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Question number 3, Engineer X is a project engineer for a project contracted to Y Company

owned by Mr Z. Mr Z tells Engineer X that he is ordering the latest model of an electronic

gadget for his company staff and he can get a set for Engineer X at the company discounted
price. Engineer X agrees and pays on delivery. Did Engineer X breach the IEM Regulations on
Professional Conduct: “It is the responsibility of every engineer to give the highest regard to his
profession and conduct himself with integrity when executing his task”.

In answering the question required in the Professional Interview Question on Professional

Conduct Regulation by the IEM, an essay needed for explaining thoroughly the answer. May
through this essay will represent my professionalism and understanding on the professional
conduct required as an engineer. In performing duty as an engineer, every decisions and behavior
should be guided and comply with the code of professional conduct. It is crucial for every
engineer to follow and aware of the code in order to entitle with Ir. and to confront with any
ethical or professional problem. The vaguest understanding in engineering ethical is the
acceptance of gifts from relevant parties. The difficulty to differentiate between bribe and gift
emits because of the potential for gifts to become bribes or to be perceived as a bribes. By
definition bribe is to give money or presents to someone so that they will help you by doing
something dishonest or illegal (Macmillan Dictionary)

Engineer X agrees on the offer from the contracted company while in the project where the
company is their partner at the moment. By receiving the company discounted price gadget as a
gift is still breaching the IEM regulations on professional conduct, though it is unintended. But
the situation is not breaching by laws that will be referred to BEM for disciplinary action by law.
The IEM regulations is a consensus among the members and will be reviewed periodically. There
is difference between ethical and legal, where many legal things can be unethical same as the
situation. Engineer X behavior shows unethical act where it may affect future decision for other
or upcoming project in choosing the company to be given the tender. In the future engineer X
may give the tender for upcoming project to the company Y due to indebted with Mr. Z during
previous venture.

Deceptive manner towards other companies will happen due to the previous offer made by Mr.
Z. The offer will be indirectly as a commission on a contingent basis according to code of ethics
which is ‘Engineers shall not request, propose, or accept a commission on a contingent basis
under circumstances in which their judgment may be compromised’ (NSPE Code of ethics
2003). Society may perceived it as a bribe when the engineer caught in red handed in case if any
complain report. The engineer will tend to give the priority in decision to the company Y for
future event or others.

When receiving the offer, engineer X shall not be influenced in their professional duties by
conflicting interest, where the offer will only benefit the engineer individually. The decision may
affect other related task in the project involving the engineered permission as a middle man for
his or her company. Any conflict may bias to the company Y or Mr. Z in making decisions.

A member of IEM should not accept any remuneration other than from the engineer’s employer
or without the knowledge or permission of his employer. Receiving money upon outside party
may be perceived as a bribe since it is a receiving of something that will influence the engineer
decision favorable to Mr. Z in any decision relate with his company and Mr. Z’s company. By
doing this, the engineer might be unfaithful agent towards his employer because the gift may
trigger him to act dishonestly thus the right of employer is breach. Automatically this is
breaching section 4 of the BEM’s code of professional conduct where a registered engineer shall
disclose all known or potential conflicts of interest that could influence or appear to influence his
judgment or the quality of his service (BEM Guideline for code of professional conduct, 2005).
Any possible activity that may perceived by others or himself as a bribe should be disclose to the
employer as act of professionalism. This will affect vastly on any consequences of bribe crime in
future, thus will curb possibility of further code breach.

In conclusion, receiving something has value from other parties instead of employer either
directly or indirectly without employer knowledge will be conduct as a bribe activity. Taking
care of the title of respectable profession as engineer is a responsible of each member by abiding
the regulations on professional conduct carefully. Utilitarianism ethical theory will play crucial
part in taking any decision by an engineer. Considering the ability to predict the consequences of
an action towards society and people involved directly or indirectly. Ethical measurement should
be considered as an ethical and honest engineer. Engineer profession is to serve the society for
better life not taking advantage on the power they have to serve the people. According to section
1 of BEM guideline, a registered engineer shall at all times hold paramount safety, health and
welfare of the public (BEM Guideline for code of professional conduct, 2005), clearly indeed the
ethical and professional conduct in engineering is important role in making decision in the field
of work for better life for the human life.

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