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Role Play

1.Mela Deliani
2.Ida Nur
3.Lina Siti
4,Ajeng Dwi
5.Irma Ika
Patient Home

Patient : “Mom my stomatch hurt so much”

Patient Family :”That’s just gastric pains immediately take your promagh drug will recover quickly”

Patient :”I’ve spent 3 tablets yesterday,but it’s getting sore”

Patient family :”Don’t eat spicy food first”

----------------------------------------------The next Morning---------------------------------------------------------------

Patient family :”Wake up,you should go to school”

Patient “:Mom I can’t wake upp,I’m seriously,I’m not lie now,I’m serious mom ohh mom this so


Patient family : “You fever,lets go to the doctor,mommy will make a appointment first”


Nurse 1 :” Assalamualaikum Doctor's office here. Komarijah speaking. How can I help you?”

Patient Family :” I need to see the doctor,my daughter have stomatch ache”

Nurse 1 : “Do you know your chart number?”

Patient Family: “Oh I’m sorry,yesterday I lost my wallet so I didn’t know it

Nurse : “Okay no problem,for whom you will ma an appointment?”

Patient family : “My daughter komariah”

Nurse 1 : “Okay Mam. Hold one moment while I grab your daughter chart, please.”

Patient family : “Sure.”

Nurse 1 : “Thanks for waiting. Now, can you tell me what do you need to see the doctor

Patient Family :” Well, my daughter have been fighting a stomach ache for 2 days and she have
a fever now, and I tthink she have a maag but he was in very strong panful and I
think this is not an ulcer.the pain is getting worse”

Nurse 1 : “The doctor have empty appointment at 2 am”

Patient Family : “Oh, I was really hoping to get in 9 or 10 am I want to see a doctor quickly”
Nurse 1 : “Actually, we had a cancellation for 11:00 am today if you can get away from
the home.”

Patient Family : “Gee, it's almost 11:00 am already. I think I can make it if I leave right now.”

Nurse 1 : “okay mam we await your arrival”

Patient Family :”Okay thankyou”

Nurse 1 :”Okay No problem mam”

-------------------------------------At Doctor Office-----------------------------------------------------

Patient Family :”Hello doctor”

Doctor :”Hello mam,please sit”

Doctor :”Ms.Komariah what do you feel now ?”

Patient :”My stomatch is so hurt,and I feel my body was so hot”

Doctor :”I’ll check you out,is it hurt here ?”

Patient :”Aww that’s so hurt.”

Patient family :”is that a ulcer,doctors ?”

Doctor :”No,that’s not ulcer mam ,do you feel nausea?”

Patient :”yes I’ve always feel nausea doctor.”

Doctor :”Mam, we think you’r daughter need test laboratorium.”

Patient family :”is this a serious illness ?”

Doctor :”we will know after seeing the result, Nurse can you help the patient to go lab

Nurse 2 :”Of course doctor,you can follow me mam”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A few days later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

---------------------------------------Diagnosis Doctor--------------------------------------------------------

Doctor : “Hi Komariah. How are you feeling today?”

Patient :”A bit better.after you give me medicine doctor”

Doctor : “That's good to hear. Are you still feeling nauseous?”

Patient : “Yes I still have nauseous,but not as severe before the medicine”

Doctor : “Great. Say, your test results came in this morning.”

Patient Family: “Is it good news or bad?”

Doctor : “This is a bad news,you’r daughter have appendict I'd like to keep you here a few

Patient : “Why I should stay doctor ?”

Doctor : “Okay. It looks like you're going to need surgery to remove the appendict from
your stomatch. After the operation you're going to have to stay for reduce activity
and many drink mineral water.”

Patient : “Is this a dangerous operation ?”

Doctor : “For Now more dangerous if not in operation,because the appendix can rupture
and infection can affect other organ”

Patient Family: “Wow, good thing we quickly took you to the doctor”

Doctor : “yes that’s a good move,we will do the operation tomorrow at 01.00am and you
must start stay today”

Patient Family:”Do the best for my daughter,doctor”

Doctor : “Of course mam,the nurse will show you your room”

Patient : “Thankyou doctor”

Doctor : “You’re welcome”

----------------------------- Admission and Patient Assesment----------------------------
Nurse 2 : “This is your can lying on the bed.”
“And I will ask you a few question for complete the chart first.”
“And this is your name band I’ll put it on for you”
Nurse 2 : “Oh I’m sorry I’m forget to introduce my self,my name is diah and I responsible
for this room for day time.If you need something you can call me in nurse station
you just go straight and go to the right or pressure the bell and I will come.and if
you want go to toilet this is your bathroom.”
Patient :” Oke thankyou so much”
Nurse 2 : “And at 05.00am tomorrow is the last time you can eat because you should
fasting before the operation and at 10.00am last time you can drink.”
Patient : “Can I eat spicy food ?”
Nurse 2 : “Oh no you can’t you just can eat food from hospital.”
Patient : “Oh okay “
Nurse 2 : “Yes,if you need something I’m in nurse station”
--------------------------------------After operation----------------------------------------------------

Nurse: “Can I help you ?”

Visitor: “Yes I need to visit my friend komariah in room 4b.”

Nurse: “Sorry, you'll have to come back in the morning,now you can’t visit”

Visitor: “Oh that’s the time is over ?”

Nurse: “Yes Ms. You’re to late for visitor hours”.

Visitor: “Surely you can make an exception? “

Nurse: “we’re sorry we can’t because the patient need rest now.”

Visitor: “Some of her friends want to see her too. When can they come?”

Nurse: “Visiting hours are from 9 to 11 in the morning and 4 to 7 in the evening, but I'm afraid
while your friend is on bedrest the doctor has requested that only immediate family members come
in to see her.”

Visitor:” Can't her friends even stop by to bring her fruit?”

Nurse: “fruit are not permitted in this ward. We just can't risk any germs that might come in with

Visitor: “Well, I guess it's all in her best interest.”

Nurse: “Thanks for understanding. Now, I'm going to bring your friend her dinner.”

Visitor: “Okay. I really hate to leave her, but that's probably a good idea.”

Nurse: “Okay becarefull on your way”

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