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Not all romantic relationships turn out to be a fairytale one; some end up tragic as

breakup is the last resort to fix problems. The research tackled about the breakup

distress of University students. It gave emphasis to two scales that played a vital role in

the research; Breakup Distress Scale and Breakup Reasons Scale. These two were

shown as two factors that are interconnected with each other. Furthermore, it has also

laid out the most common reasons as to why breakup occurs; intimacy, affiliation,

sexuality, identity, and autonomy. The primary goal of the research is to know and

measure the relationship of the reason of the breakup and how it relates to the

emotional distress of the broken couple.

This research is considered as a good scholarly work because the thesis is

timely and relevant. Moreover, the researchers used a combination of Qualitative and

Quantitative research and appropriate research techniques and tools to provide more

accurate results. The article also furnished enough related literatures that supply its

thesis justification and credibility.

As we’ve read the article, there are some convergent and divergent points

noticed. To start off with the convergent points, it was stated in the article that people

who feel more attached and affectionate to their significant others are less probable to

recover from a breakup. We have the same opinion with this because as you feel more

connected and dependent to your significant other, it will be more difficult to cope up

with changes if breakup happens. Also, equal involvement and intimacy in a relationship

indeed play a great role on romantic relationships. According to Collins (2017), college

students give emphasis to intimacy, socialization and communication as reasons on

being in a relationship.
On the other hand, one of the divergent points we have gathered is about the duration of

the relationship predicts the depth and duration of the emotional distress due to the breakup.

Some of us disagree with it, some agree but with reservations. We have different coping

mechanisms therefore, there are people who have strong mechanism that could help them to

get over with breakups faster than others.

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