of media. Privacy – state of being alone or being away from public attention.

Media Lifestyle – use of media based on lifestyle Accuracy – relates to the correctness of the information source to the
details of the information; dates, places, persons involved and other
Media Preferences – pertains to a person’s choice of media platforms. details are essential data in testing the accuracy of an information
The Evolution of Traditional to New Media
Plagiarism – use of words or ides of another person as if they were
Technological Determinism – a theory that believes technology is a
your own words or ideas
steering factor in how a society develops its structure and values; by
Marshall McLuhan (1969), a renowned Canadian communication Types of Media
Print Media – the industry of printing and distributing information, is
Tribal Age – prevalence of oral communication; face-to-face
the oldest form of the media.
communications primarily through their auditory senses;
characterized as an oral society dependent on speech and word-of-
 Books – are considered to be the oldest print medium which
can be traced back as far as 3 500 BCE.
Age of Literacy – introduction of phonetics as a bombshell, installing  Newspaper – is a lightweight, serial publication which comes
sight at the head of the hierarchy of sense; humans learned to read out regularly, and contains news on current events of special
and write, which amplified the sense of sight; people were awakened or general interest.
by the rationality of alphabet use; hieroglyphs – writing system
 Broadsheet - measures six columns wide and 22/24 inches Examples: reference materials that list or summarize ideas or
long, ex. are Manila Bulletin, Philippine Daily Inquirer. information (or indexes) are also considered tertiary sources
including some textbooks, encyclopedias, and other materials.
 Another type of newspaper is the tabloid, which is half the
size of no. 4 (ex. Pilipino Star Ngayon, Abante) Time & Rhetorical Aim?
 Magazine – came from the Arabic word makhazin which
means “storehouse.” It targets a variety of audiences by Formats of Information Sources
offering a smorgasbord of articles that aim to entertain, Print – books, periodicals, newspapers, magazines, photographs,
inform, or advertise. reports, journals, dictionaries, encyclopedias, government
 Journal – is a periodic publication focusing on a specific field documents, records
of study and as compared to magazine it is peer reviewed by
experts. Non-print – audio, video, audio-video files, microform, microfilm,
digital documents, and digital formats usually saved in computers,
Broadcast Media – is a type of media that is commonly associated with compact disks, DVDs, and other storage devices
radio and the television.
Where to Find Information Sources
 Broadcasting is a form of mass communication that utilizes Library – described as a means of access to information, ideas and
radio and television to transmit messages and programs via works of imagination; a building or a room that contains a collection
the airspace - means the part of the atmosphere where of books, periodicals, and/or audio-visual materials.
frequency bands are available to transmit messages to and
from broadcast devices. Internet – a global network of computers that allows computer users
around the world to share information for various purposes.
 With the invention of film cameras, projectors and
cinematographs it led to the development of film or motion Indigenous Media – a form of media conceptualized, produced, and
picture. circulated by indigenous people as vehicles for communication,
 Radio was introduced in the Philippines in 1922 during a test specifically for cultural preservation, cultural and artistic expression,
radio broadcast in Pasay which is considered as possibly the political self-determination, and cultural sovereignty; includes
first radio broadcast in Asia. folklore, folk music and dances and other indigenous art.
 Television became the major entertainment and information
Evaluating Media & Information
medium of the public, resulting to a decrease in movie
attendances, radio listenership, and newspaper readership. 1. What/Who is the source of information? – Triangulation –
check for reliability (dependable, trustworthy, genuine,
New Media – refers to digital media that are interactive, incorporating reputable), validity (quality of being sound and true) and
two-way communication, and involving a form of computing accuracy (correctness); check for the citation or bibliography
2. What is the medium used?
Media Convergence – refers to the interconnection created by the 3. What is its purpose? – To persuade, inform, entertain, or
melding of the different media platforms today; “blending of the advertise.
media, telecommunications and computer industries” or simply the 4. How is the information made?
process where all forms of mediated communication come together
Media & Information Languages
into one digital form.
Media Language – method, consisting of signs and symbols, used by
Media & Information Sources
information producers to convey meanings to their audiences; set of
Information Sources – producers or givers of information, and people technical codes and conventions to communicate information.
who use it are the consumers.
Codes – systems of signs that are put together to create arbitrary
Types of Information Sources meanings.

Primary Source – original, uninterpreted, or first-hand, material of 1. Technical codes – ways in which materials are used to tell
information, created by the persons directly involved in an activity or the story in a media text, such as camera angles and
an event; this rawness makes it more reliable and valid, while techniques, framing, lighting, and exposure.
allowing the reader to interpret the information, rather than rely on 2. Symbolic Codes – comprise of objects, setting, body
the interpretation of other authors or writers. language and actions that signify things more than what is
seen by the audience.
Examples: speeches, autobiographies, personal letters, photos,
diaries, and manuscripts Conventions – habit or a long accepted way of doing things, relatively
on the style or content; a practice or techniques that is widely used in
Secondary Source – provides an information obtained through a a field.
number of primary sources, and has undergone editing or
interpretation; offers interpretations of the information gathered 1. Technical Conventions – apllied to the technical area, such
from primary sources, providing a different perspective for the as the length of television series, films, or music videos.
readers. 2. Genre Conventions – usually associated with the type of the
Examples: scholarly books, articles, encyclopedias, research articles,
dictionaries, histories, commentaries, magazines, newspaper articles Media Representations – codes and conventions are used to represent
information in a specific manner that often times do not represent
Tertiary Source – consists of summaries and collections of both reality; most of the media contents are different from the real
primary and secondary sources; not always considered to be characteristics of the social world.
acceptable materials for academic researches as they only provide
overviews of the original references. Denotation – literal aspect of an information
Connotation – meaning or interpretation people associate with an

Media Audience – as technology made it easier for people to gain more

information and evaluate facts from fiction, the media slowly
transformed from being passive to active consumers of information.

Patterns of Media Development

Innovation Stage – Each mass medium starts with a technological

advancement. The development of mass media was made possible
through the introduction of a new medium.

Penetration Stage – after the innovation of the new form of

technology, it now enters the market, with the consumers buying
and trying it.

Peak Stage – the moment when the medium reaches its maximum
penetration is the peak stage. The medium gains the most attention
and utilization, generating more revenues compared to the other

Decline Stage – although a particular medium has already reached its

peak, sooner or later it will be challenged by a new form of media
which may cause its decline. Audiences start to shift to another
medium, resulting in an erosion of revenues and users of the old

Adaptation Stage – with the rise of the new media, the declining
medium should find ways to counter the shifting balance or else it
may become obsolete. The old medium tries to redefine and
redesign its position and presence in the media market. This is
where media convergence happens.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)

Wearable Technology – specifically designed to be worn by a person.

It aims to give the user an easy experience of the device and/or
enhance the user’s senses without hassle.

1. Smart watches – iPhone watch, Samsung Gear

2. Fitness trackers – Nike+Band, Fitbit Force
3. Smart eyewear – Google Glass, Recon Snow Oculus Rift
4. Smart clothing – DuoSkin, NFC Ring
5. Medical devices – hearing aids, contact lenses, sensors and
6. Other infotainment devices – DoubleMe VR avatar creator,
Bluetooth headphones

3D Technology example Hologram is a 3D image reproduced through

recording lights from lasers scratched from an object.

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