The Legend About The Narra Tree

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Group 4 7C

“The Legend about the Narra tree”

In a city called Bacolod, there lived a mighty warrior named Jose Narra. He was known to
be strong, determined, and mighty. Other than that, he was also a great father to his son Juanito
Narra and a good husband to his wife Maria Narra.
One day, Jose was given a mission to rescue their Sultan. So, Jose pursued his mission.
However, Jose never returned and many people believed, except Juanito, that he died.
Years have passed and Juanito grew up following the footsteps of his father. Juanito
became a bold and fearless warrior. Not one day passed without Juanito thinking about his
father, telling himself that his father was still alive; but he slowly came to accept the fact that his
father had passed away.
Juanito learned many stories about his father including his almighty dagger. When
Juanito learned about it, he eagerly wanted to find the tool that allowed his father to win all his
battles. When he came of age, Juanito persistently looked for the dagger and explored almost
the whole Bacolod. In the end, he saw the dagger laying there the ground. Feeling thrilled to
have found the dagger, Juanito quickly ran to grab the dagger, but suddenly, a knife was struck
to his stomach. He screamed in agony, but he stopped as he realized a crowd of men were
surrounding him. Juanito fought all of them, but then, he realized that the number of men
increased. He was almost overpowered by the number of men, but he regained strength as he
felt his father’s presence within the dagger. In a flash, all the men were defeated. Juanito was
overjoyed. But, the knife that was struck to his stomach caused weakness all over his body.
Although a sad scene of Juanito’s life, a smile was on his face for he achieved what he
wanted in life—to die fighting with his father, although not physically, and die fighting for his
country. Juanito died a noble death and all the villagers would remember him as the strong and
mighty warrior like his father.
Several days after the burial of Juanito, the villagers found a sturdy tree on top of his
burial ground. The villagers decided to name the tree Narra, in honor of the Narra family. And
that is when the Narra tree all started.

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