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E- Learning

Learning does not need any more a classroom

environment. It seems to have been facilitated
in the café, on the move, and in any place where
there is internet facility, through e-learning.

1- Understanding e-learning

do not fear computers. I fear have been facilitated in the café, on Teaching and learning have un-
the lack of them - said Isaac the move, and in any nook and cor- dergone a revolution with the re-
Asimov. We are living in the ner where there is internet facility. It naissance of communication and
is made possible through e-learning. technology. Many universities and
age of computers and inter-
This kind of learning neither requires educational institutions offer online
net. Life would be more dif-
courses for the students.
ficult now without coded computer a teacher nor a blackboard.
programmes than when we lived For the students it is entirely a differ-
During the past decade online learn-
without the latest computing gad- ent experience to learn online, where
ing has seen tremendous growth in all the communication and corre-
gets. With everything around us go-
the number of resources and activities, spondence is done through the web
ing digital, even academicians look
events and courses. This growth is like- site. The course structure, details,
forward to digitized lessons to im-
ly to continue, as the major telecom- assignments, projects, submission
part knowledge.
munication, business and educational and issue of marks are facilitated
Learning does not need any more a institutions are rigorously acting to go through the web. E-learning can be
classroom environment. It seems to online for educational programmes. CD-ROM-based, Network-based, In-
20 ed matrix MAY 2008
E- Learning
tranet-based or Internet-based. It can e-learning portals the students are
include text, video, audio, animation given freedom to choose a session at
and virtual environments. any time of the day. E-learning is more suited for
One of the major advantages of on- Online learning is tough as the student those who are unable to continue
line learning is its easy accessibility. has to be self disciplined. One should their higher education through
Not all the students get a chance to wait for his/her doubts to be cleared. the regular universities and for
get into the biggest Universities or Some of the online learning websites
those who wish to learn while
institutions and get trained under the facilitate chat/discussion. Teachers,
best of teachers. There lies the hin- students and other users can avail such they earn. E-learning portals are
drance of affordability. It is in this interaction facility to improve their a boon to such busy bees.
situation that the internet can be used knowledge and enrich their ideas. An
to the fullest. Online learning can interesting development in the area
change this situation where anybody of online teaching is the spectacular questions. Online support comes
can access the courses published growth in the number of tutorials with in the form of forums, chat rooms,
through internet. teachers or computer programmes an- online bulletin boards, e-mail, or
swering queries from users. live instant-messaging support. On-
Classes online is not same as a uni-
line support is more interactive than
form syllabus pattern generally fol- In online learning geographical barri-
knowledge database.
lowed by the universities. Lessons ers are eliminated. This is more suited
vary according to the student’s needs for those who are unable to continue Asynchronous training involves self-
and the specialization of the institu- their higher education through the paced learning, CD-ROM-based,
tions that offer them. They offer an regular universities. Of course there are Network-based, Intranet-based or
audio visual experience through the students who wish to learn while they Internet-based. It may include access
educational videos. Discussions with earn. E-learning portals are a boon to to instructors through online bulletin
other classmates are also made pos- such busy bees. boards, online discussion groups and
sible. The assignments and tests are e-mail. Or, it may be totally self-con-
There are four levels of e-learning,
given online and the teacher gives tained with links to reference materi-
they are, knowledge database, on-
feedback on assignments. The stu- als in place of a live instructor.
line support, asynchronous training,
dent is independent but the teach- synchronous training. Knowledge Synchronous training is done with a
er facilitates learning by guiding database is the most basic form of live instructor and where everyone
through assignments and directing e-learning which offers explanation logs in at a particular time and com-
them to information. In most of the and guidance for software related municates directly with the instruc-
tor and with each other. Students
can raise their cyber hand and even
view the cyber whiteboard. It can be
made to appear from a single session
to several weeks, months or even
years. This type of training usually
takes place through websites, audio-
or video-conferencing, Internet tele-
phony, or even two-way live broad-
casts to students in a classroom.
In 2006, 3.5 million students partici-
pated in online courses at institutions
of higher education in the US. This
number is expected to increase in the
forth coming years. The Universities
of India are keen on popularizing
e-education among the students.
In this column, we present you the differ-
ent dimensions of e-learning, its advan-
tages, disadvantages, sources and differ-
ent features of e-learning.
ed matrix MAY 2008 21
E - Le a r n i n g

E-learning for the

corporate world

E-learning begins
to revolutionise
global workforce
training and

ery few emerging of new learning models, ‘e-commerce’ of knowledge. Today
marketsorindustriescan methodologies and technologies. As the global emergence of knowledge
accurately be classified with most educational institutions, e-commerce is on the horizon. In
as “juggernaut” in business organizations are muddled the final analysis, e-Learning offers
size, scope or effect. with learning models, methodologies, ten significant ROI features to the
Today, the emerging juggernaut is e- and processes created in times of business world and its workforce.
learning. If analysts and current trends information scarcity. Real-time learning
prove correct, e-learning will establish E-learning offers real-time learning
E-learning and Return on Investment
itself as the “juggernaut” of corporate and application of critical knowledge.
training and development. Knowledge will no longer need
What began simply as information
E-learning, as a whole, represents a technology training has made to be taken from the shelf of the
wide range of organisational activities its way into management, sales, training department, brushed off, and
and technologies, including distance marketing, product management, reviewed. E-learning is immediate
education, computer-based training, customer service, and professional and provides up-to-date information.
web-based training, internet-based development. This multimedia Just as the Internet has revolutionised
training, courseware delivery and approach to training is quickly information accessibility, so e-
online learning and testing. E-learning migrating to the Web. The e-learning learning begins to revolutionise global
represents the total integration of market, in a Merrill Lynch research workforce training and development.
multimedia, instructor-led, and report, is estimated to grow annually Learner-centric training
real-time training - in a human, at 54 percent. When looking at the E-learning changes the focus of
collaborative environment. overall, $2 trillion annual worldwide training from traditional instructor-
educational and training budget, centric to learner-centric training.
Knowing how to get started in
the e-learning value figure will This is how training and learning
purchasing or creating an organization-
undoubtedly be much, much larger. should be done. E-learning is
wide e-learning programme for
employees requires an understanding E-learning is essentially the tailored to the learners’ professional
20 ed matrix june 2008
E - Le a r n i n g

responsibilities and capabilities, content and ideas provided by some organisation and learner, saving time
creating relevant application to of the leading professionals in the and money through less interruption
their immediate and future needs. A world. Simulation also introduces the of the learner’s regularly scheduled
learner and his needs should be the required, ‘interactive’ part of learning duties. This cost effective training
sole focus and goal of any training or – interaction and participation with a is tangible ROI – immediately
educational programme. local or global audience. recognised by the organisation.

Attract, train and retain Collaboration Quantifiable ROI

The most important asset in an This is accomplished through either E-learning can be effectively
organisation is its knowledge joint problem-solving or discussion measured in terms of knowledge
workers. The shortage of skilled among study groups through gain and retention. This is proving to
workers is global. Research shows forums, discussion groups and chat be the true “sell-point” of e-learning.
that the number one reason for loss rooms. Collaboration is one critical Organisations, through the use of a
of key employees is that they feel component to effective learning – learning management system, are
their organisation has not invested opening the path to broader thought now able to establish systems that
sufficient resources for their and innovative processes through can track progress, report results,
professional development. E-learning the sharing of ideas and experience. and specify additional subject matter
not only addresses the workers’ need Bottom line, collaboration unleashes for continued success – all within
the learner’s creative and innovative seconds of the user’s query. This is
to develop new knowledge and
thought process – leading to new the point where both organizational
skills, but also provides learning-on-
ideas, products, and services. management and employees will see
measurable ROI.
Personalised individual training Anytime and anywhere
One difficult and costly process of E-learning offers organisations the
An effective e-learning system
ability to address and manage the
learns about its users and tailors its traditional training is coordinating
monumental task of hiring, training,
offerings to their learning style, job travel, resources, materials,
and retention of the new knowledge
requirements, career goals, current
Speed, connectivity, worker. It also shows which
knowledge, and personal preferences.
organisations are serious about
The system is adaptive and personal. and intangible value attracting, training, and retaining
This is all accomplished through (knowledge) have made their global workforce.
“small chunks” or “bites” of learning
granules and objects labeled so that
e-learning the primary Soon, training for nearly every
systems can automatically create choice for creating and job in the world will be available
and deliver individualised learning maintaining a competitive over the Internet. The real change
experiences. Accomplished with a in organisational practice will be
advantage in an ever- the recognition, acceptance and
one-on-one, instructor-trainer ratio.
changing, competitive, acknowledgement that the knowledge
Ownership and Empowerment knowledge world. of each employee represents
E-learners are responsible for their organisational (intellectual) capital.
own learning. E-learning empowers classroom settings, or seminar Each employee has competitive
them to manage and implement their training for a global workforce. No knowledge – representing one strand of
own learning and development plans. longer is it necessary to dedicate the organisation’s competitive DNA.
Ownership of learning is crucial for critical resources to plan, coordinate
individual growth and retention of and manage travel, reservations, In fact, I believe it is the competitive
employees. Empowerment creates rentals, and equipment for each advantage organisations neglect
learner ownership and direction learner and event. The reality of most often. Speed, connectivity, and
– leading to powerful learning and training in a virtual information intangible value (knowledge) have
growth potential. E-learning gives classroom, across continents, is now made e-learning the primary choice for
the e-learner the ability to measure possible – anytime, anywhere. creating and maintaining a competitive
advantage in an ever-changing,
their progress and assess their ‘gap’
Cost effective competitive, knowledge world.
in desired skills.
Costs can be applied to each learner,
Adapted from
Simulation and results can be measured against
E-learning introduces a truly the incurred costs. More importantly,
In this column, we present you the different dimen-
innovative way of simulating each e-learning is less intrusive to the sions of e-learning, its advantages, disadvantages,
learning experience or event with daily work duties and schedule of the sources and different features of e-learning.

ed matrix june 2008 21

E - Le a r n i n g

he new millennium heralds from the outer edge of educational By the beginning of the twentieth century,
exciting opportunities to considerations, teaching and information free public education was characterised
diversify the ways in which technology staff need to: apply principles by large classes, inadequately trained
we offer education. We of universal design, better understand teachers, limited knowledge of children’s
can now provide greater the benefits of accessible technology for development, compulsory attendance
flexibility through online access to all learners, and ensure that electronic limited to primary school, and specialised
learning when, where and how we do information environments are accessible and separate education for children
it. Breaking the shackles of tradition to people with a range of disabilities. with disabilities.
empowering all learners, including Teaching staff and students need new By the 1980s, greater emphasis was
students with disabilities, as their diverse skills to embrace e-learning. These placed on secondary education for all
needs are increasingly accommodated include presenting information in new students, and segregated education
in educational programmes that are ways, navigating and utilising the benefits for people with disabilities was being
supported by information technology. of the web, and engaging in computer challenged. In the ‘90s, post-secondary
Such programmes can support what mediated conferencing. Leading edge education was overhauled to increase
people with disabilities have known advances, in both computer operating access for greater numbers of students
all along we all learn in different ways systems and assistive technology, provide in TAFE colleges and colleges of
and the more that differences can be students with disabilities new opportunities advanced education.
accommodated through universal design, for fulfilment in educational programmes.
the less remarkable and marginalising Educational administrators need to ensure By the post-secondary education sector
those differences become. that resources are available to progress the was restructured to create a greater focus
advantages of e-learning for all students, on vocational education and training.
E-learning is one important avenue for Notably in that final decade, increasing
promoting greater access for all learners. and that accessible electronic learning
environments remain a central priority. emphasis was also placed on access to
To bring students with disabilities post-secondary education for people with

From Outer Edge

disabilities and on the concept of lifelong
learning for everyone.
Information dissemination in the
classroom has largely occurred via the

to Leading Edge
textbook of prescribed reading and
exercises. The implements of writing
have progressed through the quill and
ink, the slate and graphite pencil, the
steel nib and ink, the fountain pen, the
propelling pencil, the biro, the clutch

E-Learning and Students with pencil, the ball point pen, roller ball pens
to electronic pens. Information recording

has progressed from manual typewriters
to electric typewriters, and electronic
typewriters with simple memory, to the
desk top personal computer and lap top
PC. Input has changed from keyboard
strokes to voice recognition software.
Apart from textbooks, information
reproduction depended on carbon paper
copies, spirit duplicators, ink-based
stencil duplicators, thermal reproduction
technology, photocopiers and finally
electronic scanners. Mass printing in
educational institutions has included
photocopying, small offset printers and
Perfector offset printers and now CTP
(computer to plate) print technology that
accommodates electronic input of print
and graphical images in colour.
It is against this background that the
proliferation of computer technology
has greatly impacted on the ways in
which education is conducted at the
commencement of this new century.
Computers have become personal tools
for teaching and learning across all
20 ed matrix july 2008
E - Le a r n i n g
first language), rather than translate via
typed English on a TTY (teletypewriter).
Much is expected of this technology to
deliver greater access and equity to people
with disabilities. The global information
village that is the Internet is promoting
access internationally. World Wide Web
Consortium Director and inventor of the
Web, Tim Berners-Lee, reminds us that
“The power of the Web is in its universality.
Access by everyone regardless of disability
is an essential aspect.”
What are the implications for students
with disability? How can e-learning
embrace such developments to promote
inclusive educational experiences for
students with a disability?
E-learning creates new challenges
for teaching staff, curriculum support
services, disability support services and
institutional administrators.
First, teaching staff need to accommodate
diversity within their curriculum - the
way they design their subjects, plan the
learning experiences, identify the learning
materials and assess the outcomes. This
There is increasing requires new IT skills to design curriculum
materials that can be placed on the Internet
pressure to change or stored on CD ROM.
educational programmes
that have been largely Third, disability expertise needs to be
harnessed and embedded across the
teacher-centred, confined, timetable-constricted, and
institution among teaching staff, library
textbook-driven, peer-competitive. Traditional educational
approaches that have been dominated so staff, information technology staff,
assessment-dominated, pervasively by constraints of time and Web designers, instructional designers
classroom-confined, place and conservative practices face a and senior managers. Students with
timetable-constricted, liberating revolution. While wide access disabilities, disability advisers and equal
and peer-competitive. to multimedia technology in the home opportunity managers can assist, but
has been touted for some years, the full ultimate ownership needs to reside with
impact of this innovation is soon to be staff in each of the key areas.
experienced as telephone lines cope with Many people with disabilities have
sectors of education. Many institutions
more sophisticated data transmission. languished at the edge of mainstream
install computers and networks as
essential infrastructure or expect students People with varying disabilities have post-secondary education for a long
to purchase or lease computers to facilitate the potential to benefit greatly from time. They have coped with delays in
their learning. Shared use of desktop these new technologies. Information obtaining timely services and learning
computers in computer laboratories creation, storage and retrieval are now materials in accessible formats. They
is rapidly giving way to the flexibility largely handled electronically. Digital have endured passing rather than higher
of laptop computers, and families are technology can convert speech to print grades because of low expectations.
embracing computer ownership to aid their and print to voice, increase the size of While e-learning is not a panacea, it has
children’s education. Increased computer print, vary the contrast of print against an enormous capacity to honour diversity
memory capacity and storage using CD background, and send broadband in learning styles and capabilities if we
ROM have also increased dependence on video signals to specific audiences via become more enlightened about its
technology rather than paper. a telephone line. As a result, greater potential uses for all learners. E-learning
access to information is occurring for has the potential to progress people
Access to information has been with disabilities from the outer edges of
people who are deaf or hearing impaired,
transformed by the increased educational opportunity to the leading
blind or vision impaired, or who have
sophistication of the Internet. There edge of educational innovation.
reading difficulties or speech difficulties.
is increasing pressure to change
Broadband videotelephony now enables Adapted from Barrie O’Connor’s article
educational programmes that have been
Deaf people to communicate via the on E-learning for disabled students
largely teacher-centred, textbook-driven,
telephone line using sign language (their
assessment-dominated, classroom-
ed matrix july 2008 21
E - Le a r n i n g

ll over the world people On the more technical side, the details including your e-mail address, and
are teeming with ideas memberships to some of these Web the site will send you a confirmation link,
to make information sites also offer more facilities in terms and clicking it will activate your account.
access easier, more of downloads per hour, maximum Now, to upload files use the same browse
reliable, secure and storage allowed, support for down load button from the main page as described
enjoyable. Information technology is accelerators, password protection for earlier. Premium users are offered more
the field were software, hardware and each download, choice of HTTP or FTP in terms of storage, and uploading is still
telecommunications converge. This download, and sending files to multiple just as simple.
convergence has fuelled a growth spurt recipients. Moreover, you can also choose
You are allowed 500 MB uploads for
in each component of information to share your files with the world—free
non-members, 1GB for regular members,
technology causing a chain-reaction public access.
while premium members have no
which spirals the growth of other We tried six of these services: restrictions—unlimited file size, subject
components of information technology. MegaUpload, RapidShare, YourFileHost, to storage limits of course. Storage space
Xdrive and Cyn. is capped at a whopping 250 GB for
This chain reaction has caused an
premium members, 50 GB for members,
explosion in the Internet and because MegaUpload while non-members can only download
of this explosion and congregation of ( files of upload individual files.
technologies and ideas; the Web has
We found that MagaUpload is leading
now become notorious for services MegaUpload offers its services at a
the online storage race. Using this site
which were once the domain of software range of prices—$9.99 for a 1 month
is simple enough. You don’t have to join
which ran on PCs under the heading of membership, $59.99 for a year, and
or register or anything like that to upload
even $199.99 for a lifetime platinum

membership. It even offers reward points
for premium users. On signup itself it
offers 9000 reward points free.
It has a cool GUI with buttons to view
statistics such as the previous 100
downloads, the top 10 uploads as well as
the top 10 downloads, world statistics for
each file being downloaded in the case of

files which are available for public access.
Some of these buttons are, however,
enabled for premium users only.
As a bonus the MegaUpload site offers
a toolbar as well as a turbo utility free,
which enable batch uploads and provide
their own support for resuming broken
downloads. We tried using the toolbar
packages and utilities. They are explored on an occasion when the site said
files to it. From the main page just click that network traffic constraints were
in this chapter. the browse button and select file you want preventing file download with a free
to upload. After the upload completes
Online File Storage you can see a link on the next page just
account and we were impressed. This
If you are the person who has a business means that with the toolbar you get
about where the browse button was on priority for your download as much as a
operation spanning countries or even the previous page. Copy this link to a
cities, or if you’re someone who the premium user does.
file on your PC. To download your file,
traveling bug has bitten badly, and needs simply paste it in the browser’s address RapidShare
to access large amounts of data wherever bar and the download begins. It’s really (
you go, You’re going to need online file that easy!
storage services. Besides this, if you find RapidShare is another popular site which
that your e-mail service has an attachment The site tells you about a hotlink offers unlimited number of file uploads.
limit that’s just too small for your liking, package, which if subscribed to, makes To use this site click on the browse button
again, online storage is for you. downloading easier. This facility causes to select the file you want to upload and
the file to be downloaded like an FTP then click on the upload button. The site
If you do not want the hassles of download, without needing to open the then takes you to a page which gives you
upgrading to new hardware every time MegaUpload site. two links on to download the file and
you run out of disk space, or when storage another to delete it from the site if you
technology changes, you should consider If you want your own space on the site, need to. You can download the file using
online storage as an option for storing, you will have to sign up for membership. the download link and delete the file by
accessing and sharing your data. Just sign up by entering your personal entering the delete link in the browser’s
20 ed matrix august 2008
E - Le a r n i n g

is that you need and AOL account to

access the site, Needless to say, this site
has been developed by AOL. It also has
a paid option which offers up to 50 GB
of storage at $9.95 a month and $99.50
a year.
Once you get an AOL account, which is
pretty simple, you get access to an online
storage with what we think is the best GUI
among the sites we have spoken about
here. When you sign in, you are shown
your Xdrive folders visually. Click on the
link, and you will find a snazzy toolbar to
help you upload all your files. Click on
the upload button on the toolbar, select
your files and click OK TO TUPLOAD.
This site also doubles up as a miniature
Web album (more on Web albums later in
this chapter). Simply move the pictures
you upload to the My Photos folder,
click on the photos tab on the GUI, and
voila the toolbar changes. You can view
address bar. When you enter the delete allows a file-size of a mere 25MB. the pictures as a slideshow or even share
link, the file is deleted and to confirm Unfortunately, this site does not have a them if you wish.
this, message box pops up. Below, on “premium” option, and is sustained by It offers utility software which helps a
the same page you are given the option advertising and donations from its users. user to combine music and picture files to
to get a collectors account. This is the create rich multimedia experiences. Also,
To use this site, click on the upload link
free-members area which requires you to it offers another utility with a GUI that
on the main page add them on the add
provide you e-mail address and personal features drag and drop functionality.
files to upload button. Select the files to
details to get and account.
upload and then select ‘general’ or ‘adult’ Where To Store
Alternatively you could get a free on the GUI—making it compulsory for
We would suggest that if you have
membership from the free zone menu you to specify whether your file is for
item on the first page. If you get a many files of a large size, sign up with
general viewers or adult viewers only.
membership, you get access to a space MegaUpload. Its 50 GB space would
Once this is done, you can click on the
on the site in which you can see a list cover the requirements for most people.
upload button and your files are uploaded
of your files, and you can add more If you are a traveling businessman, or
to the site. The next page gives you the
files or delete those you don’t need any if your want to share files with people
download and delete links.
more. The site uses SSL encryption for across the globe, try RapidShare—its
uploads, so you’re assured of secure file Since there’s no membership option, you mirroring facilities make for faster
transfers. Premium memberships require need to store links carefully. Of course, downloads across the world. For just fun
the same procedure to upload files. this site is totally free, so we can’t really with friends, and sharing videos or files
When you download the file, it asks you fault them for “not charging” us. while you surf, the YourFileHost service
if you are a free member or a premium should suffice.
YourFileHost is mostly a video site,
member. Click the appropriate button, and most of those videos are adult We recommend Xdrive for its ease of
and then choose a mirror to get faster oriented. You would probably look a use and look and feel. The downside
download speeds. little unprofessional telling colleagues or is that it offers only 5 GB of storage
RapidShare has a size limit of 100 MB clients to download a file from here. If it’s free. However, it’s mich less ominous
per file. Larger files have to be split just your friends that you’re sharing files a site than the first three when it
using a utility like FileSplitter, and with, especially videos, this site is fun— comes to official work—MegaUpload,
then individual components uploaded. the general section, where you’ll find a RapidShare, and YourFileHost have
Premium users, however, are allocated a whole range of really funny videos. become notorious for virus and porn…
2 GB file-size limit. Cyn works for businesses that are brand
Xdrive conscious, and those who come across as
YourFileHost ( more serious about online-storage. It’s
( Xdrive is another site that offers 5 GB way too expensive though.
YourFileHost is another amazing site of free online storage with an unlimited
which offers unlimited uploads, but number of file uploads. The catch here Preetham Sha
ed matrix august 2008 21

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