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Adrian V.

Intrina 12-OLGC

Dead Poets Society

The story itself is very interesting. Though at first I thought it was just about a teacher doing his
job or about a student who chases his dreams or an organization about poetries and the like, but
it fooled me because there is still more into it.

The setting though very vintage, for me, it perfectly fits to the story. Old kinds of houses,
buildings, cars and technology give me a peek of what kind of life they have in their time. It reeks
a very refreshing atmosphere.

Mister Keating is a very unpredictable person. He has interesting techniques in teaching the
students. For me, he is the kind of professor who will make it to the point to use everything
around him to be his teaching subject or tool. He is the very teacher you want to have even once
in your schooling period.

The students represent every kind of students in a school. They have their own characteristics
that best describes them.

Each of them has their own problems; the pressure from parents, the parent-child problem, the
problem of being a wallflower, the problem of being in love, the problem of doing things they
want and doing things they don’t want, the rough path of chasing their own dreams, the making
and the ending of friendship and dealing with loss.

They showed the struggle of every student encountered during their teenage years.
The background music used is very catchy, though sometimes gloomy. The background music is
very appropriate for the given scenes. It can really set up the mood of the viewers.

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