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Practical consequences of calcium addition to and removal from milk and milk

Article  in  International Journal of Dairy Technology · December 2014

DOI: 10.1111/1471-0307.12188


14 1,054

2 authors, including:

Hilton C Deeth
The University of Queensland


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doi: 10.1111/1471-0307.12188

Practical consequences of calcium addition to and
removal from milk and milk products
H I LTO N C D E E T H 1 * and M I C H A E L J L E W I S 2
School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld 4072, Australia, and
Department of Food and Nutrition Sciences, University of Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box 226, Reading RG6 6AP,

Calcium in milk is significant for both its nutritive value and its key role in many functional proper-
ties of milk and milk products. Manipulating its concentration, particularly of the ionic form, alters
the properties of the products and facilitates or hinders certain processing operations. Stability to
thermal treatment is the major property affected, but several others such as gelation, coagulation
and foaming are influenced by either adding or removing calcium. This article reviews the
manipulation of the calcium content of several products and its practical consequences for dairy
Keywords Calcium, Fortification, Gelation, Fouling, Heat stability, Foaming.

placed on measuring the heat stability of milk

by methods which more closely resemble these
Calcium is a very important component of milk processes, as discussed in more detail below.
in many ways. Milk is supersaturated in cal- There is considerable variation in the calcium
cium, largely through its presence in the casein content of milk from different animals. Accord-
micelle as colloidal calcium phosphate (CCP), ing to Holt (2011), the total calcium content of
and hence is an excellent carrier of calcium for human, goat’s, cow’s and sheep’s skim milk is
the newborn. Besides its undisputed nutritional 7.3, 23.1, 30.1 and 56.8 mM. Of the calcium in
value, calcium is also important for many func- cow’s milk, about two-thirds (~20 mM) is pres-
tional properties of milk and milk products. For ent as CCP in the casein micelle and about one-
example, many authors have demonstrated its third (~10 mM) is present in the solution mainly
role in the heat stability of milk and how it as calcium citrate and phosphates. Of the soluble
influences the heat coagulation time (HCT)–pH calcium, ~2 mM is in ionic form. These forms
relationship (Singh 2004). HCT for unconcen- of calcium, that is micellar, soluble nonionic
trated milk is the time taken for a milk to coag- and soluble ionic, exist in equilibrium, and
ulate when heated at 140 °C. The most common hence, when ionic calcium (Ca2+) is removed,
shape of the HCT–pH curve has a maximum at the equilibrium is re-established. In this way,
pH ~6.6–6.7 and a minimum at pH ~6.9. Cal- continued removal of the ionic form results in
cium has an influence on the position of the depletion of the other soluble and micellar forms
maximum and minimum with addition of (ionic) to restore the equilibrium. Thus, it is possible to
calcium shifting the curve to higher pH (Jeurn- remove almost all calcium in milk by ion
ink and de Kruif 1995; Singh et al. 2007; Sieva- exchange, although the micelle starts to disinte-
nen et al. 2008) and removal of calcium by grate when about 60% of the total calcium is
cation exchange or chelation shifting the curve removed (Lin et al. 2006).
to lower pH (Mohammed and Fox 1983; Jeurn- Manipulation of the level of calcium in milk
*Author for ink and de Kruif 1995). However, Singh (2004) and milk products, often through the ionic form,
correspondence. E-mail: cautioned that the results of HCT studies do not is an important aspect of modern dairy technol-
predict with any certainty whether a milk will ogy. Ionic calcium can be reduced by converting
© 2014 Society of show good heat stability during commercial ste- it to nonionic forms using chelating agents
Dairy Technology rilisation processes. Recently, emphasis has been such as citrates, phosphates or ethylenediamine

Vol 67 International Journal of Dairy Technology 1

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tetraacetic acid (EDTA), or it can be removed by cation et al. 2003). Calcium fortification presents technical chal-
exchange resins or by dialysis against water at reduced pH. lenges as most soluble forms of calcium, such as calcium
Each of these has a different effect on the final mineral chloride, contain calcium in the ionic form and when added
composition of the milk. Chelation does not change the total to milk reduce its pH and its stability to heat (Philippe et al.
content of calcium or other minerals, cation exchange resins 2003; Tsioulpas et al. 2010). Similar problems are encoun-
reduce total calcium and magnesium and replace them with tered with calcium fortification of soya milk (Pathomrungsi-
monovalent ions such as potassium or sodium, and dialysis younggul et al. 2010). The relationship between Ca2+ and
against water removes calcium and other minerals without pH is described by the following equation (Lewis 2011):
replacement. The calcium concentration can be increased by
adding either soluble ionic salts such as calcium chloride or 3Ca2þ þ 2HPO2
4 $ Ca3 PO4 # þ 2H
insoluble nonionic salts such as calcium carbonate. Calcium
added in the form of soluble salts increases the soluble and Calcium fortification of heat-processed milk products is
perhaps the micellar forms of calcium, especially if pH achieved commercially by the use of fine powders of insolu-
adjustment is applied. In contrast, calcium added as insolu- ble calcium salts such as calcium citrate, calcium carbonate,
ble salts remains chemically inert in the milk, either sus- calcium phosphate and calcium lactate/gluconate (M€ unch-
pended in the bulk or as a deposit in the bottom of the bach and Gerstner 2010). As no calcium ions enter solution
container. when insoluble calcium salts are used and hydrogen ions
This article reviews some of the practical consequences cannot be formed via the above reaction, the milk is not
for dairy processing of such manipulations to increase or destabilised to heat. Other calcium fortification products
decrease calcium levels in milk and dairy products. It does used commercially in milk and dairy products are mixed
not, however, review the extensive literature related to the calcium-rich salts derived from milk or from seaweed, for
effects of calcium on the heat coagulation time (HCT)–pH example Aquaminâ(Marigot Limited, Co. Cork, IRE-
curve. LAND). These largely insoluble calcium supplements are
sometimes added together with texture-modifying agents,
such as guar gum, carrageenan, pectin and starch, and also
with stabilising salts such as potassium or trisodium citrate
Even though milk has a relatively high calcium content (TSC) and disodium hydrogen phosphate (DSHP) to prevent
(~30 mM or 120 mg/100 mL), calcium fortification is com- sedimentation of the calcium salts during storage. Table 1
monly performed commercially to enhance its functional, shows the calcium salts and accompanying stabilisers in
technological and sometimes nutritional properties (Philippe some commercial milk products (M€unchbach and Gerstner

Table 1 Commercial calcium-fortified milk products from European and US supermarkets (data from M€
unchbach and Gerstner 2010)

Total calcium in product

Fortified product Calcium salts added Stabilisers (mg/100 mL)
Fat-free milk Phosphate Carrageenan 250
Semiskim milk 1 Phosphate Cellulose, carboxymethylcellulose, 160
trisodium phosphate
Semiskim milk 2 Milk calcium na 160
Whole milk Gluconate na 166
Milk drink 1 Citrate, lactate–gluconate, Pectin 200
sea algae calcium
Milk drink 2 Lactate–gluconate na 180
Milk drink 3 Citrate Carrageenan 160
Milk drink 4 Phosphate Guar gum, carrageenan, xanthan 130
Milk drink 5 Lactate–gluconate Disodium hydrogen phosphate 120
Yoghurt drink Citrate Guar gum 425
Low-fat yoghurt drink Citrate, phosphate, carbonate na 120
Quark drink Citrate Modified corn starch, guar gum 122
Yoghurt 1 Citrate Modified corn starch, guar gum 320
Yoghurt 2 Citrate, phosphate Guar gum, locust bean gum, corn starch 130
Evaporated milk Citrate Carrageenan 169
na, information not available.

2 © 2014 Society of Dairy Technology

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2010). A recent article indicated that micronised calcium cit- calcium and pH has recently been reviewed by Lewis
rate is now the preferred option for calcium fortification of (2011).
milk products (Gerhart and Schottenheimer 2013). The effect of Ca2+ is exemplified with goat’s milk, which
Omoarukhe et al. (2010) reported that addition of 30 mM has a naturally high Ca2+ level and is very difficult to pro-
calcium to milk in the form of insoluble salts such as cal- cess under UHT conditions without modification (Prakash
cium carbonate, calcium citrate or calcium phosphate did et al. 2007). By contrast, cow’s milk has a much lower
not alter the pH or Ca2+ concentration of milk, and the forti- Ca2+ level and can be UHT-processed for several hours with
fied milks were heat stable. By contrast, addition of the minimal fouling. Removal of calcium from goat’s milk by
same amounts of calcium as the soluble salts such as cal- either cation exchange or chelation with phosphates or cit-
cium chloride, calcium gluconate or calcium lactate reduced rate markedly reduced fouling during UHT processing
the pH, increased the Ca2+ level and rendered the milk (Prakash et al. 2007). Reduction in Ca2+ by addition of
unstable to heat. phosphates and citrates also reduced sediment formation in
Calcium chloride was the most destabilising salt. Milk heated goat’s milk (Zadow et al. 1983; Montilla and Calvo
became unstable to UHT treatment at lower additions of solu- 1997). This was confirmed by Boumpa et al. (2008) who
ble calcium salts compared with in-container sterilisation studied the effect of TSC and three phosphates, sodium
(Omoarukhe et al. 2010). Only small additions of calcium hexametaphosphate (SHMP), DSHP and sodium dihydrogen
chloride (~3 mM) are required to make milk unstable to Ultra orthophosphate (SDHP), on sediment formation in UHT-pro-
High Temperature (UHT) treatment (Lewis et al. 2011). cessed goat’s milk. TSC, SHMP and DSHP decreased both
Williams et al. (2005) used calcium chloride to success- Ca2+ and sediment formation; however, SDHP had little
fully fortify milk to 230 mg/100 mL (~58 mM) by adding a effect on Ca2+ or sediment formation.
mixture of pyrophosphates or other chelating agents to Fortification of cow’s milk with ionic calcium salts such
ensure the Ca2+ level and pH did not change. These authors as calcium chloride greatly increases its fouling propensity.
assessed the heat stability of the milk by heating at 90 °C As shown in Figure 1, the addition of as little as 0.7 mM
for 10 min and observing the milk for sedimentation, coagu- calcium chloride makes a marked difference to fouling dur-
lation or viscosity increase to >2.5 mPa.s. Another soluble ing processing at 135 °C. The addition of 0.7, 2.0 and
calcium salt, potassium calcium citrate (Gadocal Kâ; Gadot 3.4 mM calcium chloride increased the Ca2+ concentration
Biochemical Industries Ltd, Haifa Bay, Israel), shows prom- in the milk by 0.21, 0.48 and 0.92 mM and decreased the
ise as a calcium fortifier. It does not increase Ca2+ or pH by 0.03, 0.06 and 0.14 units, respectively (Prakash
decrease pH and can be used to produce heat-stable fortified 2007). The ethanol stability of the three fortified milk sam-
milk (Ramasubramanian et al. 2008). ples was reduced from 83 to 77, 68 and 57%, respectively.
In a US patent, Mallangi et al. (2000) disclosed a method Milk with an ethanol stability of <74% generally has poor
of calcium fortification of milk using a mixture of calcium stability to UHT processing (IDF 1981).
lactate and calcium carbonate stabilised with gum arabic (or Addition of calcium chloride to raw cow’s milk increased
other source of glucuronic acid) and, optionally, kappa- or sediment formation in UHT milk, even when the pH
iota-carrageenan. In the examples given in the patent, potas- decrease caused by the calcium chloride addition was
sium citrate was also added. After UHT treatment, the cal- adjusted back to the normal pH of milk with sodium
cium-fortified UHT milk was stable under refrigeration for hydroxide. However, when the pH was adjusted back with a
10 weeks without sedimentation or coagulation. However, calcium-chelating agent, TSC or DSHP, sediment formation
according to a later patent (Sher et al. 2002), the fortified was much reduced (Lewis et al. 2011). In this study, low
samples gelled after 2 to 2.5 months of storage at room
temperature. Replacement of the potassium citrate with 3500
sodium hexametaphosphate produced a more stable calcium- 3000
OHTC, (W/m2/K)

fortified milk (see Section Age Gelation of UHT Milk). 2500

Major practical problems associated with the production of 0
UHT milk are fouling of the heat exchanger and sediment 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000
formation. Fouling in particular has an economic impact as Time (s)
it limits the run times before plants have to be stopped and Figure 1 Changes in overall heat transfer coefficient (OHTC) when raw
cleaned. The concentration of Ca2+ and pH have significant cow’s milk with 0 mM (9), 0.7 mM (♦), 2.0 mM (■) and 3.4 mM (▲)
effects on the rate of fouling during UHT processing and on added CaCl22H2O was processed at 135 °C for 4 s on a tubular bench-
sedimentation in UHT milk. The relationship between ionic top UHT system (Prakash 2007, reproduced with permission).

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ethanol stability correlated with high Ca2+ and high sedi- concentration of added calcium. The changes occur mainly
ment formation, and vice versa. through the formation of calcium-protein linkages. When
~10 mM calcium chloride is added to milk heated to
~70 °C, a thickened milk results. Such a process may have
application in improving the mouthfeel of skim milk. A pro-
cess for producing a similar product by limited rennet action
Instability of the proteins in milk during in-container sterili- on skim milk is the subject of a US patent (Savello and Sol-
sation causes coagulation and sedimentation. Calcium plays orio 1994). At higher additions of calcium chloride, ≥12.5
a major role in this protein instability. The effects of cal- to 20 mM, combined with heating to ~70 °C, milk forms a
cium removal and addition on milk subjected to such sterili- gel which is not unlike a yoghurt-type acid gel (Ramasubra-
sation are different from those resulting from UHT manian et al. 2014). Such gels, particularly when flavoured,
processing. However, the stability of milk to in-container have favourable sensory properties and have commercial
sterilisation has not been extensively studied. potential as a unique dairy product (Siamand et al. 2014).
Chen et al. (2012) extended the investigation of Boumpa At higher calcium chloride additions (>~20 mM) and
et al. (2008) of the stability of goat’s milk with added sta- heating at ~70 °C, milk forms a coagulum with release of
bilising salts to a comparison of the sediment formed during whey (Ramasubramanian et al. 2012). The nature and yield
UHT and in-container sterilisation of milk with added DSHP of the calcium-induced coagulum vary according to the heat
and TSC. They found that goat’s milk behaved differently treatment used. For example, preheating the milk at 90 °C
when subjected to these two treatments. Sediment increased for 10 min, which denatures most of the whey protein, max-
in in-container-sterilised milk with an increase in added salts imises the yield and also increases the hardness and storage
up to 12.8 mM, while for UHT-processed milk, sediment modulus of the coagulum. However, UHT preheat treatment,
decreased with 6.4 mM added salts, but increased with which also denatures most of the whey protein, leads to a
12.8 mM added salts. Furthermore, the goat’s milk was very soft coagulum and reduced protein yield (Ramasubra-
more sensitive to sediment formation on addition of calcium manian et al. 2013). Addition of calcium chloride to milk
chloride (up to 2 mM) when sterilised by UHT than by in- causes a decrease in pH (for example, addition of 50 mM
container processing; that is, instability occurred at lower reduced the pH from 6.6 to 5.8), but the coagulation was
concentrations of calcium with UHT compared with in-con- shown to be not solely acid-induced as coagulation still
tainer sterilisation. Chen et al. (2012) concluded that the occurred, albeit with a reduced yield of coagulum, when the
heat stability of goat’s milk can be reduced both by adding pH was readjusted to 6.6 (Ramasubramanian et al. 2013).
ionic calcium and by adding too much chelating agents such On-Nom et al. (2012) studied the effect of adding cal-
as DSHP and TSC. Similar overall trends occurred when cium chloride (0–25 mM) on the stability of reconstituted
cow’s milk with added calcium chloride and chelating skim milk powder to heating at 60–120 °C for 1 h. They
agents was subjected to UHT and in-container sterilisation. found that the highest Ca2+ levels that did not cause insta-
Control samples, taken at different times of the year, bility decreased with increasing temperature of heating.
showed good heat stability to both processes (Chen 2014). For example, the threshold level, determined by the amount
Tsioulpas et al. (2010) found that addition of 9 mM of sediment obtained by centrifugation, at 60 °C was
calcium chloride was required to produce a gel during in- 16.2–18.0 mM, at 80 °C was <7.2 mM and at 110 °C was
container sterilisation of cow’s milk, which is considerably 3.6–5.4 mM.
higher than that required to produce excessive sediment dur- The coagulum produced by a combination of added cal-
ing UHT treatment (2.7 mM) (Lewis et al. 2011); addition cium and heat can be dried to produce a calcium-fortified
of only 3.2 mM SHMP caused milk coagulation during co-precipitate powder containing both whey proteins and
in-container sterilisation (Tsioulpas et al. 2010). A conclu- casein (Southward and Aird 1978; Al-Saadi and Deeth
sion from these studies is that some milk samples are better 2011). Co-precipitate powders with different calcium con-
suited to in-container sterilisation than to UHT processing, tents can be produced by varying the amounts of calcium
and vice versa. and acid added during the coagulation process (Southward
and Aird 1978). High-calcium co-precipitates containing
~2.8% calcium were produced by adding 0.2–0.3%
(14–21 mM) calcium chloride to pasteurised milk at pH 6.4
and heating at 85 °C for 8 min. A benefit of adding calcium
in producing co-precipitates is the high yield of proteins
Milk proteins become unstable when heated in the presence obtained from the milk; the yield of the high-calcium prod-
of ionised calcium salts. A combination of mild heat (at uct was ~10% higher than the corresponding acid co-precip-
40–70 °C) and addition of calcium chloride to cow’s milk itate (which contains whey protein) and ~21 and 18%
causes thickening, gelation or coagulation depending on the higher than those of rennet casein and sulphuric acid casein

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(which do not contain whey protein), respectively (South- ~5.6 mM calcium removal, but decreased with further
ward and Aird 1978). removal. Interestingly, the graininess of the yoghurt, which
was measured by the number of nodules in a certain vol-
ume, increased markedly when >~5.6 mM calcium was
removed (Ramasubramanian et al. 2008).
Rennet-induced coagulation is the basis for the production Addition of Ca2+ (as calcium chloride) to stirred yoghurt
of many cheese types. The coagulation occurs in two dis- increased gel firmness and viscosity up to ~2 mM addition
tinct phases. The first is the proteolytic cleavage of j-casein and decreased these properties with further addition to the
at the Phe105–Met106 bond to produce a glycomacropeptide maximum added, 13.6 mM. The graininess of the yoghurt
and para j-casein, while the second is a calcium-induced increased with increasing calcium chloride addition from 0
aggregation of the para-casein into a three-dimensional pro- to the maximum added. Curiously, a soluble nonionic form
tein network. It is believed that the calcium ions neutralise of calcium, calcium potassium citrate (Gadocal Kâ; Gadot
the negative charges on the casein micelles, thereby facilitat- Biochemical Industries Ltd), behaved quite differently from
ing hydrophobic interactions between the micelles and for- ionised calcium salts when incorporated into stirred yoghurt.
mation of the coagulum (Dalgleish 1992). The gel firmness and viscosity of the yoghurt showed con-
Removal of calcium from milk using ion exchange (Carr siderable increases with additions up to 50 mM, and these
et al. 2003), electrodialysis (Uchida et al. 1992) or chelat- increases were generally accompanied by decreased graini-
ing agents (Udabage et al. 2001) followed by renneting pro- ness (Ramasubramanian et al. 2008).
duces a noncoagulating milk which can be subsequently
coagulated on addition of calcium. Such noncoagulating
renneted milks can be concentrated and/or dried and used in
products such as processed or analogue cheeses (Carr et al.
2003; Harvey et al. 2006). Whey proteins, in whey protein isolate (WPI) and whey
Sandra and Corredig (2013) showed that renneted recon- protein concentrate (WPC), form gels when heated at con-
stituted milk protein concentrate had a lower rennet coagula- centrations above a critical protein concentration and at tem-
tion time (RCT) and increased gel firmness (as measured by peratures and for times which cause denaturation (Singh
G0 , the storage modulus, after 45 min) when reconstituted in 2011). The nature of the gels is influenced by the calcium
water containing 2.72 mM calcium chloride. Furthermore, concentration of the whey protein solution. The firmness of
coagulation occurs at a lower level of j-casein hydrolysis the gels formed from WPI and WPC at neutral pH has been
with added calcium. Similarly, calcium chloride is routinely shown by numerous authors to reach a maximum in the
added during the manufacture of renneted cheeses to range 2–20 mM Ca2+ (as calcium chloride) and then
decrease the RCT and increase curd firmness. Additions up decrease at higher Ca2+ concentrations (Lupano et al. 1992).
to 10 mM decreased RCT and increased gel strength, but Similarly, in whey protein solutions at 4% (w/w), below the
high additions (>100 mM) had the opposite effect (Lucey critical gelling concentration, Riou et al. (2011) found that
2011). added Ca2+ greatly enhanced denaturation/aggregation even
with small additions, for example 4 mM, and the effect
increased with increased calcium addition up to a maximum
at ~80 mM for b-Lg and ~50 mM for a-La. However, at
Because of the interaction of calcium and milk proteins dur- higher added Ca2+ levels, ~110 mM, the denaturation/aggre-
ing heating, the effects of enhanced and reduced levels of gation was partly inhibited. Riou et al. (2011) found that
calcium on the physical properties of acid-induced gels such the effect of added calcium on the behaviour of whey pro-
as yoghurt have been investigated. The effects of the teins also varies according to the source of the whey pro-
removal of Ca2+ are complex and depend on both the teins. The enhanced gel firmness with low levels of added
method and extent of removal. Removal by TSC resulted in calcium chloride is attributable to shielding the electrostatic
an increase in the gel strength (as given by G0 ) of set repulsion between proteins and forming Ca–protein bridges
yoghurt gels up to 20 mM TSC addition but a decrease in in addition to the disulphide and hydrophobic bonds formed
gel strength with higher additions (Ozcan-Yilsay et al. without added calcium. When calcium is removed by dialy-
2007). However, addition of TSC up to 4 mM caused a sis or rendered unavailable by chelation, firmness of the gels
slight increase in the firmness (as measured by a texture is markedly decreased (Kuhn and Foegeding 1991). How-
analyser) and viscosity of a stirred yoghurt, but addition of ever, when chelating agents are added to WPC with higher
up to 16 mM decreased firmness and viscosity (Ramasubra- than optimum Ca2+, an increase in gel firmness can be
manian et al. 2008). A similar trend, but with greater effect, obtained (Smith and Rose 1994); this is presumably due to
was observed when calcium was removed by ion exchange; less inhibition of aggregation by the chelating agents at high
the gel firmness and viscosity increased considerably up to Ca2+ reported by Riou et al. (2011).

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Lactoferrin is a globular whey protein which denatures Powder Stability). While the fortified milk after UHT
and aggregates with heat (Brisson et al. 2007). However, in processing was stable under refrigeration for 10 weeks, it
the presence of calcium ions, its heat stability is greatly gelled when stored at room temperature. When the citrate
increased. An emulsion stabilised by 1% lactoferrin to which used by Mallangi et al. (2000) was replaced with SHMP by
5–25 mM calcium chloride was added did not gel when Sher et al. (2002), the UHT-treated fortified milk did not gel
heated at 90 °C for 10 min, whereas a control without added in 6 months at room temperature. This accords with the
calcium ions formed a strong gel under the same conditions findings of Kocak and Zadow (1985) discussed above where
(McCarthy et al. 2014). In the same study, lactoferrin was citrate accelerated gelation, but SHMP delayed it.
shown to inhibit calcium-induced aggregation of b-casein.
These findings have important implications for infant formu-
lae in which both lactoferrin and b-casein are used.
Preheated whey proteins undergo ‘cold gelation’ at room
temperature in the presence of added ionic calcium (Barbut MPCs are produced with a range of protein contents from
and Foegeding 1993). Addition of low calcium levels 35 to 90%. Concomitant with the increased protein level of
(~10 mM) produces clear gels, while addition of high cal- 35–90% is an increased Ca2+ content such that the differ-
cium levels (≥180 mM) produces cloudy gels. Preheating to ence between MPC35 and MPC90 is equivalent to ~5 mM
at least 70 °C for 30 min is required for such cold calcium- calcium chloride (Huppertz et al. 2014). Largely as a conse-
induced gelation, but preheating to higher temperatures such quence of the high Ca2+ content, MPC with high protein
as 90 °C or for longer times (to 80 min) produces stronger content has very poor heat stability. At pH 6.7, 3.5% solu-
and clearer gels (Hongsprabhas and Barbut 1996). Cold-set tions of MPC80 and MPC90 had no stability (HCT = 0 s)
gels have been shown to have significantly higher water- to heating at 140 °C; by contrast, MPC35 with much lower
holding capacity and strength than heat-set gels (Barbut Ca2+ showed similar stability to milk (Crowley et al. 2014).
1995). Reduction in the Ca2+ level in MPC80 by dialysis against
reconstituted skim milk powder greatly improved its heat
stability at pH 6.3–6.7.
Milk protein concentrate (MPC) has relatively poor emul-
The thickening and eventual gelation of UHT milk during sification ability compared with WPC and sodium caseinate,
storage, often referred to as ‘age gelation’, is a major factor and this has restricted its applications in food products (Ye
limiting the shelf life of UHT milk (Datta and Deeth 2001). 2011). However, partial removal of calcium from MPC by
The published information on the effect of calcium and cal- ion exchange with potassium or sodium, chelating agents or
cium-chelating agents on age gelation in UHT milk is scant membrane processes such as dialysis, ultrafiltration or diafil-
and somewhat confusing. Kocak and Zadow (1985) found tration improved both its emulsion formation and its stabili-
that addition of 0.1 and 0.3% of TSC or EDTA (Na2) to sation properties (Bhaskar 2008; Ye 2011). The calcium
aged raw milk before UHT processing accelerated the onset contents of commercial reduced-calcium MPC80 samples
of age gelation in the UHT milk. In contrast, addition of used by Ye (2011) were 1.34, 1.2 and 0.3%; the original
SHMP at 0.05 and 0.01% markedly delayed age gelation, MPC contained 2.23% calcium.
by up to 6-fold. The effect of SHMP differed from that Bhaskar et al. (2001, 2003) reported that removal of cal-
found by Snoeren et al. (1979) that SHMP delayed gelation cium from MPC by ion exchange or membrane processes
in UHT milk made from good quality milk (psychrotroph improves its solubility. The solubility of MPC is a problem
count of 2.7 9 103/mL), but not in that made from poor as it decreases during storage at a rate dependent on temper-
quality raw milk (psychrotroph count of 2.06 9 106/mL). ature and water activity (Le et al. 2011). Haque (2011)
The addition of 0.05% calcium chloride had a similar found that MPC85 in which calcium was chelated with TSC
effect to the addition of 0.1% SHMP; the samples did not (0.85%) retained ~70% solubility after storage for 60 days
gel in 500 days at 25 °C, whereas the control milk gelled in at 40 °C, while the solubility of the control MPC85 had
75 days (Kocak and Zadow 1985). The increased stability decreased to ~20%. Bhaskar et al. (2003) found that cal-
of samples containing added calcium is opposite to the find- cium-depleted MPC could be reconstituted after storage
ing of Samuelson and Holm (1966). Ellerton and Pearce without sediment formation which occurs with unmodified
(1964) also reported accelerated age gelation in UHT MPC and milk protein isolate (MPI).
concentrated milk with added calcium.
Sher et al. (2002) patented a method of preventing age
gelation of a calcium-fortified UHT milk by adding SHMP.
In a related patent (Mallangi et al. 2000), milk was fortified Stability to heat treatment is a very important property of
with calcium lactate and calcium carbonate together with skim milk powders that are reconstituted and used in a vari-
potassium citrate and gum arabic (see Section Skim Milk ety of food products. The heat stability can be improved by

6 © 2014 Society of Dairy Technology

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preheating the milk before concentration and spray drying. 350

However, powders that are produced with high-intensity heat 300

Foam half-life (min)

treatment (e.g. 90 °C for 5 min) are not suitable for some 250
applications, so low-heat powders are used. Reduction in cal- 200
cium in the milk by ion exchange or addition of TSC prior 150
to concentration and drying has been shown to improve the 100
heat stability of reconstituted low-heat skim milk powder 50
[25% total solids (TS)] (Faka et al. 2009). Powders pro- 0
duced from milk with ≤1.13 mM Ca2+ were stable. Instabil- 0 20 40 60 80 100
ity was determined by coagulation during in-container Temperature (°C)
sterilisation (15 min at 115 °C). The reconstituted reduced- Figure 2 Foam stability of reconstituted low-heat skim milk powder
calcium skim milk powder samples had increased pH after containing added trisodium citrate. Control (■), 5 mM citrate (▲), 10
sterilisation; those prepared by ion exchange and TSC with mM citrate (♦) (Kamath 2007, reproduced with permission).
pH ≥6.54 and 6.72, respectively, were heat stable.
Tsikritzi (2011) improved the stability of medium-heat
skim milk powder reconstituted at 25% TS to sterilisation at coffee. The foam half-life was approximately halved by the
115 °C for 15 min by addition of 0.1–0.5% DSHP or 0.1% addition of 10 mM chelating agent (see Figure 2 for addi-
TSC which reduced Ca2+. The heat stability of the reconsti- tion of TSC; the graphs for addition of EDTA and SHMP
tuted milk at 25% TS was much lower than that at 20% TS. were similar).
Interestingly, SHMP, which also reduces Ca2+ (Tsioulpas Ward et al. (1997) found that addition of up to ~10 mM
et al. 2010), caused coagulation at about 0.4% in normal EDTA(Na2) increased both the foamability and foam stabil-
milk. ity of reconstituted skim milk powder when whipped at
Williams et al. (2005) produced a calcium-fortified skim 25 °C. Addition of higher concentrations of EDTA made no
milk powder by adding calcium chloride and calcium- further change to the foamability or foam stability. The dif-
chelating agents to the milk before concentration and dry- ference between these results for foamability and those of
ing. They achieved fortification of up to 8 g calcium/kg Kamath (2007) may be due to differences in the foaming
powder. The process is suitable for producing both high- methods. Ward et al. (1997) attributed the improved foam-
and low-heat powders. ing properties of the milk with added EDTA to the release
Vyas and Tong (2004) fortified skim milk powder with of caseins from the micelle into the serum which would
calcium by dry mixing calcium salts [citrate, carbonate, increase their availability for stabilising the foam air–liquid
phosphate and lactate at 0.15, 0.18 and 0.24% (w/w)] with interface. It has been suggested that EDTA removes calcium
the powders. They reconstituted the fortified powders to from a-lactalbumin and forms a molten state of this protein
1.75 and 3.5% (w/w) protein and assessed their heat stabil- which attaches more readily to the air–liquid interface
ity at 140 °C. The samples with citrate and carbonate had (Zhang and Goff 2004; Huppertz 2010).
increased heat stability, while the samples with phosphate Adding 10–20 mM calcium chloride had no effect on foa-
and lactate had no heat stability (HCT = 0 s) at that temper- mability but, like the chelating agents, increased the foam
ature. stability (Figure 3). Addition of 20 mM calcium chloride
increased the foam half-life at 45 and 65 °C approximately
The ability of milk to foam and for the foam to be stable 800
for some time are valuable attributes, especially in the pro- 700
Foam half-life (min)

duction of cappuccino coffee. For this reason, ways of 600

improving the foaming properties of milk have been sought. 500
Kamath (2007) investigated the effect of adding calcium
and calcium-chelating agents on the foamability and foam 200
stability of reconstituted low-heat skim milk powder. The 100
milk was foamed by air injection at temperatures ranging 0
from 5 to 85 °C. Addition of 5 or 10 mM TSC, EDTA or 0 20 40 60 80 100

SHMP did not alter the foamability (volume of foam Temperature (°C)

formed) at any temperature; however, each chelating agent Figure 3 Foam stability of reconstituted low-heat skim milk powder
decreased the foam stability, particularly at the optimum containing added calcium chloride. Control (■), 10 mM calcium chloride
foaming temperature of ~45 °C, but also at 65 °C, which is (▲), 16 mM calcium chloride (♦) 20 mM calcium chloride (●). (Kamath
the temperature used for foaming milk for cappuccino 2007, reproduced with permission).

© 2014 Society of Dairy Technology 7

Vol 67

threefold. Foaming at 85 °C with 15 and 20 mM calcium • may improve heat stability of products that have
chloride was not possible as the milk was unstable at that poor heat stability (e.g. goat’s milk) at low levels of
temperature (Kamath 2007). removal. Higher levels of removal may further reduce
heat stability;
FORMATION OF IRON–MILK PROTEIN • prevents coagulation of milk by rennet;
COMPLEXES • increases strength of acid-induced gels with low levels of
removal, but decreases gel strength with higher levels of
Iron deficiency anaemia is one of the most widespread dis- removal;
orders throughout the world, especially amongst women and • inhibits age gelation when removal is by SHMP, but may
children in developing countries (Stolzfus 2003). Therefore, accelerate age gelation when removal is by citrate or
fortification of milk with iron has attracted considerable EDTA;
attention (Gaucheron 2000). However, it presents challenges • increases heat stability of milk protein concentrate;
in terms of the interaction of the added iron with other milk • increases heat stability of skim milk concentrate;
components and the subsequent generation of oxidised fla- • may reduce foam stability of milk, but the literature is
vour and the bioavailability of the iron added. To isolate the conflicting; and
added iron from milk components, it has been encapsulated • enables formation of iron–milk protein complexes.
into liposomes and also formed into iron–protein complexes
(Gaucheron 2000; Ellis et al. 2012).
Mittal et al. (2012, 2013) removed a large proportion ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
(~70%) of calcium from milk by ion exchange, which disin- The authors wish to thank Drs Sapana Kamath and Sangeeta
tegrated the casein micelle, and then added ferric chloride to Prakash for providing the graphs used in this paper.
bind to the solubilised caseins. Up to 4% iron could be
added to the calcium-depleted milk without precipitation.
The soluble ferric iron–milk protein complex can be
used for fortifying foods. The use of iron–milk protein Al-Saadi J S and Deeth H C (2011) Preparation and functional properties
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