Argumentative Writing: Counterclaim Sentence Starters Rebuttal Sentences

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Argumentative Writing

Counterclaim Sentence Starters Rebuttal Sentences

A common counterpoint is … Others may say that… but after examining the
Proponents/opponents of _______ contend
that… Although some people think believe… others
Critics argue that…
What this argument [overlooks, doesn’t
Those who believe…. claim that… consider] is…

A common argument against this position This view seems convincing at first, but…
That is an understandable concern; however…
It might [seem, appear, look] as if…
This argument is wrong because…
It is often [thought, imagined, supposed]…
The evidence, however, supports/disproves
Many people [believe, argue, think, suppose] the argument that…
While that may be true, what they don’t
consider is…

While it might be true that…, still overall…

It may appear that… but when you look at the


Some people may [argue, contend] that…


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