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National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) is an aptitude test geared

toward providing information through test results for self-assessment, career awareness

and career guidance of junior high school students of the K to 12 Basic Education

Program (BEP). The National Career Assessment Examination or NCAE is a test taken

by high school students in the Philippines that determines their strengths in different

career fields. It was first given in January 2007 and replaces the former National College

Entrance Examination.

According to Jared Martin (2015) the NCAE was created because many people in

the Philippines were unemployed. They didn't like their career path and because of this

probably quit. However, the NCAE also tests vocational aptitude, occupational

preferences and entrepreneurial skills. (Lissabeth Ross, 2015) It was created to help

people to choose or to determine what career is what is they really want. It will help to

test your skills.

NCAE is a paper and pencil test using multiple choices format, on scannable

answer sheets which can be checked electronically. NCAE also measures a senior high

school student’s potentials or inclination in such areas as general scholastic aptitude

(GSA), technical vocational aptitude (TVA), entrepreneurial skills, nonverbal ability and

occupational interest. The test components are: Scientific Ability, Mathematical Ability,

Reading Comprehension, Verbal Ability, Manipulative Ability, Clerical Ability, Non-

verbal Ability and Entrepreneurial skills.

The scope of this NCAE is Grade 10 students in both public and private schools with

existing permit to operate from DepEd.

According to the former Department of Education Secretary, Mr. Jesli A. Lapus,

the NCAE mainly seeks to guide graduating students on what career path is fitted for

them. It is also aimed at determining the best-suited college courses for the examinees

after graduation from high school. When the NCAE was first introduced and took over

the National Career Entrance Examination (NCAE) in 2006, it was mandatory for all

graduating students of public high schools to take it but not for private schools.

The objective of this NCAE are to minimize indiscriminate wastage of manpower

and other resources which otherwise could be directed towards more productive ventures,

i.e. supplying manpower needs of vocational, agricultural, technical, and entrepreneurial

fields. Assess the abilities the students has developed through the years which are

essential for successful college or becoming an entrepreneur. Serve as basis for the

selection of scholars in the Commission on Higher Education’s (CHED) scholarship

program and serve as basis for the selection of scholars in the Commission on Higher

Education’s (CHED) scholarship program. (Mr.Jesli Lapus)

One of the reasons the NCAE was developed was to address the issue of

unemployment due to workers getting mismatched with the wrong careers. The hope is

that by determining which careers they are ideally suited for, students can plan a course

of study that will give them the skills and education they will need for their ideal careers.

Bas & Espinas (2008) believe that NCAE could greatly help them in becoming

what they really wanted in life. Most of them do not have concrete plans yet on what

career they will pursue and in most cases; they enroll in courses that are presently in

demand or get in to the field chosen by parents and friend. The high school students need

guidance to identify their strengths and talents so they will be places in the field where

they may excel and where these talents are maximized.

NCAE is a very big help to the students becoming Senior High School specially

to the students who wants to choose Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics

(STEM) as their chosen strand. It will help to develop the students skills and help to

identify their strengths and weaknesses.

Based on the structured interview of the researchers there are many problems that

encountered during NCAE Examination First, many of the students think that NCAE

Examination is not important so they did not take it seriously. Secondly some of the

students are only guessing the answer and answer it only for fun. Thirdly, there are

questions include in the Examination that are not yet discussed, particularly in

mathematics. Seemingly, those mentioned above shows that a percentage of students are

not yet ready to take the NCAE Examination, which may results that they would get bad

grades or least is failing in NCAE Examination. Thus, if the students want to take STEM

as their strand in Senior High School they need to focus in their study especially in

Sciences and Mathematics in order to get higher grade and able to pass the Examination.

The researchers chose this study to determine what are the factors that affecting

the results of the National Career Assessment Examination to the incoming Grade 11.

There are some factors that affect the result of NCAE and this are:

Intrinsic Factors

The intrinsic factors that affect a students ability to concentrate and perform well

during their examinations are largely concerned with the examination itself and the way it

is conducted. These also include strict and consistent marking by the teachers and

instructors. Another factor can be the varying patterns and sequences of the exam papers

which may significantly contribute to a lower score in some examinations. The question

style and material the questions are based on may also influence the students results.

(Padraig King 2018)

Extrinsic Factors

The factors that pertain to the environment in which the examination is conducted

are considered as Extrinsic Factors. These may include but are not limited to the noise

distractions within and outside the examination hall, the distance or lack of between

students in the exam hall, along with the light, temperature and ventilation of the

examination hall. These can affect the students’ results in their exams. Moreover, the

attitude and behavior of the fellow students as well as the invigilation staff may also

influence how the students fare concentration-wise during the exam. Many distractions or

interruptions can directly impact the students’ results. (Padraig King 2018)

Some personal factors also have the ability to influence the levels of a students

concentration during exam study. The factors such as emotional turmoil due to family or

other relationship issues, lack of sleep, overall work and school stresses, as well as any

personality disorders may all affect the outcome of a students exam. Their personal

attitude and behavior, presence or absence of confidence also affects their exam

concentration and performance. Another factor that potentially influences a students

ability to perform to their maximum potential during the exam season is the possible

existence of a mild, moderate or even previously undiagnosed learning disability or

disorder. (Padraig King 2018) There are another factors that may affect the students

NCAE result. The first one is the style of the questionnaire and materials may influence

the exams result and also the teachers attitude they are included in Intrinsic factor.

Second one is environmental factors in which the examination is conducted is one of the

factors that affecting the results of NCAE that classified as extrinsic factors. It include

also the attitude and behavior of the fellow students and the noise distractions it may also

affect the result of NCAE. And the last one is the factors included in Personal Factor are

emotional turmoil due to the family or other relationship issues, lack of sleep, overall

work and school stresses may all affect the outcome of the students exam, the students

confidence and concentration s answering exams may also affect.


Background of the Study

The National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) is an annual examination

administered to public school student throughout the country to determine their

achievement level, strengths and weaknesses in the key subject areas.

NCAE is a test or exam that is taken by all the 4th year or Grade 10 students all

around the Philippines in both private and public schools in the Philippines. The students

take the same test at the same time. The result of the National Career Assessment

Examination is used when the 3rd year or grade nine students go to grade eleven and

twelve. The result helps the students decide what course they should get.

At present many students cannot decide on what course they should take,

especially those who cannot make decision by their own. NCAE (National Career

Assessment Examination) assists the compatibility of the skills of the students regarding

their courses. NCAE can help students on their decision making in taking courses.

One of the reasons the NCAE was developed was to address the issue of

unemployment due to workers getting mismatched with the wrong careers. The hope is

that, by determining which careers they are ideally suited for, students can plan a course

of study that will give them the skills and education they will need for their ideal careers.

(Martin, 2015)

NCAE test results are only one part of the bigger picture in determining the best

career fit for a student. Students shouldn't make major decisions based on NCAE results

alone. Their entire school career as well as their own goals and interests should be

considered when deciding on a course of study and a career.

Conceptual Framework

According to the article of Padraig King (2010), The verbal, written, or electronic

exams conducted throughout the educational system, and assessments through the year

are thought of as a means of measuring a students actual performance and gauging their

ability to achieve based on a variety of predetermined objectives. While this may be true

for some students, for others it simply points to their inability to cope in exam situations

and as a result they do not score well so the exam does not reflect their levels of skill,

knowledge or understanding. There are certain factors that influence and affect each

students performance and concentration in exams. These factors are divided into four

basic categories. They fall into two categories: Intrinsic Factor and Extrinsic Factor

Intrinsic Factors

The intrinsic factors that affect a students ability to concentrate and perform well

during their examinations are largely concerned with the examination itself and the way it

is conducted. These also include strict and consistent marking by the teachers and

instructors. Another factor can be the varying patterns and sequences of the exam papers

which may significantly contribute to a lower score in some examinations. The question

style and material the questions are based on may also influence the students’ results.

Extrinsic Factors

The factors that pertain to the environment in which the examination is conducted

are considered as Extrinsic Factors. These may include but are not limited to the noise

distractions within and outside the examination hall, the distance or lack of between

students in the exam hall, along with the light, temperature and ventilation of the

examination hall. These can affect the students’ results in their exams. Moreover, the

attitude and behavior of the fellow students as well as the invigilation staff may also

influence how the students fare concentration-wise during the exam. Many distractions or

interruptions can directly impact the students’ results.

Extrinsic factor is like personal factors because it also have the ability to influence the

levels of a students concentration during exam study. The factors such as emotional

turmoil due to family or other relationship issues, lack of sleep, overall work and school

stresses, as well as any personality disorders may all affect the outcome of a student’s

exam. Their personal attitude and behavior, presence or absence of confidence also

affects their exam concentration and performance. Another factor that potentially

influences a students ability to perform to their maximum potential during the exam

season is the possible existence of a mild, moderate or even previously undiagnosed

learning disability or disorder.


Factors Affecting the results

of National Career Assessment
(NCAE) to the students who
wants to choose Science
Technology Mathematics and
Engineering (STEM) as their
Strand in Aliaga National High
School Senior High School.

Profile of the respondents

1. Survey on the students

who got a low score on
NCAE in the subject of
Mathematics and
2. Questionnaire
3. Statistical Treatment

Action Plan: To improve the

results of NCAE.
Recommendation to the
teachers to teach and play full
attention to their students in
their major subjects.

Figure 1. Research Paradigm


Statement of the Problem

This study will focus on what are the factors affecting the results to the students

of National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) at Aliaga National High School.

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in Aliaga National High School in terms of


A. Sex

B. Strand

C. General Average Last Year

D. NCAE Score

E. Average in Mathematics

F. Average in Science

2. What are the common problems encountered by the students during NCAE?

3. How may the students of Aliaga National High School be described in terms of

Intrinsic Factor, Extrinsic Factor and Personal Factor?

4. Is there significant relationship between the profile of the students and Factor

Affecting the NCAE results.


Significance of the Study

The result of the study serves as the basis for career choice for senior secondary

students which are congruent to their skills. This study aims to asses and determine the

common problems encountered by the students, especially the students of Aliaga

National High School during NCAE. This study will be beneficial to the students.

This will help students determine which courses they should study in college and

what sort of career they are best suited for. Like many standardized tests, the NCAE

measures students' general scholastic knowledge, vocational aptitude, occupational

preferences and entrepreneurial skills. Likewise this study is use predictive guide for the

choice of the academic strand.

This study will also give valuable information to secondary teachers as to which

among the different key areas need more attention to improve.

Scope and Delimitation

This study attempted to determine the common problems encountered by students

in National Career Assessment Examination.

This study limits its focus on identifying the common problems encountered by

students especially the students of Aliaga National High School, during NCAE. The

average range of the respondents is at least Eleven (11) respondents and the survey is will

be in Aliaga National High School in this year of 2018.


Definition of Terms

Aptitude it is a natural ability to do something.

Compatibility is the state of being compatible in which two or more things are able to

exist or work together in combination without problems or conflict.

Inclination it is a persons natural tendency or urge to act or feel in particular way.

Indiscriminate is done at random or without careful judgement.

Invigilate is to watch students who are taking an examination.

Perhaps it is used to express uncertainly or possibility.

Seemingly is to give the impression of having a certain quality.

Significantly is in a sufficiently great or important way as to be worthy of attention.

Undiagnosed is not diagnosed or having been subject to diagnosis.

Ventures it is to start to do something new or different that usually involves risk.




In this chapter, the researchers discuss the Research Method, Research Locale,

Sampling Techniques, Validation of instrument, construction of the instrument, the

research instrument, Data gathering procedures and statistical treatment.

Research Method

The descriptive method of research was used for this study. To define the

descriptive type of research Creswell (2011) stated that the descriptive method of

research is to gather information about the present existing condition. The emphasis is on

describing rather than on judging interpreting.

Descriptive research on the other hand is a type of research that is mainly

concerned with describing the nature or condition and the degree in the detail of the

present situation. This method is used to describe the nature of situation as it existed at

the time of the study and to explore the cause of particular phenomenon. The aim of

descriptive research is to obtain an accurate profile of the people events or situations.


Research Locale

The study will be conducted at Aliaga National High School, Aliaga Nueva Ecija

San Carlos
La Purisima

Pob.East II
San Eustacio Pob.East I

San Juan

Pob. Centro
Sto. Monica

San Felipe (M)

Pob. West IV

Magsaysay San Felipe (B)

Pob. West III

Sto. Rosario San Pablo Macabucod

Santiago Sto. Tomas


History of Aliaga National High School

The lot of Aliaga National High School is measuring seven (7) hectares was donated by

the heirs of the late Simeon Medina to the Aliaga Provincial High School on December

15, 1945 to make Secondary Education available to the people of Aliaga.

Aliaga National High School is one of the oldest High Schools in Nueva Ecija which was

established in 1945 with 400 students. From a Provincial High School it became a

National High School in 1984 by virtue of Batas Pambansa Blg. 611. The school is

located in Poblacion, East II, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija.

How Aliaga National High School was founded

There were eight (8) teachers, and four hundred (400) students. There were three

temporary school classrooms like RCOA building, Emilio Fernandos House, Ortegas

House and Teofilo Tadiques Sr. House.

With the help of Mayor David Villamin and Congressman Jose O. Corpus, one (1)

high school building was built permanently with the unending and energetic support of

Emilio Cabagay and Mr. Isidro Gregorio, so that this school may function and exist


The role of the principal covers many different areas including leadership, teacher

evaluation, student discipline, and many others. Being an effective principal is hard work

and is also time-consuming. A good principal is balanced within all their roles and works

hard to ensure that that they are doing what they feel is best for all constituents involved.

This are the name of principals who leads Aliaga National High School, Mr. Juliano

Quiaoit, Mr. Luis Bolisay, Mr. Emilio Cabagay, Mr. Casiano Bolisay, Mr. Isidro

Gregorio, Ms. Cristeta E. Corpus, Mrs. Antonia T. Galang, Miss Teodora E. Jasmin

Poblacion, Mrs. Nila E. Mactal, Mrs. Jovita S. Versula, Mrs Eva Fe F, Mrs. Jovita So, Mr.

Nicanor Ventura, Ph. D, Mrs. Paula P. Pangalangan, Mrs. Catalina P. Paez, Ph. D, Mrs.

Elpidia R. Andres, Ph. D, Ms. Segunda B. Mayes, Mrs. Rowena B. Caoile, and at present

Mr. Norberto M. Calma is the one who lead Aliaga National High School.

Without the help of the people who are in charged in the school, it would not be a

good outcome or success to them. And this are some peoples who taking over it, first, the

Principal IV together with the six (6) Head Teachers. Also, the five (5) Master Teachers

with thirty-nine (39) Teacher I, four (4) Teacher II, and twenty-one (21) Teacher III are

helping to reach out all the students. And of course, the school will not stand or will not

be improve without the ten (10) Guidance Counsellor, one (1) Administrative Officer IV,

two (2) Administrative Officer I, one (1) Administrative Assistant III, one (1)

Administrative Aide IV, two (2) Casuas, two (2) Administrative Aide I or Utility Worker

and the three (3) Security Guards to maintain the discipline and good character of all

students that are involved inside the school.

Throughout the years and within the limits of its resources, Aliaga National High

School has stood for academic excellence and discipline as its guiding principles. ANHS

aims to uplift the spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical and social capabilities of the

students; to create an individual who can survive and cope with this highly complex and

competitive world; to instill sense of responsibility among students as members of the

Philippine Society.

School Profile

The symbolic design of ANHS logo identifies the school meaningfully from its existence

up to extinction. It symbolizes the many aspects of the school in terms of the endeavors

the school represents. At the center of the logo is an open book (symbolizes knowledge

and lighted torch (which symbolizes the future of the school)

The background represents hope of the students and the initiative of the

benefactors, the administration as well as the faculty and staff.


We dream of Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose values and

competencies enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to

building the nation. As a learner-centered public institution, the Department of Education

continuously improve itself to better serve its stakeholders.


To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable culture-based and

complete basic education where:


Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating


Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.

Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and

supportive environment for effective learning to happen.

Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share

responsibility for developing life-long learners.

Sampling Techniques

According to Bernard (2010), the purposive sampling technique, also called

judgement sampling, is the deliberate choice of an informant due to the qualities the

informant possesses. It is a non-random technique that does not need underlying theories

or a set number of informants. Simply puts, the researcher decides what needs to be

known and sets out to find people who can and are willing to provide the information by

virtue of knowledge or experience.

The researcher choose the purposive sampling techniques in this study for the

researchers to select the respondents.

Eleven (11) students who didn’t pass on the examination and doesn’t meet the

average score in National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) are the respondents

to gather the data needed to this study. The given number of population can provide

enough information in this research.


Table 1

Distribution of the Respondents


11-GAS 2 5 7
11-HUMSS-3 1 2 3
11-ABM-1 1 0 1

Construction of Instrument

The questionnaire is divided into two (3) parts.

Part one comprised to Demographic Profile of the respondents in term of: Name

(optional), Age, gender, their general average, average in Mathematics and Science and

the result of their NCAE.

Part two involve different factors affecting the result of National Career

Assessment Examination. The factors are Extrinsic Factors five (5) items, Intrinsic

Factors five (5) items and personal factors is also five (5) items.

The last part is contain one question that will be answered by the respondents.

Validation of Instrument

The questionnaire will be tested by distributing to the other students who weren't

included in the study. The questionnaire will be validated through trial, involving the

other strand from Aliaga National High School which is not the objective respondents of

the study. After that, the questionnaire will be edited by the researcher, and accept the

suggestions collected during the trial. After editing, the final questionnaire will be

distributed to the target respondents.

Research Instrument

To provide and gather as much informative and relative evaluation descriptive

method was use. This method includes the use of questionnaire. The tools used by the

researcher are discussed. A questionnaire was use as the main data-gathering instrument

for this study. Survey Questionnaire is defined as "the collection of information from a

sample of individuals through their responses to questions" (Check & Schutt, 2012, p.

160) The survey questionnaire is one in which a group of people or items is studied by

collecting and analyzing data from only a few people or items considered to be

representative of the entire group.

Table 2

Description of the Rating

Scale Range Verbal Description

4 3.25-4.00 Strongly Agree
3 2.50-3.24 Agree
2 1.75-2.49 Disagree
1 1.00-1.74 Strongly Disagree

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers coordinate with eleven (11) grade 11 students of Aliaga National

High School who didn't passed in assessment for the students who wants STEM as their

chosen strand to answer the questionnaire.

A questionnaire is a method of data collection that asks participants to give

written or verbal replies to a written set of questions (Parahoo 2006). It is a quick,

convenient and inexpensive method of collecting standerised information (Jones &

Rattray 2010). A questionnaire can be used to collect information on attitudes,

knowledge and experience of staff (Parahoo 2006)

While the respondents are answering the researcher will take a photo of them for


Statistical Treatment

After colleting the data needed, the researchers tabulated and analyzed the

gathered data with the help of statistical tools. The following are the statistical tools used

in this study together with their corresponding formulas.

Where: WM- Weighted Mean

TWF- Total Weighted frequency

N- Total Number of the Respondents


To determine the percentage of therespondents’ gender, strand, general average

last year, Average in Mathematics, Average in Science and NCAE Score, the formula

used was F/N x 100

Where: WM- Weighted Mean

TWF- Total Weighted frequency

N- total number of the Respondents.


Chapter III

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter overseen the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data

gathered by the researchers. This study aims to determine the factors affecting the

learners whose career choices are aligned with Science Technology Engineering and

Mathematics of Aliaga National High School.

1. Profile of the Respondents

The respondents describes in terms of sex, general average last year, NCAE score,

Average in Mathematics, and average in science.

1.1 Sex

Table 3

Sex of the Respondents

Sex Frequency Percent

Boys 5 45.45
Girls 6 54.54
Total 11 100

Table 3 shows that the sex of the respondents. Female got the highest frequency

of 6 with the percentage of 45.45, while male got the frequency of 5 with the percentage

of 54.54. This indicates that there are more female respondents than male.

1.2 General Average Last Year

Table 4
General Average Last year of the Respondents

General Average Frequency Percent

86-87 1 9.09
88-89 3 27.27
90-91 6 54.54
92-93 1 9.09
TOTAL 11 100

Regarding the respondents' general average last year as shown in Table 4, out of

11 learner-respondents 1 (9.09%) learner got 86-87 average last year. Three (27.27%) of

the learners got a 88-89, 6 (54.54%) learners belong to average of 90-91 respectively and

the remaining 1 (9.09%) learner belong to average of 92-93.

1.3 Average in Mathematics

Table 5
Average in Mathematics of the Respondents

General Average Frequency Percent

86-87 2 18.18
88-89 5 45.45
90-91 4 36.36
92-93 0 0
TOTAL 11 100

The results on the average in Mathematics of the respondents show that two (18.18%) are

in the range of average of 86-87, 5 (45.45%) in average of 88-89, 4 (36.36%) are belong

to the average of 90-91 and zero of the respondents didn't got the average of 92-93 in


According to Table 5 all of the learner got the required passing grade to able to enroll in

Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

1.4. Average in Science

Table 6
Average in Science of the Respondents

General Average Frequency Percent

86-87 1 9.09
88-89 3 27.27
90-91 6 54.54
92-93 1 9.09
TOTAL 11 100

Concerning respondents' Average in Science as shown in Table 6, out of 11 learners, one

(9.09%) learner average in science is between 86-87, 3 (27.27%) learners got the 88-89

average in science, 6 (54.54%) learners average is between 90-91 and 1 (9.09%) belongs

to the range of 92-93.

This table shows that all the learners got the passing grade as same as in the Table .

1.5 NCAE Score

Table 7
NCAE Score of the Respondents


34-38 1 9.09
39-43 0 0
44-48 2 18.18
49-53 0 0
54-58 0 0
59-63 0 0
64-68 0 0
69-73 5 45.45
74-78 1 9.09
79-83 0 0
84-88 2 18.18
TOTAL 11 100

The Table 7 shows the NCAE Score of the respondents. Out of 11 one (9.09%) learner

got the score between 34-38. In the score of 39-43 no one in the learner got that score.

Two (18.18%) of the learner got the scores between 44-48, in the scores between, 49-53,

54-58, 59-63, and 64-68 there is no learner got that score. 5 (45.45%) were belong to 69-

73, 1 (9.09%) learner got the score between (74-78). In corcerning the scores between 79-

83 there is no learner got that score and 2 (18.18%) are belong to 84-88

According to the Department of Education (DepED) order No.55 series 2016, there

is a required cut off score for students who wish to enroll in the Science Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) strand.


The final grade both in science and Math in Grade 10 should be 85 and above. Learners

should also have atleast a percentile rank of 86 and above in the STEM subtest.

2.Factors that affecting the National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE)

Results of learners whose career choices are aligned with Science Technology
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) of Aliaga National High School.

Table 8
Intrinsic Factors
Item Statement WM VD
1.1 The learner doesn’t have enough personal preparation. 2.82 A
1.2 The learner doesn’t have an interest in concerned 2.55 A
learning area/s.
1.3 The learner doesn’t have enough confidence in 2.55 A
answering the test questions.
1.4 The learners mind is confused due to different subject. 2.82 A
1.5 The learner doesn’t have enough concentration. 2.73 A
1.6 The learner doesn’t have enough knowledge about 3.00 A
some subject written in the examination paper.
1.7 The learner experiences mental block or nervousness 2.82 A
during examination.
1.8 The learner doesn’t have enough motivation. 2.64 A
1.9 The learner misinterpret the question. 2.55 A
1.10 The learner maybe confused from the answer during 2.91 A
Average Weighted Mean 2.74 Agree

Legend- SA (Strongly Agree), A (Agree), D (Disagree) and SD (Strongly Disagree)

The Table 8 presents the Intrinsic Factors that affect the National Career

Assessment Examination (NCAE) Results of Learners whose career choices are aligned

with Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The table shows that

the Learners-respondents claimed they "Agree" that Intrinsic Factors affected the result of

their National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) with an average weighted mean

of 2.74.

It is shown from this table that learners rated item 1.6 "The Learner doesn't have

enough knowledge about some subject written in the examination paper" as "Agree" and

obtained the highest mean of 3.00.

The average weighted mean is 2.74 which is verbally described as "Agree"

Table 9
Extrinsic Factors

Item Statement WM VD
2.1 Questions are clear and easy to understand. 3.09 A
2.2 The exam venue had an appropriate classroom 3.09 A
2.3 Level/s or intensity of external noise is very low that 3.00 A
can’t distract the learner.
2.4 The approach of examiner/proctor in assisting the 3.09 A
learners was appropriate.
2.5 The learners are comfortable in their seating 3.18 A
2.6 The allotted time for answering the examination is 2.82 A
enough for the learners.
2.7 The learner had enough time to prepare for the 2.55 A
2.8 The directions of the questionnaire is clear and easy to 2.55 A
2.9 Influence of support groups such as peers and mentors. 3.09 A
2.10 The construction/content of examination are 3.36 SD
Average Weighted Mean 2.98 Agree
Legend- SA (Strongly Agree), A (Agree), D (Disagree) and SD (Strongly Disagree)

The Table 9 shows the Intrinsic Factors that affect the National Career

Assessment Examination (NCAE) Results of Learners whose career choices are aligned

with Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The table shows that

the Learners-respondents claimed they "Agree" that Extrinsic Factors affected the result

of their National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) with an average weighted

mean of 2.98.

It is shown from this table that learners rated item 2.10 "The construction/content

of examination are understandable." as "Strongly Agree" and obtained the highest mean

of 3.36 and the items 2.7 “The learner had enough time to prepare for the examination.”

and 2.8 “The directions of the questionnaire is clear and easy to understand” obtained the

lowest mean of 2.55.

The average weighted mean is 2.98 which is verbally described as "Agree"


Chapter IV
Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation
This chapter presents the summary of findings, the conclusions drawn from the

findings, and the recommendations suggested based on the conclusions.

Summary of Findings

The study looked into the factors affecting the National Career Assessment

Examination (NCAE) Results of learners whose career choices are aligned with Science

Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), which focuses on the two factors;

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors.

The research study was conducted in Aliaga National High School during school

year 2018-2019.

The study involved 11 students came from different strands who didn’t pass on

the Assessment in Aliaga National High School.

In order to answer these questions, the descriptive survey method was employed.

The relevant data to the study were gathered through questionnaire.

Specifically, the study looked into the personal profile of the students, their

average in mathematics and science and their NCAE score.


Summary of Findings

1. Profile of the respondents


The sex counts of the respondents in Boys are 5 equal to 45.45 percent. For the

girls there are 6 equal to 54.54 percent with a total of 100 %.

General Average last year

In general average last year 1 (9.09%) learner got the average between 86-87, 3

(27.27%) learners got the average of 88-89, 6 (54.54%) learners have an average between

90-91 and One (9.09%) was belong to 92-93

Average in Mathematics

Concerning respondents average out of 11 learners, two (18.18%) learners

average in Mathematics is between 86-87, 5 (45.45%) got the 88-89 average in

Mathematics, 4 (36.36%) learners average is between 90-91 and zero respondent didn't

got a average of 92-93.

Average in Science

The results on the Average in Science of the respondents show that one (9.09%)

are in the range of average of 86-87, 3 (27.27%) in average of 88-89, 6 (54.54%) are

belong to the average of 90-91 and 1 (9.09%) belongs to the range of 92-93.

NCAE Score

Regarding to NCAE Score. Out of 11 one (9.09%) learner got the score between

34-38. In the score of 39-43 no one in the learner got that score. Two (18.18%) of the

learner got the scores between 44-48, in the scores between, 49-53, 54-58, 59-63, and 64-

68 there is no learner got that score. 5 (45.45%) were belong to 69-73, 1 (9.09%) learner

got the score between (74-78). In corcerning the scores between 79-83 there is no learner

got that score and 2 (18.18%) are belong to 84-88.

2. Factors that affecting the National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE)

Results of learners whose career choices are aligned with Science Technology

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) of Aliaga National High School.

Intrinsic Factors

The learners-respondents "Agree" in assessing that intrinsic factors affected the

National Career Assessment Examination Results with an average weighted mean of 2.74.

Extrinsic Factors

The response of the learner respondents rated item 2.5 which states that "The

construction/content of Examination are understandable" received the highest mean of

3.36 with a description of "Strongly Agree". On the other hand, items 2.7 "The learner

had enough time to prepare for the examination" and 2.8 "The directions of the

questionnaire is clear and easy to understand" got the lowest mean of 2.55 and described

as "Agree'.

The learner respondents rated Extrinsic factors affecting the National Career Assessment

Examination Results with an average weighted mean of 2.98 which can be verbally

described as "Agree".


The following conclusions are drawn from the findings:

1. The Profile of the respondents

Five learners are belong to male and six are female. The General average last year,

Average in Science, Average in Mathematics and the NCAE Score of the learners are

affecting the National Career Assesment Examination Result. The factors affecting the

National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) Results as perceived assess by the

learnes show that; Intrinsic Factors were classified "Agree" and the Extrinsic factor were

assessed "Agree"


Based on the results and conclusion given, the following recommendations are drawn:

1. Further studies about this is suggested and recommended to require the

researchers to have follow up studies about the factors that affect the NCAE results of

students whose career choices are aligned with Science Technology Engineering and

Mathematics (STEM) of Aliaga National High School. It may include formulating of the

solutions to the problems if most of the students get a low grade in NCAE results because

of engaging to these factors.

2. The learner should take the National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE)


3. The learner should have a personal preparation before taking the National Career

Assessment Examination (NCAE).

4. The learners should have a massive review before taking the National Career

Assessment Examination (NCAE).

5. The learners should have a motivation coming from the teachers.

6. The learners should have a support from school.


List of References

Jared Martin (2015)

Lissabeth Ross (2015)

Former Department of Education Secretary Mr. Jesli A. Lapus

NCAE Academiand Non-Academic Performances | Michelle Navarro ...

Bas & Espinas (2010) › NCAE_Academian...

Padraig King (2018)

Carl E. Balita - Eagles, refer to your yellowbook. Answers... | Facebook

Martin (2015) › posts

Creswell (2015)
Training Opportunities with Padraig King 2018 | Padraig King Success ...

Bernard (2011) › 2018trai...

Check and Schutt, 2012, p 160)

NCAE Academiand Non-Academic Performances | Michelle Navarro ...

Parahoo (2012) › NCAE_Academian...

Jones & Rattray (2010)

John W. Creswell, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative ›
article ›

DepED order No.55 series 2016
Retrieved from: https:/

“Letter for the Principal”
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Division of Nueva Ecija
Poblacion East II, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija
September 11, 2018

Norberto M. Calma
School Principal
Aliaga National High Shool
Pob. East II, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija

Dear Sir,
Greetings! We, the students of Accountancy Business and Management strand,
are currently conducting a research study entitled “FACTORS AFFECTING THE
NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL” as a requirement in our subject “Research in Daily Life
In this regard, the researchers request your important approval in conducting a
research study here in Aliaga National High School.
Thank you for your important and favorable approval.
Respectfully yours,



Noted by:
Research Adviser

Approved by:
School Principal IV

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