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Make a barbeque party (meatball roast)

Member :
Agustina Anggita Utami (04)
Masyita Asna Rosyida (19)
Muhammad Abdullah Aziz (21)
Siva Aisyah Azzuri (31)

 Situation 1
When the school ends. Syita is reading a book. Suddenly..
Aziz : “Hi, Syit! What are you doing?”
Syita : “Ummm, I’m so bored so I just read this book”
Gita : (bleching) “Ups… I’m sorry”
Aziz : “No problem, by the way what do you eat? You look so satisfied”
Gita : “I had been eating meat”
Syita : “Waaww, because you discuss about meat, how if we make a barbeque party?”
A&G : “That’s good idea”
Syita : “Ciee.. You say it together”
Aziz : “Hmm, but I don’t have meat, how about you Git?”
Gita : “I’m same with you Ziz, how about you Syit?”
Syita : “I just have a litte meat”
Aziz : “Ummm, who have a lot of meat?”
Gita : “Nah, Siva!”
Siva : “What! Why do you call my name?”
Syita : “We want to make a barbeque party, will you join us?”
Siva : “Okay, count me in”
Aziz : “Do you have a lot of meat, Siv?”
Siva : “I don’t have a meat but I have many meatball”
Aziz : “That sounds great, how if we make a meatball roast?”
Gita : “I’m with you Ziz. OK, when we will make a meatball roast?”
Siva : “How if we make it tomorrow? Because tomorrow is weekend”
Syita : “I agree with you, but we must ask a permission from our parents”
Aziz : “Okay, after we arrive home, we must ask a permission from our parents and
then we discuss on the WhatsApp group”

 Situation 2
At the WhatsApp group…
- Gita
Gita is sleeping. Suddenly… the cellphone is ringing (ring….ring….ring….)
Gita : “Hoamm, I feel very sleepy”
Gita checked her phone and she told her friends that she can join with us
to the barbeque party.
- Aziz
When Aziz watching television.
Aziz : “Oh yeah, I forget I must tell my friends if I can join to the barbeque party.
Aziz takes his cellphone
- Syita
When Syita is reading a book, suddenly her cellphone is ringing (ring…)
Syita : “Hello, who is it?”
Siva : “Hello, Syita. It’s me Siva”
Syita : “Oh Siva, what’s up?”
Siva : “Are you given a permission from your parents?”
Syita : “Of course, my mother save me a permission, how about Gita and Aziz? Because I
don’t have kuota hihi”
Siva : “Keep calm, Gita and Aziz can join with us. Okay Syit, don’t forget to come
tomorrow at my home”
Syita : “Okay.. I will go to your home with Gita”
Siva : “Bye Syit. See you tomorrow”
Syita : “See you”
 Situation 3
At Siva’s home. Siva is waiting Syita, Gita and Aziz.
S,G&A : “Hi! Good morning, Siva!”
Siva : “Hello! Good morning too, guys! Welcome to my home. Come in!”
Syita, Gita and Aziz come to Siva’s home
Aziz : “OK.. I will prepare the barbeque grill and you, you, you make the sauce”
G,S&S : “OK…”
At the terrace
Siva : “Hi Ziz, take here the charcoal and the barbeque grill”
Aziz : “On the way…”
Gita : “Okay, let’s start!”
Aziz : “We need 15 meatball”
Syita : “3 garlic clove”
Siva : “5 teaspoonful soy sauce”
Gita : “half teaspoon salt”
Aziz : “pepper”
Syita : “5 red chilies”
Siva : “stick of satay”
Gita : “First, smash the garlic and chilies. And then add salt, pepper and a little water”
Siva : “If it is smooth, add sauce at the meatball”
Syita : “Let’s stick meatball with sticks of satay”
Aziz : “Let’s burn the meatballs”
After that..
Gita : “Finally! Meatball roast is ready to eat!”
Siva : “Let’s try!”
Aziz : “Shhh.. it’s so spicy, I need mineral water”
Syita : “For you Ziz. Yummy!”
Siva : “Delicious! Thank you for today, guys!”
A,G&S : “You’re welcome, Siv!”

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