Pledge of ECE: 1 Paragraph

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Pledge Of ECE

1st Paragraph:
I am an Electronics Engineer. In my profession, I take deep pride, but without vainglory;
to it I owe solemn obligations that I am eager to fulfill.

As an Electronics Engineer, It is our duty to be proud yet humble about being one.
Because you are an electronics engineer you must also be responsible enough to fulfill
your obligations as one.

2nd Paragraph:
As an Electronics Engineer, I will participate in none but honest and legal enterprises.
To him who has engaged my services, as employer or client, I will give the utmost of
performance and fidelity.

This paragraph states that as an Electronics Engineer you must only undertake honest
and legal work and never engage in illegal or immoral work. It also expresses that we
must give our best to perform well for our employer or client and not do our work half-

3rd Paragraph:
When needed, my skill and knowledge shall be given without reservation for the public
good. From my special capacity springs the obligation to use it well in the service of
humanity; and I accept the challenge that this implies.

This explains to us that during calamities or other times of need for our abilities we must
not hesitate to help and offer our services and not do it expecting a payment. As an
Electronics Engineer it our duty to help whenever our abilities our needed.

4th Paragraph:
Zealous of the high repute of my colleague, I will strive to protect the interest and the
good name of any engineer that I know be deserving; but I will not shirk, should duty
dictate, from disclosing the truth regarding anyone who, by unscrupulous act, has
shown himself unworthy of the profession.

We must be eager in keeping our profession and name clean as Electronics Engineers
but when we know a colleague or another Electronics Engineer who has committed
wrong doing, we must never be afraid to say the truth for he has brought shame and is
unworthy of the profession.
5th Paragraph:
As others before me have vitalized and turned to practical account the principles of
science and the revelations of technology and have rendered usable to mankind
nature’s vast resources of matter and energy so do I dedicate myself to the analysis,
synthesis and dissemination of engineering knowledge and practice. And especially to
the instruction of younger members of my profession in all its arts and traditions.

This paragraph shows gratefulness to the previous engineers that created and invented
new innovations and technology for the good of mankind. We vow to dedicate our lives
in studying and furthering the foundations they have created and pass our knowledge
on to the future engineers so that they too may preserve it and further innovate it and
pass it on to there kin.

6th Paragraph:
To my colleagues I pledge, in the same full measure, I ask of them, integrity and fair
dealing, tolerance and respect, and devotion to the standards and the dignity of our
profession, with the consciousness, always, that our special expertise carries with it the
obligation to serve humanity with complete dedication.
So help me God.

In the 6th and final Paragraph we pledge everything to our fellow Electronics Engineers
and ask of them to basically respect our profession and not to do anything that may
tarnish its good name and to always work for the further good and innovations for
humanity and to finally to implore God’s help, The higher power for fulfilling this pledge.

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