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EDN2101 Task 5 – Rhiannon Huston

a) In a few sentences, explain the long term effects if students’ weaknesses go

unnoticed and are not strengthened.
 If students are not keeping up with workloads or are struggling to
complete tasks it is essentials these signs are noticed early by teachers. If
they are not the student will continue to fall further and further behind
on work and issues of poor academic confidence can become apparent in
both the short and long term.
 This can also lead to a lack of trust in teachers and the education system
as a whole for students, families and the wider community and the
potential for positive opportunities for both the individual student and
the school can be reduced.
 To ensure students are actively engaging and learning it is important to
regularly check in with students through strategies such as parent teacher
interviews, teacher student discussions, regularly providing feedback for
students using both informal and formal assessment and providing
encouragement and interesting educational opportunities for students.
b) Upload one of the tasks you have planned in previous topics for EDN2101.
“Modes and Variations
 As students should be engaged in the topic overall at this stage due to cooperative
learning strategies in earlier lessons, this lesson will be a PowerPoint presentation
surrounding several modes and variations in the English language.
o The presentation would have video and audio attachments to increase
engagement from students and they would be encouraged to write notes
(either with dot pointing or mind maps would be preferable for later study)
during the presentation about key points.
o The use of PowerPoint allows for a more direct focus on specific areas of the
curriculum in this area such as the curriculum requirement to discuss Singlish
(Singaporean English) that may otherwise be missed if student discussion was
the key focus in this lesson.
 To ensure students are absorbing the information presented, during the presentation
informal assessment such as question and answer with random select students would
be used.
o Employing this I can ask students questions if they look disinterested to
incentivise them to remain more present in the lesson. Also, students who are
listening keenly can answer questions and when correct this can be
motivating for them to remain focused.
o This also allows feedback to be given through informal assessment so
students are continuously developing their knowledge in a low-stakes
assessment type to reduce stress during early assessment. This will likely
improve their confidence in the topic area and increase the likelihood of
positive performance in formal assessment on the topic such as quizzes, short
answer responses and essays. “ (within Task 3)

c) Write down a strategy that you would use to informally check each student’s
understanding of the concept or skills being taught in each task within your
lesson. Remember that assessment often takes place throughout lessons.
Therefore, select a strategy that you can manage efficiently, while also
ensuring students remain on task.
 As mentioned within the notes above; throughout this lesson I would be
using PowerPoint slides to guide the lesson. During this, I would
periodically ask students questions about the current slide we were
discussing, previous slides we have discussed and also before beginning a
slide I would ask their ideas about ‘xyz’ which would then lead discussion
to the next topic. This provides informal assessment through questioning
students and giving feedback based upon their answers.
 During video and audio within the presentation I additionally could
question students surrounding what they have seen/heard so far. This
ensures students remain on task and additionally provides some feedback
when necessary.
 Throughout the presentation I can also walk around the classroom and
over-the-shoulder mark the notes and mind maps students are creating
as another form of feedback.
d) So that you can track student progress from lesson to lesson, create an
Assessment Tool to check concepts are understood or that skills are developing.
To do this, carry out the following:

 For your organisation and clarity, give your Assessment Tool a title.

 Look at your outcome/descriptor you have been using for previous topics, to keep in
mind what is to be learned in the lesson.

 To achieve the outcome, consider what concepts or skills students need to be able
to demonstrate. Ensure your points are concise and relate to the outcomes and
what has been taught. These points will become the criteria of your Assessment

 Now consider the degree that students can demonstrate achievement. For example,
if the criteria require students to either do something or not, a Checklist showing
that the criteria have simply been done, will be sufficient. If the criteria require
students to do something showing the degree of achievement, (eg achievement:
poor, beginning to develop, satisfactory, well done, outstanding), then a rating scale
or rubric (with descriptors) would provide a more accurate record. Choose your own
terminology to indicate degree of achievement, eg you might just choose a rating
from 0-4.

 Marking Key – carefully think about what students need to show to achieve each
mark. That is, ensure you know when a student deserves a 2 or a rating of
‘satisfactory’, instead of a 3 or rating ‘well done’. This ensures you are consistent
when evaluating each student, because you are sure of what each mark or rating
indicates for your particular assessment.
Self-Assessment Checklist Tool: English Topic  Language Variation and Change To
provide a self-assessment of your understanding of this topic this checklist provides the core
concepts that were covered and must be understood in order to excel in future assessments
as the evaluation criteria is extremely similar. Tick where appropriate for level of
understanding and use this in order to provide yourself with feedback in areas that need
more development.

During this topic I can now… Yes and am Room for Haven’t started
confident. improvement. yet.

Write my own definition and can now

accurately define what ‘language’ is.

Can recall the 4 modes of English and define

what each is.

Can list 3 or more historical influences on the

English language.

Can list 2 or more dialects of English and the

most common location they are used.

Can explain the impact of English on other

languages historically and in a modern setting.

Write a definition of what a ‘creole’ is in my

own words.

Can describe what ‘Singlish’ refers to and how

this language has evolved in relation to the
process of language change.

Can recall and define at least 2 ways in which

language has been preserved throughout
history for languages used by minorities.
Can describe how language modes can
influence learning with examples.

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