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damming up of water sources to the city

to withhold them from the enemy until
● Hominids- prehuman 2. releasing waters to flood the city before
- Australopithecines then it was mounting an atta
- 3.9 to 2.9 million years ago ● Hanging garden- ​people stated that it was built
● Homo habilis- ​skillful man for Amyitis
- Opposable thumbs - ruled by King Nebuchadnezzar for 43 years
- 2.3 to 1.5 million years ago
- Crude stone tools ​Contributions
● Homo erectus- u ​ pright human ● Weapons- ​made of bronze material; sharpened
- 100,000to 1.6 million years ago weapons, sickle sword socketed axes, spears
- Hunters and bladed mace
- First to create fire ● Mathematics- ​sexagesimal system; 10 base
- Used of hand a
● Homo neanderthalis EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION
● Homo sapien ● kingdom were built along the Nile River
- Bone, ivory and hunter ● starting around 3200 BCE
- Long, thin snowflakes shaped into long ● ruled by King Narmer
blade knives, spearheads and other tools ● King- absolute ruler and owner of all land, water,
- “microliths” a very small blade people, etc.
- Control of fire ● Pharaoh- a ​ living God
- Used of clothes ● Theocracy- a government ruled by religious
● Mesopotamia​- land between two rivers Contributions
- Meso (middle); potam (river) ● Temple- ​home of Gods and Goddesses
- Cradle of civilization ● Mummification- ​ritual that believed in “life after
- Located between Tigris and Euphrates death”
(Fertile crescent) - removing the internal organs (liver, intestines,
● Sumerians​- first to settle in Mesopotamia stomach and lungs) and placed in a ​canopic
Contributions - heart was untouched (believed to be used for
● City-states ​(Eridu, Uruk, Ur, Larsa, Isin,Adab, intelligence and emotion)
Kullah, Lagash,Nippur and Kish) - brain was removed through the nose by using
● Cuneiform- ​system of writing derived from a hook
pictographs and symbols engraved on soft clay - body was wrapped in linen cloth and placed
tablets with the use of ​reed stylus. in the sarcophagus (coffin)
● Wheel- ​used to easily transport agricultural ● Hieroglyphics- ​writing system with picture of
products and transfer people from one place to living creature and symbols
another. 1. logograms-​ signs that right out morphemes
● Plow- ​used for initial cultivation of soil in 2. phonograms-​ sounds
preparation for sowing seed or planting. 3. determinatives- signs that denote neither
● Sailboat- ​for transportation, trade and war morpheme nor sound
● Sexagesimal number system- ​arithmetic ● Medicine- ​knowledge of healing herbs and
pertaining to number system. repairing physical injuries
- Base 60 ● Irrigation System- ​to water their crops
● Code of Ur-Nammu- ​first recorded written law A. Shadufs- hand-operated device for lifting
● Ziggurat- ​pyramid-like, stepped temples which water from the Nile River into buckets
can either be square or rectangle. B. Archimedean screw- used to lift water from a
- Where the king lives, temple at the top low-lying body of water into irrigation system
for priest to serve their gods and ● Mathematics- ​used fractions, decimals,
goddesses addition, subtraction, multiplication and division;
● Levees- ​hold back the floods from the fields basic ideas in geometry
● Medicine- ​diseases are punishment of God due ● Calendar- ​determine flooding, planting and
to sins harvest season
● Wigs- ​for beauty, vanity and hygiene
BABYLONIAN CIVILIZATION - social status (more wigs)
● Samu-abum- ​conquered Babylon
● Hammurabi- ​great king of Babylonian GREEK CIVILIZATION
- conquered all of ancient Mesopotamia - 8th century BC
- “to improve the life of those he ruled” - Society focused on government, art, sports,
● Amorites- ​nomadic people who migrated from architecture, and philosophy
coastal region of Eber Nari (Syria) - paid reverence to their ​gods & goddesses
● Harsh System of Laws: ​An eye for an eye, a - Theatre: seating area (​theatron​) ito yung
tooth for a tooth malaking space
● Usual method included: circular space (​orchestra​) ito yung ​bilog
stage (​skene​) ito yung ​rectangle
- looked to its ​gods & mythology​ to explain - Aqua Appia- ​connected the spring from the
natural mysteries & current events Rome
- Houses ● Roman Architectures- ​inspired from Greek
● majority of the poor lived in rural area works; some from Egyptian design
● larger houses: constructed around a ❖ The Pantheon​ - temple of Roman gods
courtyard, with rooms leading off ❖ Colosseum - largest amphitheater;
- Trade seating cap. of 50,000
● looked to the sea for livelihood ❖ Arch of Septimus Severus -
● city states sent out groups to monumental arch; built in recognition of
Mediterranean Sea & the Black Sea Roman victories over Parthians
to establish ​strong trading ties among ❖ Maison Carree - ​temple that preserved
one another up to this day
- Philisophers ● Roman numerals- ​around ​9th to 8th BC
● Socrates Romans began a number system named after
❖ “Socratic Method” them
❖ problem is broken down into a - For trading and communication purposes.
series of inquiries that would - seven basic symbols: I(1), V(5), X(10), L(50)
lead to answers to the problem ,C(100), D(500) & M(1000)
● Plato
❖ student of Socrates CHAPTER 2
❖ Laid the foundations of Western
❖ The Academy of Athens - first CIVILIZATION
institution of higher learning in
the Western world Middle Ages/ Medieval Age
● Aristotle
❖ student of Plato ● Fall of roman empire (division of roman empire –
❖ Developed the Empirical to make governing easier, Western empire
approach in studying nature capital city of Rome, Eastern empire capital city
❖ Theory of Four Causes of Constantipole, weakened by political
(material, formal, efficient, final) instability)
● Thales ● First half- dark ages
❖ Believed that ​water was the ● Middle ages​- because of the long barbaric
only substance that was ​source period that separated the Classic age of ancient
of all things Greece and Rome
● Pythagoras
❖ Pythagorean Theorem Dark Ages (500 CE-1500 CE)
● Empedocles ● period of declining achievements
❖ Four fundamental elements ● lack of scientific inquiry because of being
(fire, water, air and earth) illiterate.
● Democritus ● intellectual activity centered on Bible and
❖ Concept of atomism Christian faith
❖ Everything is made up of High Middle Ages (1000-1300 CE)
indivisible elements called ● 12​th century – centers of learning Studium
atoms Gernale sprang up across Western Europe
● Archimedes ● mixed ung knowledge ng scholars- greek and
❖ Known for his physical law of great muslims philosopher
buoyancy ● oldest university established- ​Oxford 1167,
Cambridge 1209, Montpellier 1220, Padua 1222,
ROMAN CIVILIZATION Sorbonne 1253, Valladolid 1292
● Rome- founded by Romulus in 753 BCE, the ● orders within the church began battle for political
first king and his brother Remus and intellectual control over these universities.
- conquered the rest of Italy (Turkey, North Franciscans, Dominicans – dominated by
Africa, France, Spain and Greece) Scholasticism
- became a republic governed by the Senate ● Christian scholasticism- method of learning
and Roman people which emphasize reasoning and deduction
● Natural theology – attempt to prove the
Contributions existence of God
● Cities- ​focused on forum Late Middle Ages (1300-1500 CE)
- Forum- ​a large open plaza surrounded by ● Franciscan John Duns Scotus​-maintained that
important buildings (basilica- main temple) the world of reason and the world of faith had to
● Building materials- ​sun-dried and fire-dried be kept apart
mud bricks ● William of Ockham- proposed the principle of
- Tufa- ​native volcanic stone used to construct parsimony
buildings ● Jean Buridan- developed the theory of impetus.
● Roman Aqueducts- ​built to convey water from Anticipated Newtonian physics and the modern
far-away springs and mountains into cities and concept of inertia, as the cause of motion of
town through gravity projectiles
● Thomas Bradwardine- study on kinematics and ● Alchemists​ – experts on matter of 4 main
velocity which predated Galileo’s work on falling elements: earth, air, water, and fire
objects - Laid the foundation on modern Chemistry
● Nicole Oresme- proposed compelling theory ● Transmutate “base metals” into “noble metals”
about heliocentric rather than geocentric ● Creation of “elixir” of immortality
universe ● Creation of “panaceas” to cure any disease
● Development of “alkahest” a universal solvent
● Jan Baptist Van Helmont – claimed that plants
drew all of their substances from water
● Power main sources
- humans
- draft animals
- water Astrology
● Horse- ​first instrument of power revolution ● Pseudoscience that claims to divine information
● Norse Mill- ​type of water mill in Northern about human affairs and terrestrial events by
Europe studying the movements and relative positions
- horizontally mounted waterwheel driving of celestial objects
a pair of grindstones directly, without the ● 2​nd​ millennium BC & used to predict seasonal
intervention of gearing shifts and interpret celestial cycles as signs of
● Vertical water mill- ​can be powered by a divine communications
stream running underneath or over the wheel ● Associated with horoscopes
● No scientific validity
AGRICULTURE AND CROPS ● Gerolamo Cardano ​– cast the horoscope of
Teutonic tribes-​ people of Iron Age who moved to king Edward VI of England
● Michael Nostradamus ​– paid by Catherine de
Western Europe and ​first to use iron
Medici (1566) to verify the prediction of the
death of her husband
● wooden cloth industry​ – spinning jenny or
spinning wheel was introduced Medieval Mathematics
● waterpower was used to drive fulling stocks
● 4​th​ to 12​th​ century – Europeans had limited
(wooden hammers raised by cams on a driving
● 12​th​ century – eastern knowledge began to
● paper industry ​– rags from which paper was
spread to the west
derived being pulverized by hammers similar to
● Robert of Chester​ – translated Al-Khwarismi’s
fulling stocks book on algebra into Latin
● other traditional crafts​ – rope makers, barrel ● Adelard of Bath, Herman of Carinthia, Gerard of
makers (Coopers), leatherworkers (curriers), Cremona – translated the complete text of
and metalworkers (goldsmiths and silversmiths) Euclid’s “Elements” in various versions
● soapmaking ​– new craft brought by teutonic ● Leonard of Pisa ​– first great medieval
people mathematician
Gunpowder- ​bombards were mostly made of iron and - Known as Fibonacci
were used to fire large stones - Fibonacci sequence of numbers
Mining and Metallurgy- ​developed with manufacture of ● Nicole Oresme​ – important but largely unknown
cannons used in warfare and underrated mathematician
- extracting of metals (pumping devices and - First to use geographic analysis
machines for lifting heavy loads) - Used system of rectangular coordinates
Georgius Agricola- summarized the extent of mining (before Rene Descartes)
● Nicholas of Cusa ​– his ideas on infinite and
and metallurgy
infinitesimal directly influences later
mathematicians like Gottfried Leibniz and
Other Notable Inventions
George Cantor
● Mechanical clock​ – oldest of which was driven
by weight and controlled by an oscillating arm
Scientific Revolution
- intellectual movement that accompanied
- Clocks driven by spring (mid 15​th​ century)
● Artesian well (1126) ​– underground water renaissance
pressure forces the water up to the hole without - 16th century- scientists used observations and
pumping experiments instead of pure reason and logic to
- Named for Artois in France establish theories
● Wheelbarrow (1170s)​ – use for construction,
mining, and forming Fields of Science that had major changes during the
● Spectacles (1280s)​ – Florence, Italy, Scientific Revolution
- convex lenses for far-sighted people
- concave lenses for near-sighted people 16th century- revival of study of nature
● Mirrors (1180)​ – by Alexander Neckham Otto Brundels and Leonard Fuchs- ​produced a guide
collecting medical plants
Andreas Vesallus (1514 - 1564)- ​founder of modern
● Ancient branch of natural philosophy which has anatomy
a long philosophical and pseudo-scientific - published a book in 1543, ​De humani corporis
tradition originating in Greco-Roman Egypt in fabrica​- “On the Fabric of the Human Body”
the first few centuries AD
- made observations regarding various ​shapes Isaac Newton- ​"If I have seen farther than others, it is
and sizes of human skull, and compare this with because I was standing on the shoulders of the giant"
dog’s skull ● greatest figure of Sci Revolution – first who
invented Calculus
New Astronomy ● he discovered that white light was not one and
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)- ​not practical pure, but rather mixed and heterogeneous made
astronomer but theoretician up of ​spectrum of colors​, which are refracted
● disputed theory of Aristotle about universe- it by different angles in a glass prism.
was spherical and finite, ending at the range of ● 1669, he builds his first reflecting telescope –
the stars and the motion of all heavenly bodies includes eyepiece, concave mirror, known today
was perfectly circular as ​“Newtonian”
Tycho Brahe (1546-1601)​- spent his time observing the ● published his first major work (in the
heavens Philosophical Transactions) – nature of light
● he tests and revised astronomical theories but ● 1687, published his book ​Philosophiae
limited knowledge of math prevented him from Naturalis Principia Mathematica (on the
making much sense out of the data mathematical principles of natural philosophy)
Giordano Bruno (1548 – 1600) ● he integrated ideas of Copernicus, Kepler (laws
● Ash-Wednesday Supper, On Cause, Principle, of planetary motion), and Galileo (laws of gravity
and Unity, and On the Finite Universe and its and laws of motion on earth) to explain the
Worlds​ (three books explaining his philosophy) orderly manner in which the planets revolved
● the universe was infinite around the sun
● our planetary system was not the center of the ● 3 Laws of Motion
universe 1. Law of Inertia​- every object will remain
Johannes Kepler (1571 – 1630) at rest unless acted upon an external
● New Astronomy with Commentaries on the force
Motions of Mars​ ​(Astronomia Nova) 2. Law of Acceleration​- The acceleration
● De Stella Nova (The New Star)​- "brighter than all of an object as produced by a net force
other stars and planet at its peak" is directly proportional to the magnitude
- supernova​ or an exploding star of the net force, in the same direction as
● assistant of Tycho Brahe tapos kinolek niya ung the net force, and inversely proportional
mga data ni tycho to the mass of the object. (F = m * a)
● 3 Laws of Planetary Motion 3. Action and Reaction​- For every action,
1. The Law of Ellipses- planets are there is an equal and opposite reaction.
orbiting the sun in a path described as
an ellipse. Advancement to Mathematics (1591-1655)
2. The Law of Equal Areas- speed at Francois Viete (1540-1603)
which any given planet will move while ● origin of modern algebra and trigonometry –
orbiting the sun. used ​letters as symbols to represent unknown
3. The Law of Harmonies- compares the (numerical) quantities in 1591 and applying
orbital period and radius of the orbit of a algebraic methods to geometry
planet to those of other planets. The Fleming Simon Stevin (1548-1620)
- comparison between the motion characteristics ● ​applied physics of inclined planes and the
of different planets. hydrostatic surface tension of water
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) ● decimal system of representing fractions
● “father of observational astronomy”, father of John Napler
modern physics, father of scientific method, and ● invented ​logarithms
father of modern science. ● publication of ​Miricifi logarithmorum canonis
● most well known and successful scientist of the descripto (Description of the Marvelous Canon
Sci. Revolution other than Isaac Newton of Logarithms) – he established rules for
● 1623 he published his ​magnum opus,​ Dialogue logarithms and supplied useful tables of
Concerning the ​Two Chief Systems of the World logarithms showing how they can be used to
● made a telescope with a magnification of 30x – accelerate calculations
first use to warn of enemy ships approaching Rene Descartes
Venice but then he turned it towards the heaven ● Father of Modern Mathematics
● Sidereus Nuncius ​(Messenger of Heavens)​- ● published his Geometry where he presents the
Telescopic observations modern Cartesian coordinate system
➔ Moon's surface has craters John Wallis
➔ Jupiter has four moons (IO, Ganemede, ● published Arithmetica infinitum- set the stage for
Europa and Callisto) the invention and development of differential
➔ Venus has phases like the moon, calculus
prooving it reflected light from the sun Johannes Kepler
and it rotated around the sun. ● founder of modern optics
➔ There are dark spots on the sun and the ● published book Dioptrics, to explain the principle
sun is rotating how telescope works and to discover and
➔ Stars appeared as point of light due to describe the properties of total internal reflection
its distance from the Earth Christian Huygens
● first to derive the now standard formula for
Astronomy and the New Physics centripetal force and the first to formulate the
correct laws of elastic collision, in optics, known ● Rebirth
for his wave theory of light ● Transition of Europe from the Middle Ages to
The Physical Sciences (1590 – 1666) ● Scholars studied cultural, literary, and historical
Robert Boyle texts resulting to the flowering of Latin and
● father of modern chemistry vernacular literature
● Skeptical Chymst​- debunks the Aristotelian ● Leonardo da Vinci - Monalisa
● Michaelangelo – most famous artist of the Italian
view of four elements and suggest the use of
chemical indicators for detecting acidic and
- “David” and “Pieta”
basic liquids
● Humanism
● Boyle’s Origin of Form and Quality (1666)-
- Intellectual basis of Renaissance
existence of the universal type of matter, - derived from Italian word ​umanista,​ meaning
divisible onto smallest components (atom) "a teacher of the humanities"
Antoine Lavoisier and John Dalton - emphasized the abilities and
● put modern chemical science on a firm accomplishments of human beings.
theoretical basis (diko magets yung sa book - developed the concept of humanism
shuta) Francesco Petrarch "Father of Humanism"
Evangelista Torricelli
● invented the barometer​ to measure air pressure.
Age of Discovery or the Age of Exploration (1400 –
Blaise Pascal
● explained the results concerning the torricelli
mercury tube, arguing that presence of matter ● Navigational techniques​ – magnetic compass,
above certain liquids (Spirits) cannot be quadrant, Jacob’s cross-staff, mariner’s
detected but exists astrolabe
Otto van Guericke ● Jacob’s cross staff ​- typically used to measure
● invented air pump and demonstrates the the elevation of the Sun at mid-day in order to
properties of vacuum by using his air pump to find the current latitude of the observer.
take the air from within his famous ​“Magdeberg - ideal use at sea
hemisphere” – proves that air has weight and ● Compass​ – ancient method of navigation based
on the sighting of the sun and stars; used to
exerts pressure
determine the direction. First invented in China
● Quadrant​ – improved by conversion to the
Biology (1600-1680)
octant, using mirrors to align the image of a star
Santorio Santorio
with horizon and measure angle more accurately
● he developed clinical thermometer and pulse ● Theodolite​ – used in surveying for measuring
clock his experiments laid the groundwork for angles in both the horizontal and vertical planes
study of basal metabolism and the physical and ● Octant​ – relies on mirrors that reflect light along
chemical processes of the human body a path to the observer
William Harvey ● Astrolabe​ – used to measure angle of a slope
● first to demonstrate the dissection in detail, the or elevation of an object
continuous systematic circulation and properties ● Spanish and Portuguese​ – created the world’s
of blood being pumped to the brain and body by first nautical maps
the heart
The Emergence of Western Technology (1550 –
Giovanni Alfonso Barelli
● published ​On the Motion of Animals-
mechanics on animal locomotion – an ● Galileo ​– used telescope to observe the moons
application of mechanics to the organism of Jupiter
Franciscus Sylvius ● Preparation of steam engine
● introduced the idea of chemical affinity to explain
Mining and Metallurgy
the human body’s use of salts. He and his
followers contributed greatly to the study of ● Abraham Darby (1709)​ – used coke to reduce
digestion and body fluids iron ore in his enlarged and improved blast
Marcello Malpighi furnace, iron founder in Shropshire
● Founder of microscopical anatomy and histology ● 1500 – 1750 – a steady expansion in mining for
& Father of physiology and embryology. He was minerals other than coal and iron
the first to see the capillaries in animals, and ● Queen Elizabeth I introduced german miners to
discovered the link between arteries and veins England to develop mineral resources of the
that had eluded William Harvey
● Brass manufacture
Edme Mariotte
● he demonstrated that every species of plant and Agriculture
even parts of a plant, exactly reproduce their
own properties in their offspring ● Jethro Tull​ (1674 – 1741) – perfected a
horse-drawn seed drill in 1700
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
● Second agricultural revolution or british agricultural
● the father of microbiology and is best known for
revolution (17​th​-19​th​ century)
his pioneering work in microscopy.
● He discovers microorganisms and observes Invention of Printing
spermatozoa arguing they are not forms of
● Johannes Gutenberg​ – 1455 - made the first version
disease but a source of reproductive material.
of the printing press with movable metal type in
Mainz, Germany to print a Vulgate Bible
● 1500 – 40,000 recorded editions of books had been
printed in 14 European countries Internal-combustion Engine
Prime mover- any machine that converts energy from
an energy source into mechanical energy
Industrial Revolution
Internal-combustion engine- ​a heat engine where the
● Refers to a period of rapid economic and
burning of a fuel and air mixture occurs in the
technological growth
combustion chamber
Textile industry
Etienne Lenoir
John Kay​- invented the ​“flying shuttle”​ in 1773
● made the 1st successful gas engine (1859)
a weaving machine faster than the old technology used.
NIkolaus Otto (1878)
Made the textile industry boom
● adopted four stroke cycle of induction
James Hangreaves​- invented the machine called
compression firing exhaust
“spinning jenny” ​in 1767 (jenny=engine)
machine that produced multiple spools of thread
used in factory and homes
Chinese (600 BC)- ​first to discover crude oil and used
Samuel Crompton​- invented the ​“spinning mule”
bamboo pipelines to transport
In 1785, ​Edmund Cartwright finished the ​“power
kerosene- ​first used as fuel in oil lamps
Edwin L. Drake
● it mechanized the process of weaving cloth
● bored through 21 meters of rock to strike oil at
Iron Industry
Titusvill, Pennsylvania
Abraham Darby (18th century)
Gottlieb Daimler and Carl Benz
● discovered easier method to produce cast iron,
● equipped first motorcycle and motor car
using coke-fueled furnace.
● Benz’s ​“horseless carriage”​- prototype of
Henry Bessemer
modern automobile
● 1850’s- British engineer
● Bessemer’s process that process
mass-producing steel
Steam Engine
Thomas Newcomen (1712)
Thomas S. Kuhn ​- American physicist and philosopher
● developed the first practical engine
● The Structure of Scientific Revolutions-
James Watt (1770’s)
paradigm shift
● innovated Newcomen’s engine into power
● Paradigm shifts constitute a ​scientific
revolution, ​which contrasts with normal science
● He defined ​paradigm shift​ as common sets of
Transportation Industry
tools shared by a community
Robert Fulton (early 1800’s)
● built the first successful steamboat
Richard Trevithick (1800’s) ​invented the first railway
steam locomotive
➔ In 1830, England’s Liverpool and Manchester
Railway first to offer regular passenger services
John McAdam (1820)​- developed the process for road

Normal science -
models or existing theories na kayang isolve ang isang
● In 1837, ​William Cooke and Charles
particular issue or problem
Wheatstone ​patented the first commercial
Model drift - eventually may mga lilitaw na questions na
electrical telegraph.
hindi na kayang masagot ng normal science, which is an
● In 1866, telegraph cable laid across the country
anomaly, so lalayo na siya sa normal science kaya
Charles Parsons- invention of steam turbine in 1884
magiging model "drift"
constituted in major technological innovation
Model crisis - at this point sobrang daming anomalies
na ang lumitaw na hindi masagot ng current normal
science so nagkakaroon ng "crisis"
● Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania,
Model revolution - since hindi na nga masagot nung
Alessandro Volta and Michael Faraday were
normal science yung anomalies, may mga new models
the first pioneer in electricity
na magagawa para isolve yung anomalies
● Benjamin Franklin​- demonstrated lightning is
Paradigm change - kapag accepted na yung mga
static electricity
proposed models ituturo na siya as sagot dun sa mga
● Alessandro Volta​- produced electric currents
anomalies at ito na yung magiging bagong normal
using chemical reactions within voltaic piles
● Michael Faraday- discovered the relationship
The Copernican Revolution
between electricity and magnetism in 1831
Claudius Ptolemy​ ​(c. 100 to c. 170) -​ he standardized
William Murdock in 1792
the ​geocentric model
● experimented in lighting the buildings by gas
● the Earth is in the ​center of the universe​; the
Thomas Edison​- first to find new uses of electricity
Sun, Moon, stars and planets ​revolve around
Joseph Swan and Thomas Edison- made a lamp with
the Earth
different filament, and chose carbon
● each planet moved in two systems of orbits
(​deferent and epicycle) - ​these systems were
added in order to explain variations in the speed Albert Einstein ​(1879 - 1955)
and direction of the apparent motions of the ● Special theory of relativity - ​time and motion
planets. This model is called ​Almagest are entirely relative
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473 - 1543) - ​a Renaissance ● General theory of relativity - ​it explains that
astronomer who is known for his ​heliocentric model what we perceive as the force of gravity in fact
● Heliocentric model considered the ​sun as the arises from the curvature of space and time.
center of the universe​ and that the planets Einstein proposed that objects such as the sun
revolve around it and the Earth change this geometry (1915)
● Copernicus stated that: Annus mirabilis papers ​(Miracle year)- ​all of the ff.
1. The motions of heavenly bodies are were published:
uniform and circular ● Photoelectric Effect (1905)- the emission of
2. The Sun is near the center of the electrons or other free carriers when light hits a
universe material
3. The ff. revolves around the Sun in order: ● Brownian Motion/ pedesis (1905)- ​random
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, motion of particles suspended in a fluid resulting
and Saturn. Further are the stars which from their collision with the fast-moving
are fixed in space molecules in the fluid
4. The Earth undergoes three motions: ● Mass energy Equivalence (1905)- ​mass is
daily rotation, annual revolution and concentrated energy (E=mc^2)
annual tilting of its axis. The apparent 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics- ​won this award for his
retrograde motions of the planets werde photoelectric effect
due to the motions of the Earth
● Copernicus ​first published ​his model in Other Intellectual Revolutions
Commentariolus ​(Little Commentary) ​in 1514
● De revolutionibus orbium caelestium​ (On the Darwinian Revolution
Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres) ​in 1532 Charles Darwin
● Copernican model will be revised and ● HMS Beagle voyage- ​diversity of plants and
expounded by ​Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, animals
and ​Galileo Galilei - Galapagos finches- the beaks of the
birds were different according to their
The Newtonian Revolution food source
● Isaac Newton - law of universal gravitation ● process of evolution due to ​natural selection-
● Laws of motion ​(nabanggit na sa astronomy survival of the fittest
and new physics) ● Only organisms with favorable traits will be able
● He is also considered as the developer of to adapt to ever-changing env’t, these traits
infinitesimal calculus ​with ​Gottfried Leibniz mapapasa sa offspring
● Theory of color - ​the observed colors of objects ● On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural
are due to their selective interaction with the diff. Selection (1859)
colors of the visible light spectrum Alfred Russel Wallace
● Philosophiae Naturalis Principia ● developed similar idea as Darwin
Mathematica (​ 1687) -​ ​discussed his laws and
theories, including the suggestion that all matter Freudian Revolution
in the universe will be affected by gravity in the Weinert- ​considered Freud as a scientific revolutionary
same manner based on a premise
The Chemical Revolution Sigmund Freud
● Robert Boyle ​- “Father of Chemistry” ● attempted to explain human behavior in terms of
● Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier ​(1743 - 1794) ​- physiological events in the brain
sparked the Chemical Revolution ● Psychoanalytic theory- ​he abandon the
● demonstrated that combustion requires oxygen former, and explain in this theory that behavior
gas arises from the interaction of the conscious and
● “Father of Modern Chemistry” unconscious dimensions of the human mind
● studied the ​role of oxygen on combustion ● unconscious- ​part of the mind that cannot be
(1722) controlled nor cannot be directly understood
● he ​coined​ the term ​“oxygen” ● Psychological repression- ​unpleasant
● Traite elementaire de chimie (​ Elementary thoughts and memories were being put out in
Treatise on Chemistry) - ​contained all of his the mind, only be hidden in the unconscious
contributions to chemistry ● mental disorders can be understood by the
● Lavoiser’s effort to ​standardize chemistry - he interpretation of dreams, examination of
revised chemical nomenclature and established verbal slips and free association
standards for conducting experiments made him ● Free association- ​person is allowed to speak
the figurehead of Chemical Revolution what’s in their mind without restrictions
● Joseph Priestley ​- the one who ​discovered ● Freud’s theory was grounded on hypothetical
oxygen ​(si Antoine ang nagpangalan sa oxygen concepts like ​oedipus complex (​attraction ng
tapos si Priestley naman ang nakadiscover) lalaking anak sa ina​) ​and ​Electra complex
● Phlogiston theory - assumed the presence of (​attraction ng anak na babae sa ama​)
phlogiston​, a fire-like element contained in

The Einsteinian Revolution

CHAPTER 4 2. “tuig” = harvest- periodic events
Science and Technology in the Philippines 3. “dag-on” = spring- time for the blooming trees
and plants
4.1. Precolonial Science and Technology
● Slow pacing of the spread of science and MOON PHASES- time markers that display shifting of
technology one month to another
1. Primitive technology- trade and industry are too ● Gimata- moon seems to open its eyes
vivid in the seas ● Katin- third quarter
2. Different dialects shows diversity which shows ● Malasumbang- new moon phase
inability to interact to other country for trade and SUN- more dominant time provider
commerce ● Arao (araw)- sun
● Late technology development- forget to ● Gab-i (gabi)- night
explore new ideas
3. Not open to new ideas for agriculture- contented TAGALOGS- elaborate description of night and day
with primitive ideas (planting crops and fishing) ● Bukang liwayway- breaking of dawn
● Use asteonomical data such as moon ● Katanghalian- high noon or mid day
for planting and fishing season ➔ pagsikat ng talang baquero- begins
● Indio- ​tawag ng Spaniards sa mga around 3:30 am
Pilipino- ➔ pagsikat ng talang batugan- light first
4. Strong belief to superstitious, which embedded appears on the horizon
as their way of life ➔ mababa na (low)- afternoon around 2
● Houses in precolonial are made of bamboos ➔ lulunod na- setting of the sun
● Takipsilim- dusk
Uses of science and technology ● Malalim na ang gabi- around 10 or 11 pm
● Planting crops ● Hatinggabi- midnight
● Taking care of animals- food, rituals and bond
● Food production 4.1.3. Early Filipino Weights and Measure
● Interpreting movements of heavenly bodies to ● used parts of the body for measuring
predict seasons and climates for harvesting and ● 3000 B.C.- produced adzes ornaments of
fishing seashells and pottery
● Medicinal uses of plants for healing and ● 2000 Yrs- pottery flourished
prosperity ● Iron age- lasted the 3rd cent B.C. to 11th cent
● Building technologies A.D.
● Use of irrigation system in lowland planting ➔ extraction smelting and refining of iron
● Tools for hunting and security to survive from from ores, until importation of cast iron
danger of wild animals from Sarawak and China
● Musical interments: planting season, marriages, ➔ learned to weave cotton, make glass
burial and for birth to death ornaments, and cultivate lowland rice
● Known as ​metal age​, use gold and silver for and dikes fields of terraced fields
jewelry utilizing spring water
➔ build boats for trading
4.1.1. Writing System
● Baybayin= to spell 4.2. Science and Technology During the Spanish
- incorrectly known as ALIBATA Regime (1521-1898)
- Core part of our culture and heritage ● established schools and introduced the concepts
- Form of communication once utilized of subjects and discipline
● Fr. Pedro Chino, S.J. (1604)- ​Relacion de las ● understanding concepts related to human body,
Islas plants, animals and bodies.
● Paulo Coehlo ● technology focuses on using and developing
"Our outer beauty is our inner beauty house tools
made visible" ● replicated technology using indigenous materials
4.1.2. Concept of Time ● medicine and advanced science were
● Time=gold (irretime = gold (irreplaceable value) introduced in formal colleges and universities
- irony to “Filipino time” ● superstitious belief and cahtolic doctrines and
● no clocks to show time (tiempo/ tiyempo) practices halted the growth of science in the
● units and measurable changes: country
➔ taon- name of each period of events ● Manila Galleon Trade- significant route that
- metaphor which means, connected the Philippines to the west.
“assembling to many” ● Fujian- traveled to Manila to sell Spaniards
- recent: define as year spices, porcelain, ivory, silk cloth and valuable
- other meaning: pagkakataon commodities
(opportunity), nagkataon (by
chance), nataon (occur at the Description of Galleon Trade
same time), itinaon (to set ● sole means of communication bet. Spain and
sched) and panahon (weather) Philippine colony
VISAYAN- have 3 known terms in years ● economic lifeline for the Spaniards in Manila
1. taon = harvest (Taon na didto dile)- it’s already
● 1565-1815, contributed to the changes in ➔ Oldest existing university in Asia and the
culture, language and environment for largest Catholic University in the world
Philippines and Mexico in terms of populatiin
● government monopoly, two galleons were used:
(1) Acapulco to Manila- P500,000 worth goods, 4.3 Science and Technology during the American
spending 120 days at sea; (2) Manila to Regime (1898 - 1935)
Acapulco- P250,000 worth of goods, spending ● Coverage of the Philippine S&T, that was
90 days at sea formed by the American Government, was very
● Caracoa- plank built warships suited for limited
interisland trade raids ● Mainly focused on agriculture, health and food
● Filipino from Butuan were trading with Champa processing.
(Vietnam) and Ma-l (Mindoro) with China- this ● Development of industrial technology was
finding indicate the regular trade relations largely neglected due to colonial economic
between the Philippines, Vietnam, and China policy
had been established from 10th cent to 15th ● American regime, known as “Americanize” the
cent A.D. Filipinos, reorganized the learning of science
● had negative effect on economic development in ● In basic education, science education focuses
the Philippines, all Spanish capital was devoted on nature studies and science and sanitation.
to speculation in Chinese goods. Filipinos learned the value of cleanliness, proper
hygiene and healthy practices. Hospitals, clinics
Real Sociedad Economica de los Amigos del Pais de and health centers were established including
Filipinas public hospitals.
● founded by Governador Jose Basco y Vargas ● Americans built roads, streets and bridges. The
(1780), encouraged research in agriculture and new infrastructure helped make the movement
industry of products and services more efficient.
● promoted cultivation of indigo, cotton, cinnamon Boulevards, zone districts, and centers of leisure
and silk industry were also established.
● 1789- Manila opened to Asian shipping, initiating ● In 1901, the Philippine Commission established
an era of increase in export of rice, hemp, Bureau of Government Laboratories that
tobacco, sugar and indigo, and import replaced Laboratorio Municipal that was created
manufacturing goods during Spanish colonial era. In 1905, it was
● Leon Ma. Guerrero- considered as “Father of replaced again by the Bureau of Science.
Philippine Pharmacy” due to his works on ● In 1933, the National Research Council of the
Medicinal Plants of the Philippines Philippines was established. It became the
● No schools for engineering- offered nautical four primary research center of the Philippines until
year course for pilot of merchant marine that World War II
includes: arithmetic, algebra, geometry, ● In 1908, the University of the Philippines (UP)
trigonometry, physics, hydrography, was founded through Act No. 1870 of the
meteorology, navigation and pilotage Philippine Assembly. It was opened at Calle
Isaac Peral (now United Nations Avenue) and
EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS FOUNDED DURING Padre Faura in downtown Manila in 1909.
SPANISH COLONIZATION ● In 1947, the Philippine General Hospital formally
● Colegio de Manila- ​first college considered as became a part of UP through Executive Order
the first Royal and Pontifical University in Asia. No. 94
➔ Located at intramuros grounds of Manila ● In 1948, much of UP was transferred from
and founded by first Spanish Jesuits Manila to Diliman, Q.C. UP now has 8
(1590) constituents universities with 17 campuses all
➔ Renamed as ​Colegio de San Ignacio over the country.
and became ​Universidad de San 4.4 Science and Technology during the Commonwealth
Ignacio​ ​(1621) Period (1935-1946)
➔ Forced to close when San Ignacio was ● During the commonwealth period, new agencies
surrendered to Spanish authorities were created such as Bureau of Mines which
(1768) aided and assisted Filipino businessmen who
● Colegio de San Ildefonso- founded in Cebu were into mining exploration.
(1595) by Spanish Jersuits ● It also increased appropriations for the Bureaus
➔ 1769- ​closed due to expulsion of the of Science, Plant and Animal Industry, and
Jersuits in the Philippines thereby encouraged more scientific research for
➔ 1783- ​reopened under the name industrial purposes
Colegio-Seminario de San Carlos ● Commonwealth government was unable to
➔ Claims to be the oldest school in country achieve its goal of economic self-reliance. This
and asia but disputed by UST was because of foreign trade and tariff policies
● University of Santo Tomas- known as ​Colegio remained under the control of the American
de Nuestra Señora del Rosario government.
➔ Bishop Miguel de Benavidez (1611)- ● Free trade relations also continued and thus
thord archbishop of Manila who perpetuated the preferential treatment of exports
established UST of agricultural raw materials. Moreover, the
➔ First school that got university status at Pacific War broke out in 1941 and the
1645 Philippines was occupied by Japanese troops
● With so much devastation caused in so short a ● Year 1976
time, World War II undoubtedly stands as one of ● National Academy of Science and Technology
the darkest chapters of human history. ● Composed of scientists with “innovative
● Commonwealth of the Philippines was under the achievement in the basic and applied sciences”
Japanese occupation from 1942-1945. The ● To serve as a reservoir of scientific and
event can be remembered mainly as the time technological expertise for the country
the Japanese occupied the Philippines and
oppressed the Filipinos before being finally 4.5 Science and Technology since Independence (1946
driven out by Americans. to 1965)
● The country had a difficult time to rebuild itself ● 1946 - no significant innovation in education and
from the ruins of the war. The human spirit to training of scientists and engineers.
survive and to rebuild the country may be strong Highlighted events since independence:
but the capacity of the country to bring back ● 1946 - increase in the creation of government
what was destroyed was limited. Nevertheless, science agencies with a rise in the
the Filipinos strived to move on. establishment of numerous states colleges and
universities in PH
4.6 Science and Technology During the Marcos Era ● 1947 - Bureau of Science was organized to
(1965-1985) Institute of Science
● 1947 - Institute of Nutrition (perform research
State of the Nation Address - Marcos put emphasis and advisory and extension functions)
priority for the development of science and technology ● 1952 - Science Foundation of the Philippines
Highlights: (SFP) - (to encourage research in science and
Second SONA engineering areas; promote research and
● January 23,1967 development consciousness among Filipinos)
● Science was essential for research and ● 1952 - Commission on Volcanology placed
development programs under National Research Council of the
● Instructed the DepEd to review the science Philippines (NRCP) - (basic research on
courses in public high schools volcanology)
Third SONA ● Early postwar years - Scientific work suffered
● January 22,1968 from lack of support, planning and coordination
● Acknowledged that technology was the foremost ● 1951 - Institute of Science => Institute of
factor in economic development Science and Technology (government owned
● Channeled additional funds in order to support corporation and placed under the office of
projects in applied sciences and science Economic Coordination)
education ● 1958 - Science Act created National Science
Fourth SONA Development Board (NSDB) - (formulate policies
● January 27, 1969 for the development of science and coordinate
● Funds were allocated to private universities the work of science agencies)
● Urged them to create courses in science, ● creation of Philippine Atomic Energy
technology and research Commission (PAEC) and National Institute of
Philippine Science Community Science and Technology (NIST)
● April 6, 1968 ● 1960 - Philippines Laws established science
● 35 hectares in Bicutan,Taguig, Rizal researches:
● Where seminars for public and private high
school and college science teachers were 4.7 Science and Technology During the Fifth Republic
conducted (1986 to present)
Fifth SONA
● January 26,1970 Corazon C. Aquino
● Enhancement and improvement of science 1987 Philippine Constitution, Section 10 of Article XIV
curricula - The State shall provide priority to research and
● By upgrading the science equipment of different development, invention, innovation and their
schools utilization and support to indigenous,
Seventh SONA appropriate, and self-reliant scientific and
● January 24,1972 major development projects in technological capabilities, and their application
reforming sectors of education to the country’s productive systems and national
● Including: research and development schools, life
technical institutes, science education centers, Major contributions of Corazon Aquino:
and agricultural colleges, and vocational high ● Proclamation of Executive Order No. 128
schools ○ “Reorganization of the National Science
Other SONA highlights: and Technology Authority”
1. Philippine Coconut Research Institute was ○ thus creating the Technology
integrated with NSDB to upgrade the coconut Application and Promotion Institute
industry. (TAPI)
2. NSDB also established the Philippine Textile ○ TAPI’s responsibility - to promote the
Research Institute commercialization of technologies and
3. The Philippine Atomic Energy Commission of market the services of other operating
the NSDB explored the uses of atomic energy units of DOST
for economic development ● RA 6655
Presidential Decree No. 1003-A, s 1976 ○ Science for the Masses Program
○ Aimed to encourage children who had - basic health care, basic nutrition and
passion in science and technology to useful education for those who want but
study for free cannot afford
● Presidential Task Force for Science and - they would speed up program to establish one
Technology Science High School every province
○ Envisioning the status of the Philippines
to be the next industrialized country Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
● Republic Act. No. 7459 “Golden Age” era for Science and Technology -
○ “An Act Providing Incentives to Filipino secretary Estrella Alabastro
Inventors and Expanding the Functions Laws and projects:
of the Technology Application and ● RA 9367
Promotion Institute, Appropriating Funds ○ “Biofuels” act
Therefor, and for Other Purposes” ○ promotes development and usage of
○ A.k.a. “Inventors and Invention biofuels throughout the country
Incentives Act of the Philippines ” ○ enables a cheaper alternative to
○ Recognition of the important contribution gasoline as a medium in producing
of the Filipino inventors and the energy
technologies they developed ○ benefits the environment since it boasts
○ To give priority to invention and its a cleaner emission compared to regular
utilization and to provide incentives to fuel
investors and protect their exclusive ● RA 10601
right to their invention ○ improves the Agriculture and fisheries
○ Incentives: cash rewards, tax incentives Sector through Mechanization (AFMech)
and exemptions, invention development ○ covers research, development, and
assistance fund, and invention extension (RDE), promotion,
guarantee fund distribution, supply, assembling,
Fidel V. Ramos manufacturing,regulation, use,
Believes that science and technology was the foremost operation, maintenance and project
requisite for the country to acquire “New Industrialized implementation of agricultural and
Country” status fisheries machinery and equipment
● Science and Technology Agenda for National ● RA 10055
Development (STAND) ○ Technology Transfer Act of 2009
○ Exporting winners identified by DTI ○ harmonized all technology transfer
○ Domestic needs identified by the activities in the country and expediting
President’s Council for Countryside the commercialization of
Development government-funded research
○ Support industries and SONA 2001
○ Coconut industry development - emphasized the role of technology in future
● Laws during his term: economic development
○ Magna Carta for Science and National Innovation Summit in 2007
Technology Personnel (R.A. 8439) - National Innovation Strategy called
○ Science and Technology Scholarship Filipinnovation was presented to the President
Law of 1994 (RA 7687) The President’s efforts resulted in accomplishment of:
○ Inventors and Inventions Incentives Act 1. research and development programs
(RA 7459) 2. S and T human resource development programs
○ The Intellectual Property Code of the 3. scientific and technological services
Philippines (RA 8293) 4. S and T promotion and information services and
■ Provides industrial property 5. scientific linkages and international cooperation
rights, copyrights and related
rights, and technology transfer Benigno Aquino III
arrangements 4 new National Scientist:
Joseph Estrada ● Gavino C. Trono
Two major legislations: ○ helped a lot of families in the coastal
1. Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 (RA 8749) populations through the extensives
a. Designed to protect and preserve the studies he made on seaweed species
environment ● Angel C. Alcala
b. Ensure sustainable development of its ○ pioneer scientist and advocate of coral
natural resources reefs aside from contributions in
2. Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 (RA 8792) systematics, secology, and herpetology
a. Ban computer hacking ● Ramon C. Barba
b. Provides opportunities for new ○ changes the seasonal supply of fresh
businesses emerging from the fruits to an all year round availability of
Internet-driven New Economy mangoes through his studies in the
First SONA: induction of flowering of mango and
- launched a full scale program based on cost micropropagation of important crop
effective irrigation technologies species
- Dole-outs are out ● Edgardo D. Gomez
○ steered the national-scale assessment ● Former President Fidel Ramos revived the
of damage coral reefs which led a program in 1993 and put under the DOST
national conservation through E.O. No. 130
Low ranking of PH in Sci and Tech
- According to Technology Index of 1982,the state CHAPTER 5
of S and T of the Philippines is -0.1 compared to Philippine Inventions and Filipino Scientists
U.S.(world’s tech leader) which is 100
- PH ranks low in technological capacity 5.1. Philippine Inventions
- In terms of basic technologies: Material, ● Showcase skills and inventiveness of Filipinos
Equipment, Energy, Information, Life, and using available raw and local materials
Management Technology:
- there is a very low output of international Salamander Amphibious Tricycle
scientific research publications ● Launched by H2O Technologies at Capital
compared to other Asian countries Commons Center (Pasig City)
- Due to lack of funding, there is no adequate and ● Invented by ​Atoy Llave and Dominic Chang
attractive financial support for research and ● Lamberto Armada- ​combined the ideas of
development scientists and engineers Llave and Chang
- lack of research laboratories in semiconductors, ● Can drive over land and water and carry 6
molecular biology, photovoltaics, etc passengers including the driver
- is the inadequate facilities of the S and ● Two prototypes: (1) powered by 5kW electric
T libraries and information networks, engine and (2) powered by 250 cc gasoline
including access by the university motor
students and researchers to the internet ● Land: ​power transmits to pavement via two rear
Policies on S and T under Aquino administration: gears
● RA 10533 emphasizing teaching in the mother ● Water: ​propelled by 3 blade propeller directly
tongue connected to engine
● K9RA 10931 developing school infrastructure ● Cost between Php 200,000- Php 230,000
● RA 10844 providing for ICT broadband
● RA 2076 integrate, coordinate and intensify E-jeepneys
scientific and technological research to foster ● Runs on pure electricity powered by automotive
invention batteries that can be charged on ordinary outlet
● RA 9711 ensuring compliance of ● No noise, fumes and harmful emissions
drug-manufacturing firms with ● Rommel Juan (​Pres. Of PhUV​)- ​aims to
ASEAN-harmonized standards by full manufacture jeepneys that release no harmful
implementation of the FDA pollutants
● RA 5921 creating an education council ● Darna- ​first e-jeepneys named after Filipino
dedicated to standardization of pharmaceutical female hero
services/care ● Cost ranged from Php 700,000 - 750,000
● RA 3720 Empowering food and drug agencies to
conduct evidence-based research as pool of Medical Incubator
information ● Fe del Mundo- invented bamboo incubator in
● RA 8424 Allocating 2% of the GDP to research 1941
● RA 10747 Legislating a law supporting human ● Composed of 2 native laundry basket of different
genome projects sized and made of bamboo.
● RA 9147 Protecting and conserving biodiversity ● Aim: to produce inexpensive and can be
by full implementation of existing laws reproduced by people with limited access to
● Use biosafety and standard model by ASEAN medical center
● RA 8371 promoting indigenous knowledge Single-chip 16-bit Microprocessor
systems and indigenous people’s conservation ● Diosdado Banatao- ​developed the first
● RA 10611 formulation of common food and single-chip graphical user interface accelerator
safety standards that made computers work a lot faster
➔ Developed the world's first system logic
Rodrigo Duterte chip set for IBM's, PC-XT and PC-AT
RA 11035 ➔ Developed first Windows Graphics
● Balik Scientist Act accelerator chip for personal computers
● provides incentives and assistance to returning ● 16-bit ​microprocessor-based calculator:
Filipino experts, scientists, inventors, and Allow users to use graphics for commands and
engineers not usual type commands in older computers
● it will address the lack of scientists in the country
● as of 2018, PH only has 189 scientists per Electrifilter
million, ideal ratio is 380 per million ● Christian G. Sta. Romana & John Paul G.
● was first established in 1975 through Santos - ​invented electrifilter (Electricity
Presidential Decree No. 819 of President Generation from Filthy Water.)
Ferdinand Marcos and initially called Balik ● Generates electricity from waste water and
Scientist Program but it was only implemented in power lamp posts
1986 ● Excess energy can be stored in a battery or
energy grid
● Waste output can be used as natural fertilizers
● Parker Company bought the rights to the ink,
SALt lamp Dr. Quisimbing requested that the ​“Quink”
● Invented by ​Aisa Mijeno, ​her vision was “to light would be retained
up the rest of the Philippines sustainably”
● Alternative light source that runs on ​saltwater 5.2. Filipino Scientists
● Composed of two tablespoons of salt, one glass note: ​ite-table ko na lang sa another gdoc!
of tap water, catalysts and metal alloys
Vazbuilt: A Modular housing system
● Invented by ​Edgardo G. Vazquez
● He manufactured reinforced concrete columns,
wall panels, and tie beams assembled in
housing units
● This is ​fire-proof, termite-proof, and CHAPTER 6
earthquake-proof Philosophical Aspects of Science and Technology
Mosquito Ovicidal/ Larvicidal trap 6.1. Defining Science
● The Department of Science and Technology ● depiction in mass media often entail an eccentric
(DOST) through its Industrial Technology person donning a white lab coat and safety
Development Institute (ITDI) developed goggles
mosquito ovicidal/ larvicidal trap (OL trap) ● scientists depicted as cold individuals devoid of
● Aims to control the population of ​Aedes emotions, and engrossed in serious scientific
mosquitoes work.
● OL trap kits consists of a black cup and popsicle ● science is a social institution
stick that is half immersed in an organic solution ● Oxford dictionary- ​systematic study of the
that can destroy mosquito eggs and larvae structure and behavior of the physical and
● Attracts ​Aedes aegypti t​ o lay their eggs on the natural world through ​observation and
lawanit stick experiment.
● It only kills the eggs, not the mosquitoes ● Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica- ​science
Multi-cooler fan refer to the body or system of knowledge
● Edgardo Vazquez ​- invented an electric giant derived from such studies
fan that can surround an area with ​cool mists
● It is based on his ​Misty Kool ​apparatus 6.2. Philosophy of Science
● Misty Kool sprays ​ultra-fine microns of water ● Philosophy- ​philo​= love; ​sophy/ sphie=​ wisdom
to cool off any area. It conserves energy and (love of wisdom)
repels ​flying insects, dust, smoke and pollen. ➔ investigation of knowledge, experience and
Diwata -1: Philippine made Micro-satellite reality
● The ​first of the two micro-satellites in the ● Ancient Greek Philosophers- ​first scientists
Philippines that pondered on the workings of the universe
● Was built and designed by Filipinos ● 18th and 19th century- ​science became distinct
● Launched and deployed to orbit on ​April 27, from philosophy
2016 ● developed scientific method ​starting from
● Can assist in ​weather observation, disaster Aristotle
risk management, environmental monitoring ● Francis Bacon- ​refined the ​process of
and preservation of cultural and historical scientific reasoning​ during the Renaissance
sites ➔ combined ​inductive reasoning ​for holistic
Diwata-2 approach in understanding the universe
● Second Earth-observing microsatellite built ● Aristotle- ​emphasized the importance of
under the Development of Philippine Scientific deductive reasoning
Earth Observation Microsatellite (PHL-Microsat) ● Deduction- ​process of obtaining specific
● Diwata-2 proj. was launched on ​October 29, statement from generalized observation
2018 ● Induction- ​generates generalized statement
● This is due to the preparation for the expected from specific observations
end of Diwata-1’s life by November 2018
Pinoy Hybrid Electric Train Scientific Revolution
● 1st Filipino ​hybrid electric train (HET) ​was ● scientific method differentiates science from
launched on ​April 24, 2019 non-science
● Developed by DOST and Research ● gave approach on how to approach problems in
Development center in partnership w/ the universe
Philippine National Railways (PNR)
● It made a round trip between ​Alabang PNR 1. Natural Science- ​investigate natural phenomena
station and Biñan, Laguna ​on ​April 24 ➔ explain how things happen based on the
● Paolo Acuin described the HET features: interpretation of empirical data
diesel-powered generator, electric motor, a ➔ includes physical sciences (chem, physics, earth
bank of electrical batteries, and regenerative science, astronomy) and biological science
braking technology 2. Social Sciences- ​attempt to give insight on
Quink Ink human behavior and societies
● Invented by ​Francisco Quisimbing ​In ​1931​. He ➔ includes anthropology, archeology, economics,
is a Filipino botanist history, psychology and sociology
● The ink has resistance to water and molding, not 3. Formal Sciences- ​based on set of rules defined
corrosive and dries quickly beforehand (​priori statement​)
➔ includes mathematics, logic and statistics ● student of Plato
● Aristotelian Laws
Philosophers ➔ Law #1: Identity - ​each thing is inseparable
● Berlin and Vienna Circle- ​two groups of from itself, a thing is just itself and not
empiricist philosophers in 1920s, introduced something else
verificationism or verifiability principle ➔ Law #2: Law of Contradiction - ​some
➔ ​Verifiability principle- ​discipline that can attribute cannot be at the same time
be supported by empirical evidence ➔ Law #3: Law of Excluded middle/
➔ ex. ung kape raw sinabi mo na mainit, pero Excluded third ​- sinasabi rito na dapat daw
para malaman kung mainit talaga gagamit walang sagot na “depende”, it’s either
ka ng thermometer ganern maga-affirm ka o mago-oppose ka
● Karl Popper- ​Austrian philosopher offered an After the death of Alexander the Great, the ​Hellenistic
alternative view: ​falsification principle age​ began. Four major schools of philosophy emerged:
- stated that true science cannot be proven, 1. Cynics ​= came from the greek word “kynikos”
only falsified meaning dog-like
➔ Falsification principle- ​hypothesis or idea ○ for them the ​purpose of life is to live in
can be tested by experimentation. As long virtue​. According to them, people must
as the experiment shows that an idea is not reject ​power, sex, wealth​ and such.
false, it is accepted as explanation to ○ Figures of this are: ​Anthisthenes,
prevailing phenomena Diogenes​ and ​Crates of Thebes.
➔ ex. plants derive energy from the sun by 2. Sceptics
means of photosynthesis. This can be ○ believed that people should doubt their
tested by growing the same plant w/wo senses, morality and logic.
sunlight, other variables are held constant. 3. Epicureans - ​consider ​all sensations we
2 possible results: (1) plant will survive or experience are ​true​.
(2) the plant will die. Kung nabuhay ung ○ Founded by ​Epicurus
plant w/o sunlight, then the idea is false. ○ it is a form of ​hedonism - ​a view that
● Science is not absolute, it can only predict or pleasure and ​pain are the two only
state possibilities, therefore it is ​dynamic important aspects of living
● science cannot be used as theological issues 4. Stoics - ​perfect rationality is the key to achieve
● Philosophy of Science- ​study of scientific moral goodness and happiness
methods of inquiry and defining of the scope ○ leans toward the achievement of
and validity of science apotheia ​(translated as ​epuanimity​) - a
state of mind wherein one is not
6.3. Good life and Human flourishing disturbed by passion, pain or
● Greek philosophers contemplated about life emotions.
● tackled concepts of morality, virtue, good and
happiness 6.3.2 The good Life and Happiness
● humans today still persist to achieve ​good life ● Good ​is a universal concept
● more scientific disciplines are becoming ● considered to be the opposite of evil
invested in the concept of the good life and ● what is good is preferred and desirable, be it
happiness intention or action
● philosophers have long been contemplating
6.3.1. The Greek Pioneers in the Philosophy of what really is a ​good life
Life ● happiness ​exists in diff. cultures and
● all humans have a right to a life that is philosophies:
comfortable and secure ○ Psychology​: happiness is a positive
● Greek philosophers delved in the concepts being or state arising from well-being
about life and the universe ○ Eastern religions​: spiritual state
● Big questions: purpose of the universe, nature of ○ Buddhism​: free from cravings
humans, pursuit of happiness and good ○ Hinduism​: freedom from the cycle of
births and deaths.
Socrates (470-399 BCE) ○ Biological perspective​: interplay of
● focused about life, he disagreed with the genetics, brain psychology, and
Sophist- ​intelligent men that traveled from place
to place teaching subjects like grammar,
mathematics and athletics
● “the unexamined life is not worth living”
● asked questions about moral and psychological
issues then changed existing idea
● always ask
● “knowing what is good is the same as doing
what is good”
● condemned and put to death by Athenian

Plato (428-348 BCE)

● student of Socrates
Aristotle (384-322 B)
chemistry, body hormones and physical ○ Technology is not controlled by humans;
health are all involved in happiness it is ​technology​ that can ​control
human ​activity
● Greek​: ​eudaimonia ​(good-spirited) is their ○ Technology​ is dangerous in the sense
concept of happiness that it ​frames our thinking​ about the
- more properly translated as ​“human world
flourishing”​ or “​prosperity” ● Techne ​refers to b ​ oth manufacturing and the
- Highest human good arts. ​Techne is part of ​poiesis ​which means
● Philosophers have different views in “​bringing-forth”
eudaimonia: ● Poeisis​ is related to ​aletheia ​which is the Greek
○ Plato​ asserted that happiness results word for ​“truth”​.
from morality and justice ● According to Heidegger, revealing in modern
○ The Cynics, hedonists and Stoics​: all technology is not bringing-forth, instead it is
have diff. notions on how to achieve revealed by ​challenging
happiness ○ Forceful extraction and transformation is
● According to Aristotle: ​euadamonia i​ s the end called ​Gestell ​(German word) or
goal of human action and it is the highest human enframing ​(removes the essence of
good poeisis​ in technology).
● In Aristotle’s work ​Nicomachean ethics, ​he ○ it also reduces nature into a
discussed ​eudamonia​ in relation to ​arete ​(virtue) standing-reverse
and ​philia ​(friendship) ○
● Eudamonia​ is not just the a state of mind but it ● Danger of technology
results from the ​sum of human activities to ○ Heidegger suggested that if humans
lead a life continue to utilize technology that
● Aristotle’s idea of ​eudamonia​ is comparable to enframes nature, ​we will be lead to
Abraham Maslow’s concept of self-destruction
self-actualization ​(the highest personal need) ● Memorial Address​ - Heidegger called for
● According to Aristotle, ​eudamonia​ can be humans to practice meditative thinking over
achieved by ​rational action​ and it also arises calculative thinking
from ​friendship ○ Calculative thinking ​- emphasized
● Plato considered ​virtue​ as the only and numbers and categories; it only satisfy
necessary requirement to ​eudamonia our material desires
● Virtue- ​refers to excellence either intellectual ○ Meditative thinking - ​elucidates
and moral meaning of things; we allow nature to
● Intellectual virtue (virtues of thought)- ​arises reveal itself to us
from teaching ■ In ancient Greece, ​art​ is a
● Moral virtue (virtues of character)- ​from habit unifying force that tied together
or practice culture
● Aristotle ​considered the ff. ●
➔ Episteme- ​scientific knowledge
➔ Phronesis (practical wisdom)-
intellectual virtues
➔ Andreia- ​bravery
➔ Sophrosune- ​temperance
➔ Andreia and Sophrosune ​are moral

6.4. Technology as a Way of Understanding the


Technology- ​application of scientific knowledge to make

our life easier

● Amoral- ​it does not tell whether we utilized it in

the right and wrong manner.

● Martin Heidegger
○ he mostly studied ​ontology​ or the
philosophical ​study of being.
○ among his work is his essay
“​Questioning Concerning
Technology” ​which discussed the
nature of technology​ and its relation to
human activity
● Heidegger’s main points:
○ Technology is not an instrument​; it is
a way of revealing the truth about the

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