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Group 1 (Naval, Pardillo, Ponce, Sales)

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation to the Academic Motivation of

Grade 11 STEM Students of Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City

Chapter I

The Problem and its Settings


Sleep Deprivation is rampant to the society especially to students. It is a situation

of suffering from a lack of sleep. It is when an individual fails to get enough sleep that a

person is required to have. Family and peer pressure, insufficient time for study

commitments, sleeping patterns, and some other factors may affect the students and

causes them to experience sleep deprivation.

Sleep is essential to the body and its functions, promoting bodily rest and

rejuvenation in the neurons and other cells that are replaced or required during times of

sleep. Sleep has also been proposed to conserve energy, detoxify the brain, and control

thermoregulation within the brain. Ultimately, since sleep is so essential to the human

body, scientist recommended approximately eight hours of sleep a night to promote

efficient performance and thinking. On the other hand, within this fast paced society, few

people receive the sleep that body needs, and ultimately sleep deprivation affects a

significant portion of the population. Ranging from shift workers, military personnel, or

college students, short period of sleep deprivation often occur in meeting deadlines or

performing exercise. Lack of adequate sleep not only reduces productivity of work, but
personal well-being and safety. It is important in this respect to understand the effects of

sleep deprivation on the body (Maquet, 2010).

As stated by Robbert Havekes (2016) brief periods of sleep loss have long

lasting consequences such as impaired memory consolidation. Structural charges in

synaptic connectivity have been proposed as a substrate of memory storage.

Therefore, obtaining a proper amount of sleep is essential to the students in

order to perform well in terms of academic matters. This study aims to let the society to

be aware of the effects of sleep deprivation to the students’ academic motivation.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to assess the effects of sleep deprivation to the academic

motivation of the Grade 11 students of the STEM strand, under the academic track.

Specifically, this study intends to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the grade 11 students in terms of:

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Average hours of sleep, and

d. Family Type?
2. What are the factors that can increase the risk of the Grade 11 STEM students of

Notre Dame- Siena College of General Santos City?

a. Family and peer pressure

b. Insufficient time for study commitments

c. Sleeping patterns

3. How can the factors of sleep deprivation affect the academic motivation of the Grade

11 STEM students of Notre Dame- Siena College of General Santos City?

Significance of the Study

Students nowadays are emotionally desperate; they tend to be vulnerable

because of the factors that can increase the risk of Sleep Deprivation. Furthermore, the

study could be of importance to the following:

Students. In this study, the findings of the research will inspire, enlighten and

make the students aware of the factors and effects of sleep deprivation to their academic

motivation. This could also help them discover and create some ways in order to cope up

with this problem.

School facilitators or administrators. This study can help the school

administrator to generate ideas that could help lessen the involvement of students to

cases associated with sleep deprivation.

Teachers. This study can help the teachers to provide right provision and

guidance for the enlightenment of the students in Notre Dame- Siena College of General

Santos City.

Parents. In this study, the parents will be able to know how to interact and help

their children to be motivated and overcome the negative effects of Sleep Deprivation.

Scope and Delimitation

This study only intends to generally assess the effect of sleep deprivation to the

academic motivation of Grade 11 STEM students considering the different factors that

may increase their vulnerability to sleep deprivation. This study will be conducted in

Notre Dame - Siena College of General Santos City.

The researchers opt for Grade 11 STEM Students because, based on the

society’s overview about the new K-12 curriculum, the Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) is one of the most demanding academic track.

Furthermore, this did not include other factors which can affect the academic

motivation of the students caused by sleep deprivation. Thus, this study did not intend to

identify the most influential factor that increases the risk of students’ vulnerability to sleep

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of this study, the following terms are defined

conceptually and operationally:

Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City. Bantilan (2011) conceptually

defined it as a 3 story building with over 35 rooms, it has a new covered area,

new a canteen and new facilities for personnel, and it is managed by the

Dominican. Operationally, it is defined as the place where the respondents are

currently studying and it is also the place the study will conducted.

Grade 11-STEM students. According to the Department of Education, it is conceptually

defined as the eleventh year of the K-12 program. Operationally, they serve as

the independent variable and respondents of the study.

Sleep Deprivation. Department of Health and Human Services conceptually defined it

as a general term to describe a state caused by inadequate quantity or quality of

sleep, including voluntary or involuntary sleeplessness and circadian rhythm

sleep disorders. Operationally, it is defined as the risk in the study interfered with

different factors.

Academic Motivation. Institute for Applied Psychometrics conceptually defined it by a

students’ desire (as reflected in approach, persistence, and level of interest)

regarding academic subjects when students’ competence is judged against a

standard of performance or excellence. Operationally, it is defined as the

students’ desire, persistence, and level of interest regarding Academic Subjects.

Vulnerability. Huffling (2012) conceptually defined it as susceptibility to a negative

outcome or the state of being unprotected from types of danger or harmful

experience, feelings of anxiety, fear, and apprehension due to the risk they

experience for some type of harm. Operationally, it is defined as the states of

being exposed from the risk of Sleep Deprivation.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Rouse (2018)

conceptually defined it as an educational program developed to prepare primary

and secondary students for college and graduate study in the fields of science,

technology, engineering, and mathematics. Operationally, it is defined as the

academic strand of the respondents.

Factors. Anglo-European School (2018) conceptually defined it as a number of variables

such as the age of those being researched, their gender, ethnicity, and social

class. All these have to be taken into account on deciding a method of research.

Operationally, it is defined as the causes of sleep deprivation in the study.

Profile. IRIS Center Peabody College Vanderbilt University Nashville (2018)

conceptually defined it as a students’ profile influenced by gender and culture.

Operationally, it is defined as the tool to gather information regarding the


Sleeping patterns. Smith BSN MSN CRNP (2017) conceptually defined it as a

biological rhythm that guides the body as to when it should sleep and when it

should wake. Operationally, it is defined as the number of hours of sleep of the

Peer Pressure. Conceptually, it is defined as the influence that the peers can have on

each other (Hartney, PhD, 2017). Operationally, it is defined as the one of the

factors that can increase the risk of the grade 11 STEM students’ vulnerability to

sleep deprivation.

Sleep. Conceptually, it is defined as a reversible behavioral state of perceptual

disengagement from and unresponsiveness to the environment (Carskadon and

Dement, 2011). Operationally, it is defined as the stage of rest of the Grade 11


Family pressure. Conceptually, it is defined as the stress into conforming to family’s

standards or wishes (Griffith, 2016). Operationally, it is defined as the

pressure on students from their family.

Age. Conceptually, it is defined as the person has lived (Weiss, 2018).

Operationally, it is one of the factors in determining the profile of the


Gender. Conceptually, it is defined as either of the two sexes (male and female)

especially when considered with reference to social and cultural

differences rather than biological ones.(Lindberg, 2010). Operationally, it is

defined as the respondents’ state of being male or female.

Senior High School. Conceptually, it refers to (Banal-Formoso, 2016).

Operationally, it is defined as the respondents’ grade level which consists

of Grade 11 and Grade 12 students.

Study Commitments. Conceptually, it is defined as a commitment that involves

dedicating oneself to studying (Zimmer, 2018). Operationally, it is defined as the

respondents’ commitment towards academics.

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